The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2699 Mutation

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Volume 1 Chapter 146

The first thing to do after leaving the Blood Nagato Gate is to smelt a lot of blood essence. Before, Zhao Fu improved the blood of the first evil immortal by acquiring the bloodline inheritance. He only needed 10,000 blood essence to upgrade to the fourth stage, and then from the bloodless bloodline. Ya got 10,000 blood essence there, but it didn't merge because it would cause a vision. .o After obtaining 100,000 blood essence from Xue Wuzun, plus the inheritance power of Xue Nagamen, Zhao Fu can be promoted to the fifth stage.

Zhao Fu first found a secret place, sat cross-legged on the ground and took out 10,000 bottles of blood essence. There was a sound of shattering, and countless blood bottles shattered. Zhao Fu's body. .o Countless worms and beasts appeared in Zhao Fu's body at one time, and there was also a demon with a bloody cow bone horn on its head, three bloody eyes, a strong body, and a pair of bloody flesh wings on its back. This is the blood demon. The power of inheritance, Zhao Fu intends to also integrate into the first evil immortal.

roar roar...

Countless roars sounded, and the more than 10,000 insects rushed towards Zhao Fu frantically. They did not want to be swallowed by Zhao Fu, and instinctively resisted Zhao Fu.


The Gorefiend also roared up to the sky, exuding a huge momentum, but he did not intend to attack Zhao Fu, but to attack many insects and beasts, because Zhao Fu is already the inheritor of the Gorefiend, and he can handle the power of inheritance at will. And the power of inheritance will not be resisted. .o I saw a sharp wave of the bloodline claws, and five blood-colored claw marks grabbed the insects and beasts with terrifying power, tearing the bodies of many insects and beasts with one claw, and blood and flesh splashed.

Those broken corpses and blood fell into the blood pool one after another, turning into blood and disappearing.

Zhao Fu also controlled the blood pool to devour those worms and beasts, and finally dealt with countless worms and beasts, and also let the blood demons enter.


A shocking sound came out, and the girls of Alasna who were guarding nearby saw a blood-colored light beam shot into the sky with a powerful momentum.

Alasna looked surprised, "Why is this vision so big?"

The vision caused by the promotion to the fourth stage this time is more than 20 times that of the third stage, and the scope of influence will be very large.

Sure enough, just as Alasina thought, the people in the distance saw that the sky turned bloody, and it was still spreading to them. They understood that something might have happened. Some people were curious and wanted to see it, while others were afraid. back home.

The fluctuation has not stopped, the blood-colored sky continues to cover forward like a blood-colored quilt, and has reached the vicinity of the blood Nagato power.

Many people in Blood Nagato looked at the blood-colored sky with strange expressions, not knowing what happened.

The faces of many sect masters became serious, because the vision covered such a large area, which means that this matter is not a trivial matter.

None of them thought that the person who caused such a big vision was Zhao Fu.

Not only the people of Xue Nagato, but the forces near Xue Nagato, such as Shugu and Luyin, all looked at the blood in the sky with serious expressions on their faces.

What happened in that direction? Many strong men faintly felt a sense of unease, thought about it, and flew in that direction.


Countless huge hissing sounds suddenly resounded through the sky, like a real sound wave spreading out at a glance, and the bodies of the people who flew forward suddenly stopped, feeling a terrifying force, and they all looked at the sky in shock.

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