The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2707 Dragon Ball

Volume 1 Chapter 154

With a huge momentum, the black dragon continued to charge towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu stood on the spot, the sword in his hand slashed twice, and two huge blood-colored sword lights crossed and slashed towards the black dragon with powerful strength.

One of the black dragon's claws flashed a cold light, and with a ferocious wave, five huge claw prints grabbed forward with the power to destroy steel.

The two blood-colored sword lights were directly shattered by a single claw, turning into countless blood-colored light spots and dissipating.


Heilong then spewed out a black arrogance, with the momentum of burning everything, and rushed towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu once displayed a blood-colored defensive shield to block the terrifying black flame. The black flame had just dispersed, and the huge black dragon appeared in front of Zhao Fu, opening its huge mouth and slamming into Zhao Fu. defensive cover.

Under the powerful bite force, the defensive cover cracked into cracks.

Zhao Fu's expression changed.

The black dragon was circling in the sky, with a fierce face, the dragon's mouth was biting hard, trying to smash Zhao Fu's defensive cover and bite Zhao Fu into pieces of meat.

The defensive cover cracked more and more cracks under the huge bite force. Zhao Fu snorted coldly. Now it is not suitable to use the power of Apocalypse World, but Zhao Fu also has other powers.

I saw Zhao Fu's body turned into countless blood flowing out of the black dragon's mouth, turning into a huge blood-colored demon.

This demon has three eyes, a pair of blood-colored ox-bone horns, a tall stature, a pair of blood-colored flesh wings on the back, and a blood-colored body. Exudes a huge bloody smell.

Heilong was stunned for a moment, then fiercely opened the huge dragon's mouth and continued to bite at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu directly stretched out his two hands, grabbed the upper and lower jaws of the black dragon, and slammed it outwards.

But before it started, Zhao Fu threw the black dragon's body out, setting off a huge gust of wind.

Just as Heilong's body stopped, Zhao Fu spread his wings and rushed in front of Heilong, punching him on the head with terrifying power.


The black dragon screamed in pain and his head was broken. Lots of blood flowed from the wound.

The black dragon was angry, and countless black lights came out of his mouth, and a powerful black light beam shot at Zhao Fu with amazing power.

Zhao Fu spread his wings and flew into the sky, dodging the blow.

The black dragon glared at Zhao Fu angrily, but did not dare to continue the attack.

Zhao Fu sneered, a sharp claw hit, and countless blood energy rushed towards the black dragon with powerful force.

The black dragon's body flew to one side, avoiding the countless blood energy.

Zhao Fu's outstretched hand moved, and the countless blood-colored auras reversed their direction and continued to rush towards the black dragon. The black dragon did not expect that his body was entangled by the blood-colored weapons. Yelling and struggling.

The blood-colored mist began to slowly dissipate under the struggle of the black dragon. At this moment, Zhao Fu appeared behind the black dragon, grabbed his dragon tail and swung it with all his strength, and smashed the black dragon's head on the ground, making a loud noise. A large hole shattered in the ground.

Heilong's head was bleeding more, and it looked very terrifying. Heilong immediately turned his head and continued to bite at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu slammed the black dragon's body and flew out.

The impact of the black dragon on a hill collapsed the hill, and countless rocks were shot down, and the dust spread.

The black dragon crawled on the ground, a pair of dragon eyes looked at Zhao Fu with a strong killing intent, countless black breaths rushed towards him, the body emitted countless black rays of light, and a terrifying force spread.


Countless huge air-breaking sounds sounded, and countless black light beams shot out from the black dragon's mouth, as if shooting through the sky, and the fluctuations emitted were extremely astonishing.

Zhao Fu's complexion changed, and he spread out his wings to wrap his body, emitting a blood-colored light, resisting the countless blood-colored beams that came.

bang bang bang...

There was a sound, and Zhao Fu's wings blocked the black beam of light. A pair of fleshy wings also suffered some damage, and a hole was smashed in some places.


Just as the wings were unfolded, I saw that huge black dragon appeared above his head.

Zhao Fu's face showed a hint of pain. He grabbed the black dragon's body with both hands, and wanted to throw the black dragon's body away. The black dragon bit Zhao Fu's shoulder tightly, and his body wrapped around Zhao Fu's body, strangling Zhao Fu hard. body of.

Zhao Fu's face was full of anger, all the suppressing power burst out, a blood-colored arrogance ignited on his body, and his hands broke away from the black dragon's restraint little by little.

Heilong looked at Zhao Fu's burst of power in surprise, and his body broke away little by little.

Zhao Fu broke free with one hand, grabbed the black dragon's head, pulled its head off, pressed it on the ground, punched the black dragon's head with terrifying power, and made a loud noise with astonishing momentum. .

Long Hao and the four had already dealt with the little black dragons. Looking at the picture of Zhao Fu pressing the black dragon on the ground and punching him, he felt a shock and fear in his heart.

I don't know how many punches Zhao Fu punched, Zhao Fu stopped, the black dragon was bloody and dead.

Zhao Fu inserted one hand into the black dragon's body, took out a huge black dragon ball, and swallowed it into his mouth.

Zhao Fu is very interested in the ancient dragon clan, and wants to gain the power of the ancient dragon clan to understand what kind of power it is.

Zhao Fu doesn't like the power contained in the Dragon Balls of the pass, and only Zhao Fu, who is as powerful as the Black Dragon, is interested.

After swallowing the dragon ball, Zhao Fu's body was rapidly refined, and a huge ancient dragon power poured out from Zhao Fu's body. I saw Zhao Fu's huge body emitting countless black auras, and it also exuded a Huge dragon might.

The power of this ancient dragon clan is indeed very strong, stronger than the ordinary dragon power, and it is very domineering and strong, and it is very erosive. If it is the inheritor of the ancient dragon clan, the dragon power will be stronger, Zhao Fu. Guess is definitely not weaker than the supreme dragon power of the apocalypse world.

Zhao Fu thought to himself. "I don't know how the power will change if the supreme dragon power of the apocalypse world and the ancient dragon power are combined."

Now Zhao Fu has obtained only a high-level ancient dragon power. If he wants to obtain that kind of inheritance-level ancient dragon power, he needs to obtain the inheritance of the ancient dragon clan. Or devour the inheritors of the ancient dragon clan, and it is possible to obtain the ancient dragon power of the inheritance level. .

The four Long Hao looked at Zhao Fu in surprise. They devoured such a large dragon ball in such a short period of time, and the aura they exuded seemed to belong to the ancient demon dragon lineage. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would definitely not have done so. Believe.

Because even if ordinary people can get blood when they integrate into Dragon Ball, it is still a weak and mixed blood.

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