The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2689 Blood Charm

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Volume 1 Chapter 136

There are so many female shadows dancing, and the power of charm that exudes is dozens of times that of others, but Zhao Fu is still not affected at all, standing there with a relaxed face. .

After a while, the phantoms around Zhao Fu gathered more and more, reaching more than a thousand.

The power of charm that it exudes is undoubtedly the strongest in the audience, and the people around are retreating because they are also affected.

Zhao Fu looked at the phantoms of these dancing women, exuding an invisible deed, and said indifferently, "Retreat!"

The countless female phantoms felt Zhao Fu's terrifying aura, and they were really scared to back away, and then disappeared.

Everyone has been watching Zhao Fu, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation. The difference between Zhao Fu and the others was immediately reflected, and now the others are still resisting the power of charm.

Another time passed.

The phantoms of many women dissipated, and some people came up and dragged the people who were still in the illusion outside the field, and the number of people was reduced by half. The blood gate in the sky shot countless blood lights, entered the body of everyone, and strengthened the power of everyone. .


The blood door that is located in the blood vessel door, which is carved with countless instruments, exudes a huge momentum, and a huge blood door appears in the sky. Exudes countless blood lights.

The blood gate slowly opened, and this time, countless blood-colored weapons shot out with a powerful force, and quickly shot everyone on the ground. .

Because most people were eliminated, the venue was also empty at this time, and everyone took out different weapons to resist.

clang clang clang clang clang clang clang...

The sound of metal collisions kept coming out, because it was already the third force, and the blood vessels that were shot out were all very strong. Others had to use all their strength to resist. Some people smashed the blood vessels, and some were knocked out by the blood vessels. go out.

The most blood vessels were shot at Zhao Fu, at least a few thousand, all of them were shot towards the Zhao Fu community.

Zhao Fu was still at ease for a year, and a blood-colored field spread out, covering a ten-meter radius, and countless blood vessels were shot into the blood-colored field, which directly transformed into countless blood-colored auras.

Shu Gu couldn't help but said, "This person is really amazing!"

Xue Qianyue heard the words and smiled.

Luyin said with a soft smile, "When the trial is over, I want to invite him to sit in our green forest. Would you mind?"

Xue Xingling said, "I don't think you want him to sit down, do you?"

Of course, Luyin didn’t simply let Zhao Fu go. She wanted Zhao Fu to see that Lulin would also gain some benefits, and get some information about him by the way. It would be best if he could stay in Lulin. maximum.

Luyin chuckled and replied, "Don't get me wrong, I have no purpose."

Shu Gu also said, "If possible, I would like to invite him to visit our forces."

Others also spoke up. Said that they want to let Zhao Fu go to their power.

Xue Qianyue said, "We can't be the master of this. If you have the ability to invite him, then go and invite him!"

Everyone showed a smile when they heard the words, and looked at Zhao Fu at once.


Countless blood-colored weapons were continuously shot from the sky, and a blood-colored heavy rain started as follows, and everyone waved their weapons. Exudes a powerful momentum, desperately resisting those blood vessels.

And Zhao Fu still looked very relaxed, and the countless blood vessels that were shot into the blood-colored domain collapsed directly. Dissipated into countless blood qi.

In the end, the blood gate was no longer shooting blood vessels, and there were countless injured people lying on the field, and these people were eliminated.

This trial is more beneficial to the blood vessel door. You can use your own blood vessel to collide with the blood vessel that was shot in the past, thereby blocking many blood vessels.

The fourth trial is the trial of the blood poison door.

I saw that the blood door standing in the sky slowly opened, and countless blood-colored mists poured out from it, rushing towards the people on the ground.

These blood mists are blood poisons, and they are also highly toxic. The first thing that ordinary people inhale is that the blood in their bodies becomes corrosive, and the bodies of ordinary people continue to corrode in their bodies. This kind of pain is extremely intense.

The people of the Blood Poison Sect also exuded a blood-colored mist, and these blood-colored mists wrapped around their bodies to protect them from the blood mist.

People at other gates use all sorts of things as if to resist.

At this time, Zhao Fu didn't do anything, letting the blood-colored mist pour into his body.

Everyone outside the venue looked at the blood poison pouring into Zhao Fu's body like a tide, and their expressions changed. They all understood how dangerous the blood poison was.

The girl Shi Qingqing couldn't help but shouted, "He won't be in danger, right?"

The blood poison woman smiled and said, "This kind of poison can't help him, you don't have to worry."

The handsome young man looked at the beautiful face of the blood poisonous woman and said with a smile, "I wanted to ask before, how did you become so beautiful?"

The blood poison woman also said happily, "He helped me absorb the blood toxins in my body. I will look good without being affected by blood toxins. Do you think I was born that ugly?"

Shan Qiu smiled and said, "I didn't mean that, I feel that this person is really omnipotent."

The blood poison woman smiled and said, "When you know about his other things, you won't be surprised by such a thing."

Hearing this, everyone was more interested in looking at Zhao Fu.

A blood-colored mist now enveloped the field, and

It became more and more dense, and the ground was rattling, corroded by an invisible blood force.


Some people couldn't bear it, screamed and hurriedly ran into the blood mist. If they quit now, staying in the blood mist might be life-threatening.

It is already the fourth trial, and the difficulty has increased several times. Now there are only more than 1,000 people on the field who persist.

At this time, the blood mist began to dissipate, which meant that they all passed this trial.


Countless blood-colored rays of light shot into the bodies of everyone, and a blood force spread in the body, enhancing the anti-toxicity in the human body. You can also be immune to some poisons in the future.


A roar sounded once, and the blood door where countless beasts were carved exudes a huge momentum, and the blood door appeared in the sky once.

This is the trial of the fifth blood beast gate.

roar roar...

The blood gate slowly opened, and countless wild beasts roared. I saw countless wild beasts rushing out like a tide with a ferocious aura. The terrible aura made people feel fearful.

Everyone immediately prepared weapons to resist.

Countless beasts are more than ten meters in size, their eyes are cruel, and they fiercely rush to the people on the ground. Looking at the beasts rushing over, everyone feels a huge pressure.

But something astonishing happened, because Zhao Fu stood at the forefront, and countless beasts rushed towards Zhao Fu first.

The blood-colored star in the sky of the Blood Beast Gate suddenly emitted countless blood-colored rays of light, and a blood-colored shock wave spread.

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