The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2688 Trial Begins (Unblocked Update)

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Volume 1 Chapter 135

Their eyes were also focused on Zhao Fu, because they also knew that it was Zhao Fu. Some people even expressed their gratitude to Zhao Fu directly, and some shouted Zhao Fu's name excitedly. It was a scene of welcome by everyone, and the scene was noisy and enthusiastic.

Standing in front of the Blood Seven Kills, the Blood Three Poisons stood there silently, without saying a word, Xue Youmei and Xue Youruo looked at Zhao Fu with a smile on their faces.

Serum Valley stood in front, surprised by Zhao Fu's influence, which was more popular than the average sect master, this person has a little ability.

Shu Gu was lazy and disappeared before, and asked seriously, "I heard before I came here that this person helped you Xue Nagato solve various problems. Is it the reason why Xue Nagato's power has increased so much?"

Xue Qianyue smiled and nodded.

That sexy beautiful woman named Yue Baibai said in surprise, "Then what is this person's identity? How can he have such a powerful ability."

Xue Qianyue smiled and said with a hint of pride, "We don't know his identity, but his identity is definitely not something you and I can afford."

The handsome man's name was Shan Qiuyi, and he said in surprise, "Is he the son of chaos?"

Blood Shura couldn't help laughing, "He is not the son of chaos, we can guarantee this, but we feel that he is no worse than the son of chaos."

Blood Asura is wrong about this, Zhao Fu is also the son of chaos in the mouths of others.

Hearing this, the shock in the hearts of everyone was undiminished.

Shu Gu's tone was a little weaker, and he said, "Can you reveal some information about him?"

Xue Qianyue said, "Sorry! The information about him is too important, we can't reveal any information about him."

Hearing this, Shu Gu showed a disappointed expression.

The girl named Shi Qingqing was curious, "Not only is this person so good-looking, but he also has an amazing identity. I really want to know who he is."


At this moment, another roar sounded, countless forces of heaven and earth gathered together, the sky began to turn bloody, and the formal trial was about to begin.

Where the blood gate is located, the blood gate carved with many characters exudes a huge momentum.

In the middle of the trial, countless blood-colored forces condensed in the sky, slowly forming a huge blood-colored gate, standing in the sky, emitting countless blood-colored rays of light, and an amazing pressure.

The first trial is also known as the blood gate trial.

This is the first formal trial. It is different from the previous basic trial, and it is even more terrifying. Everyone is also nervous and serious, and they do not dare to be careless.

I saw that blood door slowly opened, and countless strands of blood-colored aura gushed out like a flood.

Zhao Fu's expression was still relaxed, and his body exuded a force that formed a protective shield.

The river formed by the blood-colored aura rushed to the ground and spread out, and countless blood-colored auras shot at countless people with a force. Zhao Fu was protected by an energy shield. The countless blood-colored auras shot on the energy shield and dissipated. to any harm.

The people in front all used energy shields one by one to block the countless blood-colored breaths.

But the others were not so relaxed. Although they also displayed their energy shields, emitting a strong blood light, they still did not block the blood-colored aura.

A wisp of blood-colored aura knocked their bodies out and fell to the ground. If they didn't want to continue the trial, they just had to climb on the ground. If they wanted to continue, they just stood up again, and the countless blood-colored auras would attack again.

The blood-colored aura continued to pour out from the blood door, making bursts of noises, and there was no sign of weakening, but more and more, which made countless people feel more and more pressure.

Slowly more people were lying on the ground.

People from other forces were all relieved. If none of Xue Nagato failed with such a strong attack, then Xue Nagato would be really terrible.

Time passed slowly, and the gushing bloody breath finally weakened, and finally stopped gushing bloody breath.

Only seven-tenths of the people standing on the platform were eliminated, that is, three-tenths of the people were eliminated, but although so many people were eliminated, it was still better than before. In the past, maybe seven-tenths of the people supported. not come down.

Among the people who survived, there are relatively more people from the blood sect, because they are practicing the exercises of the blood sect, which has a slight advantage.


Countless blood-colored light beams shot out from the blood gate, and shot a person's body across the air, and everyone felt a blood force injected into the body.

This kind of blood power seems to be a weakened power of inheritance. It can enhance the power of everyone's body. There is no limit to the martial arts sect. promote.

After shooting countless blood lights, the blood gate slowly disappeared, the power of heaven and earth gathered around at one time, and the second trial was about to start.

Everyone is also ready to meet the trial of the second gate.

The place where the blood gates are located, the blood gates of countless enchanting women are carved, and it also exudes a huge momentum.

In the middle of the trial, countless blood-colored forces in the sky condensed, slowly forming a huge blood-colored gate, standing in the sky, emitting countless blood-colored rays of light, and an amazing coercion also spread out.

The second trial is the Blood Charm Gate trial.

The blood door slowly opened, countless

The seductive laughter of the woman sounded, and then the phantoms of countless enchanting women poured out of the blood gate and flew to different people on the ground.

Zhao Fu stood on the spot and did not use the protective cover, because the protective cover was useless at this time, this was an illusion test.

Zhao Fu stood where he was and was not affected at all. Those phantoms surrounded Zhao Fu, as if they did not dare to approach.

The other ordinary people didn't have the power of Zhao Fu, and the enchanting women approached them and started a graceful dance.

The people who are trying to stay in place one by one, showing smirks or smirks, while shouting, waving their hands and feet randomly, falling into different illusions.

If you want to pass this test, you must have strong mental strength and willpower. If you fail, the person will always stand there and go crazy. Later, someone will drag these people down. If you defeat the illusion, the dancing woman around you The ghost will also disappear.

This is the second trial, or an illusion trial, and many people have no way to pass it.

However, there are more female shadows in the blood sect that flew out with a charming smile and flew to the people on the ground. Some people were surrounded by two or three women dancing tempting dances, and the power of the illusion was immediately increased several times. , causing many people to fall into an illusion.

I don't know if it's because of Zhao Fu being too strong. Hundreds of female phantoms surrounded him, dancing that seductive dance.

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