The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2805 Dragon Void

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Volume 1 Chapter 252

Oo! Oo! Oo! Oo!

Four huge dragon roars sounded, and the four Long Lang turned into four huge dragons, one with many purple arcs, one with a lot of earth-colored aura, one with cyan wind, and one with metallic light.

Four powerful auras raged on the field, making people feel like standing in front of the abyss, feeling a sense of fear both physically and mentally.


Thunder Dragon opened his mouth and spat out a huge pillar of thunder, and slammed towards Zhao Fu with a terrifying momentum, and the speed was also very fast.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and turned it into a dragon claw.


A dull voice sounded, and the huge thunder pillar shot at Zhao Fu's hand with astonishing power. The arc spread out around Zhao Fu, and the electric light illuminated all directions. Zhao Fu blocked the dragon waves with one hand. attack.


Tulong suddenly slammed into Zhao Fu with a powerful and heavy force, and that terrifying force could collapse a mountain.

Zhao Fu threw a punch directly, with a ferocious force.


The fist and the earth dragon collided, and a huge strong wind blew away rapidly, the ground cracked open in an instant, and finally the huge earth dragon was punched and flew out.


A huge dragon roar sounded, and a wind dragon had already flown into the sky, emitting a large amount of cyan light, turning half of the sky into cyan, and the surroundings were densely covered with countless cyan wind blades, with an incomparably sharp breath to Zhao Fu. chopped off.

Zhao Fu looked at the overwhelming wind blades, opened his mouth, and a black beam shot out, with the power of a terrifying dragon, shooting out at the countless wind blades.


The cyan light curtain was penetrated by a black beam, and the wind dragon in the sky was also hit by the black beam and flew out, and countless cyan wind blades turned into cyan aura and dissipated.

A metal dragon appeared behind Zhao Fu, raised its huge dragon claws and slapped it towards Zhao Fu, its strength could shatter the earth.

Zhao Fu raised a hand to cover the top of his head.

The dragon claw slapped on Zhao Fu, and the ground beneath Zhao Fu's feet shattered, but Zhao Fu was not injured, and a large amount of demonic energy radiated from his body, and flew towards the metal dragon, turning into a A black rope wrapped around the metal dragon's body.

The metal dragon was startled, and immediately flew to the sky, but the black one bound him, preventing him from flying to the sky, and immediately struggled hard.

Zhao Fu showed a contemptuous smile as he appeared above the metal dragon's head and stepped on it hard.


The huge metal dragon was stepped on the ground, and another big pit was smashed out of the ground, and countless rocks flew out, and the smoke and dust spread out.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a huge force pulled out a metal dragon phantom and sucked it into his body.

The metal was severely damaged, and the breath was weak and crawled on the ground, without the strength to fight.

The remaining three dragons looked at Zhao Fu standing on the metal dragon head with ugly expressions.


Thunder Dragon let out a thunderous roar, and countless purple thunderbolts came out, covering a radius of several kilometers, exuding an extremely terrifying power of thunder and lightning, and Thunder Dragon rushed towards Zhao Fu with all his strength, like a thunderbolt. General punishment.

Zhao Fu stretched out a dragon claw wrapped around countless demonic energy, and pressed down on the void.


A huge magic dragon claw appeared in the void, and with its mighty magic power, it pressed the Thunder Dragon's body to the ground. Countless thunder and lightning raged, splitting the ground into cracks. The power of thunder and lightning made people feel Hair stands up.

Zhao Fu's body disappeared in place and appeared on top of Thunder Dragon's head.

Lei Long vomited blood, and looked at Zhao Fu unwillingly.

Zhao Fu laughed contemptuously, stretched out one hand and grabbed it again, a thunder dragon phantom was drawn out and merged into Zhao Fu's body.

The Thunder Dragon became weak and had no strength to fight.

Zhao Fu looked at the earth dragon with a pair of sharp eyes.

The Tulong took a step back in fear on the ground, as if he was acting instinctively.

Zhao Fu's body turned into an afterimage and charged towards the earth dragon.

The earth dragon was frightened, exuding a large amount of yellow aura, spreading out to the surroundings like a tide, the ground shook, and the semi-circular cover made of soil exuded a powerful and heavy aura.

Zhao Fu radiated magic light all over his body, and with a powerful force, he shot forward quickly.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud sound, and Zhao Fu was like an arrow, quickly piercing the protective cover on that side, and countless clods were shot away.

Zhao Fu appeared in front of Tulong through all the defenses.

Tulong opened his mouth and bit Zhao Fu fiercely.

Zhao Fu waved his dragon claws and brought out five huge black arcs, which slashed on the Tulong's head, cutting the Tulong back three or four steps.

Tulong still wanted to attack.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and grabbed it, and a huge force grabbed the earth dragon. The earth dragon grasped by the huge force felt severe pain and let out a loud dragon roar. The body also struggled violently, but he couldn't break free. That big invisible hand.

Zhao Fu's outstretched hand squeezed again, and a yellow dragon phantom emerged from Tulong's body and was sucked into it by Zhao Fu, and Tulong immediately became powerless.

After solving this earth dragon, there is still a wind dragon left, Zhao Fu looked at

Light looked at the wind dragon.

Feng Long looked at Zhao Fu in fear, this Demon Dragon Young Master is so powerful that it is frightening, and their Eight Veins Young Masters are not opponents when they join forces.

Zhao Fu was about to attack.

Feng Long said, "I am willing to hand over the power of Fenglong inheritance in my body, so I don't have to continue fighting!"

Now the situation can't be changed. Continuing to fight will be humiliating and shameful, and Fenglong is not continuing to fight.

Zhao Fu showed a satisfied smile, stretched out the void and grabbed it. The wind dragon only felt a suction force to pull out his transmission, and a wind dragon phantom flew out and quickly flew into Zhao Fu's body.

Zhao Fu closed his eyes. Now that he has obtained the power of inheritance from the Eighth Meridian Young Master, he needs to digest it well.

Many colored rays of light and many dragon forces radiated from Zhao Fu's body. Countless people felt a huge pressure, and the blood in their bodies were all afraid, and they all showed shocked expressions.

Zhao Fu felt the huge dragon power in his body and smiled, and finally his eyes fell on Long Xuwu. Now he still has the power of the dragon. As long as he absorbs the power of his inheritance, he will not get the power of the dragon ancestor. , will also have a power that is the same as the power of the Dragon Ancestor, and the power may be much weaker.

Because this is the power of the Dragon Ancestor fused together by the power of the Eleven Meridian inheritance and the real Dragon Ancestor inheritance power, there are still some differences.

Facing Zhao Fu's gaze, Long Xuwu's expression became serious, and the next step was to decide the competition for the young master of the ancient dragon clan.

In this battle, he did not have full confidence, and the power that Zhao Fu showed now gave him an unfathomable feeling.

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