The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2755 Supreme Kendo (Subscribe)

Volume 1 Chapter 202

Jian Qi's face was cold, and his sword fingers were raised, pointing straight to the sky. .o Boom!

A huge sword power spread out, covering a radius of several kilometers. Hundreds of phantoms were in this range. The sword in his hand was out of control at one time, and it vibrated violently and sent out a series of sword sounds. The sound is so loud that people who are far away can hear it.

Numerous swords then broke free from the hands of numerous phantoms, piercing through the bodies of each phantom, and many phantoms turned into countless breaths and dispersed.

A terrifying girl smiled and said, "It turns out that Jian Qi can also do it. I'm worried to death. I just thought that person was stronger than Jian Qi. .o The beautiful woman smiled happily and said, "I knew Jian Qi. Qi will not be weak to that person, he is my favorite person, no matter what, I will always support him. "

The young man with an ordinary face said, "Jian Qi did not disappoint us. He still has a high possibility of becoming the Lord of Swords, and I will always support him."

The bald-headed man said, "The strength of the two of them is terrible. I hope to see them duel sooner."

roar roar...

Countless wild beasts roared, and I saw wild beasts emerge from the defeated body. There were wolves, lions, tigers, pigs, cows, and so on. Many wild beasts slammed into the surrounding phantoms fiercely, knocking the phantoms one by one. Shadow's body collapsed. .o As a Tianjiao, Beast defeated watched countless people focus on Jian Qi and Tian Ming, and thought that he would be weaker than those two people, how could he be convinced, so he also exerted his own power.

As expected, the beasts were defeated, and everyone was surprised when they saw this scene, and they also discussed the strength of the beasts.

Tie Qingfeng had already taken off the epee from his back and swung it forward.


A terrifying and thick huge sword light slashed out, the ground could not bear the cracks, and the numerous phantoms were also slashed in half, turning into countless breaths, without any resistance.

Tie Qingfeng, who is also the highly anticipated child of the sky, is also not convinced.

The female Jian'er stood still, and a huge phantom appeared behind her. This phantom had a human shape with long arms and a cartoonish appearance. There were only two black holes on her face, exuding a huge sword. force.

This is Tianjian Slave, the guardian spirit of Tiannvjiandi, whose strength is very terrifying.

clang clang...

That day, Jiannu opened that pair of arms, and countless sword lights shot towards the phantoms around, like a rain of swords, those phantoms couldn't resist, the body was penetrated by many sword lights, and it collapsed. into countless breaths.

The female Jian'er also showed her strength, attracting everyone's attention.


Lingye folded his hands together, and his body emitted countless sword lights. There were also phantoms holding swords around him, exuding a powerful momentum, and quickly rushed towards many phantoms, beheading them one by one. , into a myriad of breaths.

"Wow! I'm so surprised. All the talents are so strong. I underestimated them before."

"I'm so excited to see that the major arrogances are tit-for-tat, and no one is willing to admit defeat."

"I like all of them, and I support them all. The other people are too different from these Tianjiao. It is very difficult to beat one of them, but Tianjiao can defeat so many at once."

"Well! Now I only pay attention to a few Tianjiao, and I ignore the others. They can't compare with Tianjiao. I want them to quit as soon as possible, and don't waste my time and others' time.

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