The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2706 Desolate Ancient Dragon

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Volume 1 Chapter 153

Zhao Fu simply responded, and then asked again, "What is the purpose of your coming to this Sealed Land?"

Zhao Fu was curious about the purpose of Long Hao and the others, but they did not tell Zhao Fu.

Long Jiang looked at Long Hao with three eyes. After thinking about it, Long Hao might rely on Zhao Fu's power. Now it's nothing to tell him. He said, "This time we have been ordered by our young master to check the seal."

Zhao Fu asked suspiciously, "Why did your young master send you to check the seal, do you young master want to unlock this seal and release this evil dragon?"

Long Hao and several people belong to the ancient dragon clan, and the evil dragon also belongs to the ancient dragon clan, so Zhao Fu guesses like this.

Long Hao said apologetically, "We don't know that, we just follow the order."

Zhao Fu asked again, "Who is your young master?"

The strength of the four Long Hao is very strong, then their young master should be even more powerful, maybe it is a very famous Tianjiao.

Hearing this, Long Hao showed a proud smile, "Our young master is named Long Huiling. He is the young master of the ancient gods and dragons, and is also a famous genius in the chaotic world."

Zhao Fu understood and nodded, but did not continue to ask.

Everyone waited in place for a while, allowing the two-headed dragon man to recover from his injuries. Just now, Zhao Fu almost killed him, and his injuries were very serious.

The dragon slaughtered dragon fruit was embarrassed to accept. As for the sloughed dragon tree, Zhao Fu also took the storage ring.

After waiting for a long time, the two-headed dragon man recovered from his injuries, but he couldn't show much strength. Zhao Fu's blow hurt him too badly, and it was impossible for him to recover in a short time.

The two-headed dragon man didn't have a name, so Zhao Fu randomly picked one for him and named it Long Shuang.

The three continued to move forward and officially came to the depths of the sealed land.

The black dragon energy here is more intense, some places are filled with black fog, and everyone feels a very huge pressure, so that the weaker Longjiang three people feel a strong pressure.

Long Hao also used his strength to resist the erosion of the overbearing dragon power.

Zhao Fu was still unaffected. Although the dragon energy was very domineering and powerful, it wanted to invade Zhao Fu's body, but it was unable to enter Zhao Fu's body and was blocked by an invisible force.

Zhao Fu reminded, "It will be very dangerous in the depths of the sealed land, so be careful."

Long Hao everyone nodded, Long Hao was a little fortunate to bring Zhao Fu in, otherwise it would be even more dangerous to come in with their strength.

The crowd went forward.

Several black dragons suddenly rushed out from one side and attacked Zhao Fu.

These black dragons are only tens of meters in length, with three claws, single horns, and black scales like steel. Although they are eroded by dragon power, they are not much different from ordinary real dragons, and their strength is very strong.

The four of Longhao also turned into four white dragons and rushed towards the black dragons.

Several dragons fought together, biting each other with their dragon teeth and claws.

Zhao Fu stood there without doing anything, and the four Long Hao could solve these black dragons.

A black dragon stared at Zhao Fu who was standing there, and charged towards Zhao Fu with a strong aura.

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, stretched out a hand, a huge force poured out, forming a huge bloody hand, grabbed the black dragon, the black dragon roared, and struggled hard, but he couldn't break free from Zhao Fu. Just that arm.


A huge roar sounded in the sky, and a huge black dragon with a length of one kilometer appeared in the sky. It looked like the black dragons, exuding a huge dragon power, making the surroundings become silent.

Black Dragon stared at Zhao Fu coldly with a pair of dragon eyes, and made a hoarse voice, "Let him go!"

The four Long Hao returned to human form and came to Zhao Fu's side. They looked at the black dragon with serious faces. This black dragon was much stronger than the two-headed dragon man. They were not opponents, and now they could only rely on Zhao Fu's strength.

Zhao Fu smiled lightly, "What's the benefit of letting him go?"

The black dragon said angrily, "I can give you a treat!"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "Got it!"


As soon as Zhao Fu's hand squeezed hard, the blood-colored giant hand also squeezed it with great force, squeezing the black dragon, and countless blood splashed out.


In the sky, the black dragon let out an angry roar, opened its mouth and spewed out a black flame, which burned everything and rushed towards Zhao Fu and the others.

The surrounding plants are withering and withering immediately, but everyone does not feel the heat, but feels the erosion of a dragon fire. This kind of dragon fire is different from a normal flame. It relies on erosion to burn objects, not objects. .

The black dragon was angry, and the black flames it spewed lasted for more than a minute before it stopped, but the flames dispersed, and a blood-colored energy hood appeared. It was miserable, turned into a black dust.

Heilong's expression was stunned, and he charged towards Zhao Fu with enormous power.

Zhao Fu said, "Let me handle this black dragon, and leave the little dragons to you."

Long Hao and the others responded, turning into four white dragons and flying to one side.

That gigantic black dragon, with its enormous power, was threatening to break through the bamboo.

Zhao Fu bumped into it, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and a force surged out to form a blood-colored wall.


The black dragon slammed into the blood wall, a force dissipated, his body stopped, but Zhao Fu's body also took two steps back.

This black dragon is not weak, and Zhao Fu is also serious.

The black dragon stared at Zhao Fu coldly, opened the dragon's mouth, and countless black lights appeared.


A huge black beam shot out from the black dragon's mouth. Zhao Fu flew into the sky to avoid the blow. The black beam shot you out into a ravine hundreds of meters long, surrounded by collapsed trees and scattered rocks. Block, the picture is amazing.

Zhao Fu immediately flew towards the black dragon, and punched the black dragon's head with force, smashing the black dragon's body to the ground and cracking the ground.

Heilong waved his five claws angrily, bringing out a strong wind and grabbing at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu flew upwards at a time, dodging the attack of the black dragon. The black dragon burst out with black air and slammed into Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu released a blood-colored energy shield, but was still knocked away by the black dragon. out.

The black dragon continued to charge towards Zhao Fu, and a lot of black energy came out of his body, and the aura he exuded was even more terrifying.

Standing on the spot, Zhao Fu took out a sword and slashed out a huge sword light, slashing towards the black dragon.


There was a loud noise, and the black dragon was slashed more than ten meters away, but there was only a shallow wound on his head, and the injury was not serious.

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