The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2789 Sword Intent Domain

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Volume 1 Chapter 236

At this time, Zhao Fu sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes slowly closed, his hands were rounded in front of him, and the countless swords inserted beside Zhao Fu trembled slightly, emitting different sword lights.


The scene around Zhao Fu changed. Countless magma poured out from the ground. It was like a sea of ​​magma that could not be seen, and the sky above turned into a fiery sky.

Zhao Fu sat cross-legged in the middle of the magma sea. The surrounding magma was bubbling and white smoke was bubbling. The surrounding seemed to transform into another world, a world full of magma, and it radiated extreme heat, as if it could Burn the stone.

People in the distance can also feel this high temperature, and also feel that there is a terrible sword intent like lava in it, which makes people afraid.

Zhao Fu sat there cross-legged but was not affected in any way.

A little time passed, Zhao Fu's body was enveloped by a flame of fire, and strands of fire-colored sword energy wafted from the surrounding magma, flying into Zhao Fu's body.

It's been a while!

The fire that enveloped Zhao Fu became more intense, and more fire-colored sword energy poured into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu actually flowed out of magma, and his body seemed to be a part of magma, and it also emitted a A sword intent like magma.

The surrounding scene slowly dissipated, and a forest scene slowly emerged beside Zhao Fu. The trees there were dark gray in color and unusually tall. Each tree was hundreds of meters high. The trunk was straight and the branches were relatively few. And Zhao Fu was sitting in the middle of many big trees.

Zhao Fu's body quickly merged with the surrounding environment, and his aura slowly became the same.

Slowly, Zhao Fu's body changed at a time, and he saw a few dark gray small trees growing from his body, exuding a powerful tree sword intent.

The surroundings quickly changed on one side. The place where Zhao Fu sat cross-legged turned into a layer of ice, surrounded by tall snow-capped mountains, and the sky turned gray, as if he had come to a world like ice, emitting a biting chill. .

Zhao Fu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ice, was gradually sealed by the ice, turning into an ice sculpture, braving wisps of cold air.

However, in a short period of time, the ice that froze Zhao Fu turned into cold air and dissipated, and the surrounding scene also changed.

roar roar...

With a loud roar, Zhao Fu appeared on a vast grassland. Among them were many red male lions. When they saw Zhao Fu sitting cross-legged, they quickly ran over. They gathered around Zhao Fu and did not harm Zhao Fu.

It seems that Zhao Fu is very close to them and is like a male lion. Some of them are rubbing against Zhao Fu's body intimately, some are lying beside Zhao Fu, and some are walking around Zhao Fu.

I saw that Zhao Fu's body also slowly changed, and part of his body really began to become part of a lion, and a fierce sword like a beast spread out.

Soon the scene around Zhao Fu changed again.

Everyone was surprised to see that the scene around Zhao Fu kept changing. The process started slowly, but then the speed became faster and faster. The scene was changed every few minutes, and the sword force emanating from Zhao Fu's body became more and more intense. more and more terrible.

In the end, the scene around Zhao Fu changed every few seconds, as if the screen had pressed the accelerator button. The scene kept changing, and no matter what happened to the scene, the only constant was Zhao Fu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Zhao Fu has been sitting there cross-legged, sometimes his body will grow flowers, sometimes it will turn into a stone, if it is suitable, it will grow a bull's head, sometimes it will grow wings, sometimes it will become water, sometimes it will be like the sun radiating many light...


The surrounding scene finally returned to its original state, and an ultimate sword power burst out from Zhao Fu's body, instantly covering the space.

Everyone's body only felt pressed by a huge sword. In the face of this sword power, everyone had no resistance, and their bodies and minds surrendered to this terrible sword power.

This kind of sword power is the supreme sword power, and its power is definitely not weaker than the power of the Huntian Evil Sword and the Emperor Killing Sword. That sword intent is also a supreme sword intent. To kill sword intent to evil sword intent is the same level of sword intent.

The Lord of Wanjian City said stunnedly, "I never thought that I would be able to see the supreme sword intent of Wanjian City with my own eyes!"

The handsome young man said in shock, "Is this the strongest sword intent of Wanjian City? It's too amazing, no wonder the former first-generation Wanjian City Lord and the sixth generation of Wanjian's Lord have an earth-shattering strength to master this kind of sword intent. I will not be afraid to meet immortals in the future.”

Some fat men said in surprise, "Our Wanjian City has such a terrifying power, I am really proud of it, but unfortunately not everyone is qualified to possess this kind of power."

The white-haired old man sighed and said, "Unfortunately, it is not the young master of Wanjian City, Jian Qi, who obtained this kind of power, but the young master of the devil dragon."

The beautiful woman in the red dress said, "Why don't we try our best to let him join our Wanjian City? As the third person to open Wanjian Xinlian, his future potential is unimaginable."

Some fat men nodded in agreement and said, "I think yes, we can't miss such a person. I think he will become the Lord of Wanjian City in the future. He is the most suitable person now, and no one will have any opinion on him."

Wanjian City Lord said in a deep voice, "If he is really willing to join Wanjian City, I don't mind giving up the City Lord position to him now. He is qualified as the third person to open Wanjian Heart Refinement, but he is a demon. The people of the Long Yi lineage, the ancient dragon clan learned about this, and they would never let it go.

abandon him. "

The beautiful woman in the red dress said, "Let's see how things develop first. Anyway, we people in Wanjiancheng should try our best to deal with him well, and we must not have bad relations with him."

The others also nodded.

clang clang...

Countless sword cries sounded, and countless swords stuck on the ground trembled, making countless sword cries, and the swords were all excited because Wan Jian won a new master.

Countless sword lights emanated from the void, and a sword made of crystal slowly appeared in front of Zhao Fu.

This sword is more than three feet long, with wide sword fingers, and the material is like crystal. Colored, the gauntlet is very ordinary, and the handle seems to be composed of many small swords.

The sword in front of Zhao Fu is called Wan Jianling. It is the condensed sword heart of the giant sword inserted on the platform. It takes countless years of nurturing to be born. Now it is estimated that there are only three, because only those who have passed the Wan Jianxin training Qualified for this sword.

Wan Jianling is also very strange. It will become stronger with its master, and it will also shatter due to the death of its master.

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