The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2788 Ten Thousand Swords Devouring People (Subscribe)

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Volume 1 Chapter 235

The result was a huge difference. The sword with a huge sword light smashed the countless swords that shot past, and those swords continued to fly towards Zhao Fu's body.

Puff puff……

A sword emitting a red sword light first penetrated Zhao Fu's chest and was inserted into Zhao Fu's body, then a sword emitting a blue sword light penetrated Zhao Fu's body from the back, and another black sword light was scattered. The sword penetrated Zhao Fu's body from the side, and another sword emitting white light penetrated his shoulder...

In just a split second, Zhao Fu's body was penetrated by dozens of swords, and those swords were still inserted into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu sat on the ground, and blood continued to flow out.

The flying swords that were originally controlled by Zhao Fu also fell to the ground weakly. A crisp sound came out.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but said, "Has this Demon Dragon Young Master failed the trial?"

Some powerhouses looked at City Master Wanjian, only he knew about Wanjian Xinlian.

Wanjian City Master looked at Zhao Fu with a solemn expression, "I don't know the current situation, but if the space here does not disappear, then the trial will not end."


A sword emitting a silver light flew down from the sky again, and once again the sword penetrated Zhao Fu's body, and blood spattered.


Another sword flew down from the sky, piercing Zhao Fu's body.

The speed of these swords flying down became slower, and they fell one by one, with a period of time in the middle, not all of them fell at once.

Zhao Fu sat paralyzed on the ground, his head cocked, his eyes closed, his body was pierced by numerous swords, and blood flowed all over the floor.

If it is normal, Zhao Fu is pierced by many swords, then Zhao Fu is likely to die, but these swords are not real swords.

At this moment, Zhao Fu consciously entered a colorful space. This space is similar to the space he is in now, but the area is very small, only a dozen meters wide.

This space was not created directly by Zhao Fu, but was created by condensing all the power of ten thousand swords under the pain of the sword running through the body.

Next, it was time for Zhao Fu to show his terrifying devouring power. I saw that the sword that was inserted into Zhao Fu's body began to shatter one by one, turning into numerous sword qi that poured into Zhao Fu's body, and the sword qi began to surge again. Enter that color space, and make the color space a little bigger.

At the same time, swords appeared in that color space. These swords were not real entities, but phantoms of swords.

The people outside looked strangely as the sword inserted into Zhao Fu shattered. Also don't know what happened.

clang clang...

There was a sound of sword cries, and dozens of swords emitted a strong sword light, flying towards Zhao Fu with powerful sword power, instantly piercing Zhao Fu's body.

The previous screen was restored.

But it didn't take long for the sword inserted into Zhao Fu's body to shatter at once, turning into countless sword energy and pouring into Zhao Fu's body.

clang clang...

Numerous sword sounds rang out again, and dozens of swords radiated sword light at once, quickly piercing Zhao Fu's body.

This situation continued for an hour, and everyone looked at it strangely.

The handsome young man said, "What the hell is going on with the city lord? We won't be trapped here, will we?"

The white-haired old man frowned, "This is a bit strange. I think that the young master of the dragon has failed, why is the trial not over yet?"

The beautiful woman in the red dress said, "I don't think it's that simple. The Wan Jian Xin training has only been carried out twice in total. The two of them are outstanding talents. Since Wan Jian chose him as the third Wan Jian Xin training, then This time it won't be so easy to fail."

Everyone looked at City Master Wanjian, wanting to get an accurate answer.

Wanjian City Master said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, he will pass this test soon."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, Zhao Fu was not constantly being pierced by many swords, and he looked as if he was dead. Why is he about to pass the test?

clang clang...

There was a loud sword cry. This time, instead of dozens of swords, hundreds of swords radiated strong sword light, and flew towards Zhao Fu with even greater sword power. The terrifying aura made everyone Feeling the hair stand up, there is a fear in my heart.

At the moment when many swords were about to penetrate Zhao Fu's body, Zhao Fu's head slowly lifted up, and countless colored rays of light radiated from his chest. Countless flying swords shot into it, but did not cause any damage, as if Fly into another space.

Everyone's expressions were stunned, and they felt that Zhao Fu had an extra space in his body, "What happened?"

clang clang...

A louder sword cry rang out, and the sword all over the sky emitted a terrifying sword light, covering the entire upper part, and the terrifying momentum made people feel cold.


Countless flying swords rushed towards Zhao Fu like a tide, and nothing could stop that terrifying force. The momentum shocked all directions.

Zhao Fu's body exuded a strong colored light, and the countless swords rushing past like a tidal wave, as if they had found a leaking gap, quickly poured into Zhao Fu's body. form an open area.

At this moment, Zhao Fu slowly opened his eyes, and countless colored sword lights shot out, an astonishing terrifying sword power instantly

Spread out and cover this space.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu in surprise, feeling that Zhao Fu was the master of this space.

Zhao Fu stood up from the ground, the heart sword space in his body has become very large, which is the limit of Zhao Fu's body, but it is still relatively small compared to the space he is in.

However, now that Zhao Fu's body is born in the Heart Sword Space, and the Wanjian Divine Body is a step further, there is no need to worry about those flying swords. Now these flying swords can no longer hurt Zhao Fu.

clang clang...

A loud sword sound resounded throughout the space, and countless swords gathered towards Zhao Fu, then fell down and stuck beside Zhao Fu. The scene was like a huge rain of swords.

Countless swords were inserted beside Zhao Fu, so densely packed that it was impossible to count them.

Wanjian City Lord said, "A new Wanjian Heart Realm was born in his body, and the current Wanjian Heart Realm has been inherited and continued, and then he will obtain the purest and complete Wanjian inheritance, and he will become Wanjian City. The third sword cultivator in history."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zhao Fu in surprise. Before they understood what was going on, Zhao Fu had already passed the trial and had inherited part of the power of Wanjian Xinjie.

The inheritance of Myriad Swords that Zhao Fu obtained this time is the most top-level, most complete, and most powerful inheritance.

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