The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2698 Blood Sect Inheritance (unblocked and updated)

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Volume 1 Chapter 145

People from other forces looked envious. The Lord of Xue Nagato is such an amazing genius, and under his leadership, Xue Nagato will also prosper and even reach its peak. .o Zhao Fu flew down from the sky with a smile on his face, and finally settled the matter of Xue Nagato. Now he can use Xue Nagato to collect blood essence for himself.

Xue Qianyue smiled, "Congratulations on becoming the Lord of Blood Nagato!"

Zhao Fu smiled back and said, "Thank you!"

Xue Qianyue said with a smile, "You and I don't have to be polite now, your achievements will definitely surpass us in the future, and we will have to obey you at that time. o Xue Shura also said, "Yes, you are our blood leader. The hope of the future, now you only need to stay in the blood Nagato, we will do our best to help you cultivate, let you become an existence that surpasses us. "

Zhao Fu said, "Sorry! I may be leaving this place soon."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Now that Zhao Fu has obtained the Master of the Blood Nagamen, many sect masters and countless elder disciples are willing to support him. If Zhao Fu stays in the Blood Nagamen, he should have everything, and he should stay in the Blood Nagamen. Why did he just get the blood The Lord of Nagato is about to leave.

Xue Baimei frowned, "Am I right?"

Zhao Fu said earnestly, "Well, I may leave right away. o Although Zhao Fu has obtained the Master of Blood Nagato, it is impossible for Zhao Fu to stay in Blood Nagato all the time, because he still needs to acquire other inheritances and powers to make it possible. Awaken the supreme emperor star of the chaotic world.

As for collecting blood essence, Zhao Fu will come back every once in a while to get it.

There is also the matter of bronze shards. Blood Nagato cannot be collected, because everyone knows that the Son of Chaos is collecting many blood essence and bronze shards. Zhao Fu is already very suspicious of collecting countless blood essence. If he is collecting bronze shards, then The true identity of Zhao Fu can be determined.

Xue Baimei said unhappily, "Why are you leaving?"

Zhao Fu replied, "I have my affairs, so I can't stay in Xue Changmen all the time."

Xue Xingling asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Zhao Fu said apologetically, "I can't tell you this!"

Xue Baimei looked directly at Zhao Fu with beautiful eyes, and said angrily, "What is your identity? You said before that you don't belong to any force, but I feel that you have always had a purpose and plan."

Xue Qianyue looked at the tense atmosphere and said with a smile, "He just left for something, and he didn't cut ties with Xue Nagato. I think he has his difficulties, and we should understand it."

Xue Baimei snorted softly and looked at Zhao Fu with her eyes, "I don't want him to leave!"

Blood Fierce Bell said softly, "Forget it! We can't keep him, why don't we let him leave!"

The green shade next to him said with a smile, "I don't know where you are going? If you can, I would like to invite you to play with me."

Zhao Fu was a little moved, not knowing what kind of inheritance and power would go to their forces.

Lv Yin continued to ask with a smile, "How is it? If you want to go, I don't mind accompanying you!"

Zhao Fu glanced at the people in the Blood Nagamen. He had just obtained the Lord of the Blood Nagamen. This Blood Nagato did not have to go to other forces, which was a bit inappropriate, and Zhao Fu still needed the Blood Nagamen to collect blood, so he still couldn't. Offending the blood Nagato, so he refused, "I'm very sorry, I have other places to go."

Luyin was a little disappointed, and said with a smile, "It's okay! You can come to me at any time when you are free.

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