The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2777 Evil Sword

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Volume 1 Chapter 224


A roar sounded, the giant sword inserted on the first floor exuded a huge momentum, two huge sword lights fell on Zhao Fu and Tian Ming, and a colorful sword print emerged from the eyebrows of the two.

This is the imprint of Wanjian. With it, you have the qualification to become the master of thousands of swords. Moreover, the imprint of Wanjian also has a protective function. Sword cultivators who can reach the first floor will undoubtedly think that they are powerful, and the battle between the two sides will be more intense. Intense, the sword seal can also protect people.

Tian Ming looked at Zhao Fu with the evil sword in his hand, and said with a arrogance, "Go ahead! Otherwise, you won't have a chance to take action."

Zhao Fu said with a calm smile, "Then I'll do it first!"


With a wave of the sword in Zhao Fu's hand, a huge wind beam slashed towards Tian Mingfei.

Tian Ming looked a little disdainful, and glanced at it, a huge gray sword qi gushed out, collided with the wind beam with evil power, a loud bang sounded, and a huge blue-gray airflow spread out. .

Zhao Fu's body then turned into several strands of cyan air that spread out, and shot towards Tianming at a rapid rate.

The sword in Tian Ming's hand waved casually, and a huge gray sword force slashed out, forcing the cyan airflow that shot past back, and re-condensed into Zhao Fu's body.

With the current strength, it is difficult to get close to Tianming's body. As soon as Zhao Fu thought about it, his body began to emit countless cyan rays of light and flew into the sky, and the surrounding spiritual power was also rapidly gathering, blowing a breeze.


A huge chirping sounded, and countless dazzling blue rays of light radiated out, shining in all directions, and a huge and elegant blue bird appeared in the sky.

Zhao Fu directly used the Green Sword Bird, a powerful move.

The green sword bird looked at Tian Ming with sharp eyes, and with a pair of wings, countless blue sword lights shot at Tian Ming with sharp power.

A grey sword cover emerged from Tianming's body and wrapped around Tianming's body.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud bang, and the cyan sword light shot on the defensive cover, turning into countless cyan sword qi and dispersing without causing any damage.

The green sword bird flew in front of Tianming, and grabbed at Tianming with a terrifying sword power with both feet. A dull sound was heard, and the sword cover was broken with a single blow.

Tian Ming was slightly surprised, and immediately reacted, a huge gray slashed forward.


Another dull sound came out, and a strong force spread out, and the bodies of Qingjianbird and Tianming each stepped back a few meters.

The blue sword bird continued to attack, opened its mouth and a powerful blue wind beam sprayed out, blowing towards Tianming with a terrifying force, and the ground was easily torn by the blue wind beam.

The Tianming Sword stabbed hard. A huge gray sword light stabbed towards the blue sword bird with extremely evil power.


The cyan wind beam and the sword light collided together, the cyan wind continued to blow around, the gray sword light continued to shoot in all directions, and terrifying fluctuations spread out.

Tian Ming stabbed with his sword at a time, and a more powerful sword force shot out, knocking the huge blue sword bird out.

The blue sword bird flapped its wings and continued to fly towards Tianming with a huge blue wind.

Tian Ming sneered, a huge evil sword intent poured out, and a huge demon appeared behind Tian Ming, bigger than the Green Sword Bird, raised a sharp claw and slapped it hard at the Green Sword Bird.

The green sword bird quickly ducked to the side, dodging the blow.

The other hand of the demon grabbed the green sword bird, and the green sword bird flew back to avoid the sharp claws of the devil, and then the green sword bird flew into the sky, emitting a blue sword light all over its body, and vigorously fanned a pair of wings.


An extremely huge cyan storm blew toward Tianming with the power to destroy everything. The momentum was deafening, and the ground was sounded layer by layer, like a huge disaster.

Tian Ming's face became a little serious, and he controlled the demon to grab with both hands. Countless gray sword qi condensed into a giant sword, and the demon raised the giant sword and slashed forward fiercely.


A terrifying sword force slashed forward with the power to split the world, nothing could stop it, and everything was destroyed.


A loud bang sounded, two terrifying forces collided together, and an extremely powerful sword qi storm blew to the surroundings, and the ground was instantly smashed by countless sword qi, and the terrifying aura caused a strong fear.


A huge sword sound was heard, and the huge cyan storm was slashed by the gray giant sword, and the terrifying sword power continued to slash towards the azure sword bird.

The blue sword bird hurriedly turned into countless blue winds and dispersed, dodging the terrifying blow.

Numerous cyan sword qi suddenly gathered behind Tian Ming, condensing Zhao Fu's body at one time. Zhao Fu held a cyan sword and slashed forward with all his strength. The cyan sword carried a fierce cyan wind.

Tian Ming sneered, and he was already prepared. With a backhand sword, he slashed out with all his strength, and a huge sword force slashed towards Zhao Fu behind him.


With a loud noise, Zhao Fu was slashed by a sword and flew far away. The blue sword in his hand was also chopped to pieces, and he fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

When everyone saw this scene, there was no surprise in their hearts.

"I knew that the young master of the dragon was not Tianming's opponent. I had already thought of such a result."

"Yeah! I expected it earlier, but the strength of the young master of the devil dragon

It is also very strong, but it is much weaker than Tianming. "

"I feel like that Demon Dragon Young Master Sword Seven can't beat it!"

"I think the strength of the young master of the dragon is similar to that of the beast defeat. The reason why he can reach the first floor is purely by luck, not by his own strength."

"That's right, he has never fought on the second floor. If it wasn't for Jian Qi fighting Tianming ahead of time, it would not be his turn to go to the first floor."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether he gets to the first floor or not, and the ending will not change in any way. Tianming is destined to be the master of ten thousand swords, and no one can stop him."

"Then the young master of the devil dragon should also understand that Tianming is someone he can't defeat after taking this blow, so he should admit defeat immediately!"

"Well! If normal people will definitely admit defeat, staying on the platform is looking for abuse."


Nu Jian'er snorted softly, "She has reminded Zhao Fu that he wants him to admit defeat, but Zhao Fu just doesn't listen to her, and now he really deserves it."

Ling Ye sighed, "He didn't have high hopes for Zhao Fu at first, but seeing the strength between the two sides with his own eyes, he is absolutely certain that Zhao Fu cannot be Tian Ming's opponent, and Zhao Fu's words of becoming the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords will not be the same. possible."

There were also no surprises for the many powerhouses in the stands. They expected this in their hearts. They now know how terrifying Tianming's strength is. The Young Master Demon Dragon is by no means his opponent, and the Qingfeng Sword Intent has reached some limits, which is impossible in a short period of time. If there is another breakthrough, the young master of the dragon has no chance of winning.

Tian Ming let the giant demon dissipate, and came to Zhao Fu with his sword in hand, pointed at Zhao Fu with the sword, and said with a contemptuous smile, "Who is stronger now than you have tried?"

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