The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2754 Heavenly Sword Slave

Volume 1 Chapter 201

Everyone went to the seventh floor. .o Boom!

A huge roar sounded, and countless sword lights emanated from the seventh floor. A huge sword power enveloped the four directions, and one by one sword-wielding phantoms slowly appeared.

Among them, there are men, women, old and young, holding different swords, but everyone's eyes are sharp, and the whole person is like a sharp sword, exuding a powerful sword, which makes people feel a sense of Share chill.

Each of these phantoms are masters of kendo, and they are also people who have left their inheritance. If they defeat them, they will also get their inheritance, and they may even be accepted as apprentices by phantoms to become their disciples.

The inheritance of the seventh floor is much more powerful than the inheritance of the kendo of the eighth floor, and maybe some rare kendo inheritances will be obtained. Many people who set foot on the seventh floor are interested and carefully check every phantom around them.

Zhao Fu originally wanted to find one at random, defeat him and then pass through the seventh floor, but a cyan sword power within his body trembled slightly, Zhao Fu also sensed it and looked in one direction,

I saw a tall and thin young man in a long robe holding a green sword, exuding the power of the Qingfengjian sect.

He should be a former master of the Qingfeng Sword Sect, Zhao Fu walked up to the man after thinking about it.

Feng Yao has already retreated to the side of the arena and stood with the other members of the Qingfeng Sword Sect. Watching Zhao Fu find the tall and thin man, Feng Yao and the others smiled.

That tall and thin man was Feng Xiaonie, the former top master of the Qingfeng Sword Sect. After Zhao Fu defeated Feng Xiaonie, he would get the inheritance of the Qingfeng Sword Sect, and the connection between the Qingfeng Sword Sect and Zhao Fu was even closer. , which is a great benefit to the Qingfeng Sword Sect. .o Zhao Fu looked at Feng Xiao Nie in front of him, Feng Xiao Nie also looked at Zhao Fu with sharp eyes, the two looked at each other for a few seconds, Feng Xiao Nie launched the attack first, and his body blew in front of Zhao Fu like a breeze. , a sword slashed towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu ducked to the side, dodging the sword.

Feng Xiaonie turned into a cyan whirlwind, and many cyan arcs slashed towards the surroundings, bringing a breeze.

Zhao Fu wasn't hiding, he used the cyan sword power in his body, and a huge cyan sword qi gushed out from Zhao Fu's body, forming a sword qi shield, blocking the numerous arcs of light.

Feng Xiaonie stopped, raised the sword in his hand, and slashed towards Zhao Fu with a cyan sword wind, and slashed Zhao Fu's sword qi cover with a single sword, but it did not hurt Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. He didn't expect Feng Xiaonie to have such strength. Zhao Fu didn't use his real power just now.

Feng Xiaonie slashed at Zhao Fu with one sword at a time. .o Zhao Fu stood still, and gathered the cyan sword power in his palm. A breeze was wrapped around Zhao Fu's palm, and the sword that slashed over was caught by Zhao Fu's hand.

Feng Xiaonie's expression froze, she wanted to quickly draw out the sword.

Zhao Fu let go of his hand and slapped Feng Xiao Nie's chest with a palm. A blue sword force penetrated Feng Xiao Nie's body, and Feng Xiao Nie's body turned into numerous blue air currents that merged into Zhao Fu's body. In the middle, Zhao Fu also obtained the inheritance of Feng Xiaonie.

Everyone in Feng Yao watched Zhao Fu so easily defeat the former top master of the Qingfeng Sword Sect, and they were not surprised, because they knew the gap with Zhao Fu.

They also admired Zhao Fu somewhat. Although Zhao Fu was not a master of swordsmanship, he was still very attractive with his own strength.


Ling Ye stretched out a hand, and a huge sword force shot out like a beam of light, smashing the body of a phantom. The phantom turned into countless breaths and flew towards Ling Ye, but Ling Ye waved his hand and smashed the phantom. Many white breaths were blown away.

Ling Ye is still not interested in the inheritance of the seventh floor.


Several transparent swords appeared around the female Jian'er, and they quickly shot towards a phantom. The phantom's body penetrated, and the phantom turned into a black breath and rushed towards the female Jian'er. With the black breath, the female Jian'er also did not want these ordinary inheritances.


Beast defeated a hand like a beast's claws, grabbed a phantom's head, and then squeezed hard, grabbing the phantom's head, the phantom turned into countless breaths and rushed towards the beast, but Being beaten by the beast, he was thrown and flew out.

Jian Qi looked at Tian Ming, and Tian Ming also looked at Jian Qi. Both sides felt the strength of each other and felt that they were their biggest opponents.

Jian Qi retracted his gaze, waved his sword fingers, and an invisible huge sword power spread out.

clang clang...

There was a sound of sword cries, and the swords in the hands of hundreds of phantoms vibrated, and they were not controlled by the phantoms. Those phantoms also exerted their strength to control the swords in their hands.


The sword was still out of the phantom's hand, and quickly penetrated the chests of the phantoms. Hundreds of phantoms' bodies collapsed at the same time, turning into a mist of different colors lingering around, and then together towards the phantom. Jian Qi rushed away.

The sword qi swiped again with the sword finger, and a sword wind blew out in an instant, blowing away the colorful mist that rushed over.

"So strong! It's the first time I've seen the ghosts of hundreds of kendo masters at once."

"Yeah! This scene surprised me too much. Now I absolutely support Jian Qi to become the master of ten thousand swords. No one is more suitable than him. The inheritance of ten thousand swords will be even more dazzling in his hands."

"Young Master Wanjian's Wanjian Art has reached a very high level, otherwise those swords will not be affected. The future achievements of Young Master Wanjian may be higher than the current growth of Wanjian."

"I feel so unfortunate that there are hundreds of kendo inheritances. Even if the ordinary inheritance is merged into a person's body, it is a very terrifying power, but Jian Qi doesn't like it. If it is good for me, I will also will become a master of kendo."

"Others are the high-ranking young masters of Wanjian. What kind of kendo inheritance can't be obtained? How can they be interested in these inheritances?"

"This time, I feel that Jian Qi deliberately tested the pressure on that person, because solving a phantom can pass the seventh floor."

Everyone looked at Tian Ming, Jian Qi was targeting him this time, and everyone wanted to see how he responded.

Tian Ming glanced at Jian Qi, squatted down and pressed one hand on the ground.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge gray sword energy poured out like spring water. The gray sword energy instantly drowned the surrounding phantoms, and after that, there was no fluctuation, and it became a dead silence.

When the sword energy around him dissipated, all the phantoms around Tian Ming disappeared, and there were probably hundreds of them. This shocked everyone, feeling that Tian Ming's strength is stronger than Jian Qidu, he is the strongest in the audience, and now the status of Jian Qi is greatly threatened.

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