The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2778 Killing Immortal Sword Intent (Subscribe)

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Volume 1 Chapter 225

Zhao Fu chuckled, "Now you think you've won? You're too happy too early."

Tian Ming's expression was stunned. He didn't expect Zhao Fu to have the confidence to say such a thing. Just as he was about to say something, he sensed an extreme danger, and only saw Zhao Fu's eye emitting a dazzling blood-colored light.

clang clang clang clang...

There was a loud sword cry, and countless black blood-colored sword qi poured out from Zhao Fu's body, each strand carrying a strong killing intent, slashing wildly around, the ground, air, space, and time were all smashed into pieces. , and then spread out like a sword balloon, and everything was chopped up instantly.

The ground kept shaking, and the crazy, killing, and distorted aura enveloped everyone, making people feel cold all over, and creating extreme fear in their hearts.

The smoke dissipated, and a large crater over a thousand meters appeared, and there were still strands of black blood-colored sword energy in the crater. There was a lot of gravel and dust scattered all around.

Zhao Fu stood in the void, with strands of black blood-colored sword energy all over his body, and his left eye emitted a dazzling blood light, like a peerless killer, making the whole world seem to be afraid.

Countless people looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment, and the audience fell into a dead silence.

Wanjian City Master also said in amazement, "What kind of sword intent is this? It is full of slaughter and madness, no worse than the supreme evil sword intent of the Heavenly Evil Sword."

The handsome young man was also surprised, "I have never seen this kind of sword intent to kill."

The white-haired old man said in shock, "Feeling this sword intent, all the hairs on my body stand up, and I'm also surprised, this kind of terrifying sword intent should be famous, why don't I have any impression of it? "

The beautiful woman in the red dress also said in surprise, "This sword intent is the most lethal sword intent I have ever seen, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to grasp it. Just a little bit will make people go crazy. The terrifying sword intent, the key is that we didn't notice it at all before."

The fat man said solemnly, "This young master of the devil dragon is not what we thought at all, he is a person who has just entered the way of kendo, he has mastered this ultimate sword intent, and has been hiding and not using it until now. just started using it.”

The beautiful woman in the red dress nodded, "He hid too deeply and kept us all from the past, this time he is here for the Lord of Swords, and the next thing will be interesting, this kind of killing sword intent and evil sword intent Who will be stronger?"

The handsome young man said with a smile, "I'm looking forward to what you say. The next battle can definitely be recorded in the history of Wanjian City."

The old man looked at Zhao Fu and said, "With this Sword Intent, the Demon Dragon Young Master's strength is definitely not inferior to Tian Ming, and the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords will eventually be born between the two of them."

Nu Jian'er looked at Zhao Fu with a look of astonishment. She never thought that Zhao Fu still possessed such a terrifying Sword Intent. She had been hiding her power just now, and the power displayed now does not know how much more than her, Zhao Fu is powerful Qualified to become the Lord of Swords.

Ling Ye stood there in a daze, and his heart was greatly impacted. He was so close to Zhao Fu, but he didn't realize that he was so scary. Understand why Zhao Fu has such great confidence.

Jian Qi also looked at Zhao Fu in surprise. He didn't care about Zhao Fu very much at first, but he didn't expect Zhao Fu to hide such a powerful strength.

Feng Yao and everyone looked at Zhao Fu in shock, unable to say anything.

Tian Ming fell to the ground on the edge of the big pit, with a trace of blood left on the corner of his mouth, and a pair of broken wings behind him. He just stepped back quickly and used his wings to protect himself.

Tian Ming looked at Zhao Fu solemnly, he felt a huge threat, this threat was several times stronger than Jian Qi, this man was his real opponent, he just underestimated Zhao Fu.

Tianming climbed up from the ground, many blood lines pierced into his palm, a huge evil force poured out from Tianming's body, a pair of demon horns grew from Tianming's head, and Tianming directly entered the evil sword. a form.

Zhao Fu grabbed the empty space, and countless black blood-colored sword energy gathered in the palm of his hand, condensing into a black blood-colored sword. Now Zhao Fu can't use the emperor killing sword, and the power of the killing sword that he uses now is also covered by the aura of chaos.


Zhao Fu was the first to attack, and his body turned into a black shadow and rushed to Tianming. He slashed at Tianming with force. Tianming blocked Zhao Fu's sword with a single block, and Zhao Fu's body quickly disappeared. Appearing behind Tian Ming, another sword slashed over, and Tian Ming ducked to the side to avoid Zhao Fu's attack.

A huge gray sword energy poured out from his body, condensed into a dozen swords and shot at Zhao Fu with evil power.

Zhao Fu's body disappeared instantly, causing Tianming's attack to fail.


A powerful force from Tianming burst out, forming a gray and evil shock wave, forcing Zhao Fu, who was hidden in the void, out.

Looking at Zhao Fu who appeared in the sky, Tian Ming swung out a sword, and a huge demon face flew towards Zhao Fu with great power.

Zhao Fu's eyes were contemptuous, and with one sword, a huge black blood-colored sword light slashed into the demon's face, and many sword lights penetrated the demon's face, causing the demon's face to collapse and dissipate.

Among the people who fought against Tian Ming, Zhao Fu was the easiest person to deal with the demon face.

Tian Ming jumped up, came to Zhao Fu, and slashed out with all his strength, the sword exuded a lot of gray sword energy.

Zhao Fu also slashed out with a sword, and the sword radiated out.

Intense black blood-colored sword light.


There was a loud noise, the two swords collided, and an astonishing force exploded. The two of them stepped back, Tian Ming took five steps back, but Zhao Fu only took two steps back.

Tian Ming's expression changed, and another sword slashed out with force, and a huge gray sword light slashed towards Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu also slashed out with a forceful sword, easily smashing the gray sword light.

The sword in Tian Ming's hand turned towards Zhao Fu again, and a huge sword energy gushed out, forming sharp claws with astonishing power, and grabbed towards Zhao Fu densely. The picture looked very scary. The sharp claws are like claws from the abyss.

clang clang...

The sword in Zhao Fu's hand quickly slashed out, and several huge black blood-colored sword lights slashed together on the countless sharp claws, and the terrifying force cut the sharp claws into countless gray sword qi and dissipated.

The several attacks were easily resolved by Zhao Fu, Tian Ming's face was full of anger, and a huge power surged out of his body, and a huge evil demon appeared behind him, waving a pair of sharp claws, with terror The strength of Zhao Fu grabbed it, and brought up a frantic wind, which shattered the ground when it hit the ground.

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