The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2697 Blood Sen

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Volume 1 Chapter 144


A louder roar sounded, and the young man was angry, his body continued to grow, becoming a giant with six arms, three heads, and different weapons. momentum.


The giant wielded the weapon with six arms, and the six powerful forces shot out, turning into a larger wind and hitting Zhao Fu. The wind was so powerful that the ground was lifted layer by layer, countless sand and stones Fly with the wind.

Zhao Fu exudes a powerful force, forming a huge blood-colored energy shield at one time, blocking this strong wind.


The giant suddenly took a step forward, waving six weapons and hitting Zhao Fu with enormous power, knocking Zhao Fu to the ground, hitting a big pit on the ground, the defensive cover shattered little by little, and the corner of Zhao Fu's mouth A trace of blood flowed out at a time.

Zhao Fu's face turned cold, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the ground.


A huge blood energy erupted from the sole of the giant's feet, like a huge air column, exuding an amazing momentum.

Countless branches suddenly emerged from the air column, wrapping around the giant's body with force, as if to break the giant's body. The severe pain caused the giant to scream and struggle hard.

But after struggling for a while, the giant couldn't break free at all, and the branches tightened even tighter, causing the giant's body to bulge.

This is that many branches also absorb the power of giants, and blood-colored buds slowly grow from the top of the branches.

boom boom boom...

Six huge roars sounded, and the six giants raised their weapons with all their might. Six blood-colored mad thunders fell from the sky, the ground cracked, and the electric light shot in all directions. It seemed that everything would be destroyed in an instant. The picture was extremely scary. .

The branches that wrapped around the giant were broken, and Zhao Fu also retreated to the distance in response to the raging power of thunder and lightning.

The blood-colored giant looked at Zhao Fu with cold eyes, and the six arms of the weapon stabbed with force, and six huge blood-colored light beams passed towards Zhao Fu with terrifying power, and also brought out a fierce wind.

A beautiful figure appeared behind Zhao Fu, stretched out a slender and fair arm, and a huge force spread like a wave of water.


A huge roar sounded, and six blood-colored light beams shot on the water waves, countless dazzling rays of light scattered, and an amazing momentum spread.

The bloody light disappeared, Zhao Fu resisted the attack, and the figure behind him disappeared.

At this time, the giant had already come to Zhao Fu, and his six arms swung different weapons towards Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu could only defend while dodging.

The giant's strength is great, the weapon smashed on the ground, the ground shattered, and it smashed on the stone wall. The stone wall collapsed, and the picture looked very dangerous.


The giant raised a blood sword and slashed Zhao Fu away with enormous power.

Just as Zhao Fu's body stopped, the giant continued to charge towards Zhao Fu with a huge momentum.

Zhao Fu looked at the giant with cold eyes, and did not intend to hide. He stood in place and gathered all the power between his eyebrows. The eyeball between the eyebrows radiated blood, and an extremely terrifying power radiated out, and strands of bloody aura continued to overflow.

At this time, the giant had already rushed in front of Zhao Fu, and his six hands raised different weapons and slashed down at Zhao Fu.


A slender blood line shot out from between Zhao Fu's eyebrows, piercing the sky in an instant, without a trace of obstruction and stagnation, and ran through the giant's eyebrows. .

The people outside couldn't help shouting and screaming loudly. This is the final trial of Nagato of Blood. Now that Zhao Fu has passed the final trial, he is the future Lord of Nagato of Blood.

With Zhao Fu's current popularity and status, there is still power. Being the Lord of Blood Nagato is something that everyone celebrates.

The Sect Master in the stands also had a smile on his face. Zhao Fu did not disappoint them, and he really became the Sect Master of Blood Nagato.

Xue Youyou, Xue Youruo, and many other women who were related to Zhao Fu also had happy smiles on their faces, happy that Zhao Fu became the Lord of Nagato of Blood.

The blood gate in the sky was slowly closed, and the eight blood gates exuded a huge blood together, and this blood force wrapped Zhao Fu's body.

Zhao Fu's expression froze, he felt that the blood was harmless, and he did not resist.

That blood force wrapped Zhao Fu's body upward and flew to the front of the eight huge blood gates. He felt the huge momentum of the eight blood gates up close, and Zhao Fu also showed a surprised expression.

At this moment, the power of heaven and earth is rapidly gathering, and the majestic luck of the entire Blood Nagato is also gathered like a flood, and injected into the eight blood doors.

The eight blood gates exuded a slight blood-colored light, the blood power that wrapped Zhao Fu's body, but radiated a strong blood light, the air and inheritance power of countless heaven and earth power blood Nagato were injected into Zhao Fu's body among.

This power is much stronger than the blood demon inheritance. Feeling this power, Zhao Fu also showed a smile.

Zhao Fu absorbed a force with all his strength, and the bloodline of the first evil immortal also increased, because the power of blood Nagato's inheritance was also related to blood.

Zhao Fu felt that although his method of using blood essence to obtain blood is not as good as that of the first evil immortal, but using various inheritance powers to improve in the later stage should not be weaker than the first evil immortal.

The power poured into Zhao Fu's body formed seven blood gates. Zhao Fu had obtained the inheritance of the blood charm gate before, and condensed a small blood gate in his body. Now he absorbs the inheritance power of the other seven gates. Therefore, seven blood gates are also condensed.

The eight small blood gates are distributed in eight directions in Zhao Fu's body, forming a circle. As the huge power is continuously injected into Zhao Fu's body, the eight small blood gates emit strong rays of light, and they radiate strong rays of light. There is still a small ball in the middle.

Although this small ball is small, it exudes the purest power of Hemorrhage Nagato.

The huge power of inheritance continued to pour into Zhao Fu's body, the small sphere was also constantly getting bigger, and the power it radiated became more and more terrifying, finally reaching the limit of morality.


With a loud noise, Zhao Fu stood on the top of the sky, exuding a blood-colored light, with an aura that dominated the world.

Zhao Fu's appearance also changed, his long hair turned blood-colored, his eyes also turned blood-colored, and his body exuded a strong blood energy, which made people feel frightened.

Everyone in Xue Nagato felt an invisible pressure, and everyone other than the elder door master knelt down uncontrollably, welcoming the birth of the blood Nagato master.

In the end, the momentum that Zhao Fu radiated weakened, and the visions around him slowly disappeared. Zhao Fu successfully obtained the inheritance of the blood Nagato, and became the master of the blood Nagato.


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