The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2806 Crystal Eyes (Subscribe)

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Volume 1 Chapter 253

Zhao Fu said, "Let's start!"

Long Xuwu nodded, and the two came to the other side, where a lot of damage was done because of the battle just now.

Everyone is also looking forward to this battle. They have been looking forward to this battle for a long time. The strength of the two people is extremely terrifying. One has become the master of ten thousand swords, and the other has the blessing of the ancient dragon star. Know who can become the young master of the ancient dragon clan.

"Tell me who will become the young master of the ancient dragon clan, and will lead the entire ancient dragon clan in the future!"

"Of course it is the young master of the devil dragon. Everyone has seen his strength. The young masters of the eight veins together are not his opponents."

"Yes, I also think that the young master of the demon dragon will definitely become the young master of the ancient dragon clan. Not only is his strength powerful, but his bloodline is also terrifyingly high."

"Really? I think that Long Xuwu will become the young master of the dragon clan. He is a person who has the ancient dragon star and is blessed by destiny, and who has seen Long Xuwu's strength?"

"I also think that Long Xuwu will become the young master of the dragon clan. I believe in the power of the ancient dragon star. It is the star of our race. Maybe it can suppress the power of the blood of the young master of the dragon."

"Well, the ancient dragon star does have the ability to suppress the blood, as long as it belongs to the ancient dragon clan, it will be strongly suppressed."

"Now it depends on whether the blood of the young master of the dragon is strong, or whether the ancient dragon star of Long Xingwu is strong."


Many dragon powerhouses looked serious, looking at Zhao Fu and Long Xuwu, they were also very interested in this battle.


A roar sounded, Zhao Fu understood the power of Long Xingwu, and directly exuded the huge power of the demon dragon. A magic flame ignited from Zhao Fu's body, and a terrifying magic power spread like a gust of wind.


Long Xuwu also understood that Zhao Fu was powerful, exuding the power of a heavenly dragon, a crystal-colored flame ignited on his body, and the powerful dragon might continued to spread.

The demonic energy emanating from one person covers half of the dragon cave, and there is a domineering demon dragon in it. The crystal-colored dragon energy exuding from one person also covers half of the dragon cave, and there is a powerful and noble crystal dragon.

The two terrifying auras collided together, and waves of air blew all around, just based on the aura emanating from the two of them. It was several times more terrifying than the previous battle of the Eight Veins Young Master.

call out!

The sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded, and Zhao Fu and Long Xuwu, with powerful strength, shot at each other like two streams of light.

Zhao Fu and Long Xuwu waved their fists and attacked each other with terrifying power. The dragon's body is the most powerful, so it can also be said to be a physical battle.

bang bang bang...

A loud explosion sounded, and the terrifying force kept colliding together, and the surrounding ground kept cracking into big pits, rocks flying, and the wind raging.


Zhao Fu hit Long Xuwu's chest with a punch, and Long Xuwu's body flew upside down at a high speed, and stopped after flying upside down for dozens of meters.

Long Xuwu kicked his feet, the ground shattered, and Long Xuwu's body shot towards Zhao Fu like a cannonball.

Looking at the rushing Long Xuwu, Zhao Fu threw out a fist, and a black fist with terrifying power hit Long Xuwu, and the ground was constantly cracking.

Long Xuwu smashed the punching force with one punch, his body continued to accelerate, suddenly disappeared, and appeared behind Zhao Fu in the next second, a pair of fists hit Zhao Fu's back with powerful force, crystal color. The force leaned out.

Zhao Fu's expression changed, and a black dragon-patterned hood immediately appeared, covering Zhao Fu's body.


The black dragon-patterned cover instantly shattered, and the crystal-colored force slammed into Zhao Fu's body and quickly moved backwards, pulling a wide crack on the ground.

With a wave of Zhao Fu's hand, he defeated the force and his body stopped.

Long Xuwu was a little shocked. His terrifying attack did not cause much damage to Zhao Fu. The physique of the young master of the devil dragon was indeed more terrifying than him.

Zhao Fu looked at Long Xuwu, his eyes turned cold, his hands turned into dragon claws, and he waved forward, ten black arcs with powerful force quickly slashed towards Long Xuwu.

Long Xuwu stood still, and a spar wall appeared in front of him.

One after another astonishing black arcs slashed on the spar wall, smashing the spar wall. Zhao Fu's body appeared behind the spar wall, and he punched forward with all his strength. The terrifying force seemed to destroy everything around him.

Long Xuwu's hand turned into a crystal-colored dragon claw, and he also punched with all his strength, and a huge force punched forward.


A loud sound came out, two fists slammed together, the ground around them cracked open, and the terrifying aura made people tremble.

Long Xuwu's body took three steps back, and Zhao Fu's body took two steps back.

Zhao Fu wanted to continue the attack.

Long Xuwu's eyes shrank, and two slender crystal-colored rays of light shot towards Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu immediately ducked to the side. The crystal-colored rays of light fell on the ground, instantly turning the ground into a spar.

Long Xuwu's eyes turned to Zhao Fu again, and two more crystal-colored rays of light shot towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu immediately used the protective cover to block it. The crystal-colored light passed through Zhao Fu’s defense cover. Not only did the defense cover begin to crystallize, but Zhao Fu’s body also began to crystallize rapidly. Zhao Fu could only quickly dodge to the side.

Long Xuwu's eyes shot out two more crystal-colored beams.

Zhao Fu

He opened his mouth and a black light beam was ejected with powerful force.


The two collided, causing an explosion, and the rays of light were scattered. Zhao Fu's body continued to charge towards Long Xuwu.

Long Xuwu also opened his mouth and exhaled a crystal-colored breath, and the void on the ground quickly crystallized, and the speed was also very fast.

Zhao Fu's body hurried backwards.

At this time, Long Xuwu did not retreat and rushed towards Zhao Fu, and a spar-like light emitted by a dragon claw grabbed towards Zhao Fu's chest.

Zhao Fu punched forward hard.


A dull sound rang out, and the bodies of both of them retreated a distance of five or six meters.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and emitted a lot of demonic energy, turning into a black dragon that grew rapidly and charged towards Long Xingwu.

Long Xuwu stood still, opened his mouth and spit out a crystal-colored breath at a time, floated forward, and quickly crystallized all around, which looked very amazing. If there is no chance for ordinary people to react, it will become a spar statue.

The black dragon didn't mean to dodge either, it exuded a lot of black light all over its body, and continued to rush towards Long Xuwu with a powerful momentum.


The black dragon knocked Long Xuwu out and used the black light to block the crystalline aura. Although the surroundings were crystallized, it seemed to wrap the black dragon.

Long Xuwu spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at Zhao Fu with a serious face. He had to use more powerful strength to defeat Zhao Fu.


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