The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2808 Magic Dragon (Subscribe)

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Volume 1 Chapter 255

The dragon in the black dragon's stomach emits crystal light to protect the body, but the magic power continues to erode him, causing his body to turn into black crystals.


Long Xuwu shouted, exuding all the power, countless crystal rays of light shot out, penetrated the black dragon's body, opened the black dragon's stomach, and the black dragon also turned into countless black dragons and dissipated around.

Zhao Fu opened his mouth, and a black light beam shot at Long Xuwu extremely fast with a powerful force.

Long Xuwu also opened his mouth and shot a crystal-colored beam from his mouth, and shot at Zhao Fu with astonishing power.


The two beams collided in mid-air, and a huge wave spread out like a gust of wind.

The black light beam in Zhao Fu's head forward became more intense, and it shot at Long Xingwu with more powerful force.

The two beams collided continuously in the sky, and more powerful waves spread out, causing the world to change color, and the wind and clouds were surging. stand up.


In the end, Zhao Fu's strength was stronger, and the huge black beam hit Long Xingwu's body and shot Long Xingwu's body flying out.

Long Xuwu spit out a large mouthful of blood, and blood was flowing from his body, and his injuries were very serious.

Zhao Fu's body rushed towards Long Xuwu.


Long Xuwu turned into a dragon made of spar, emitting crystal-colored light all over his body, exuding a huge and incomparable aura,


Long Xuwu spewed out a huge crystalline light beam, and shot towards Zhao Fufei with the power to destroy everything.

Zhao Fu's body emitted countless magical lights, and several dragon-patterned hoods emerged to protect Zhao Fu's body.


Zhao Fu's body was hit by the beam of light and flew out, and he flew backwards for a long time before it stopped. There was blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and he suffered some injuries.

The crystal dragon that Long Xuwu had transformed into quickly rushed towards Zhao Fu, and the dragon claws grabbed Zhao Fu with terrifying power.

Zhao Fu punched forward.

The dragon claws and the dragon claws collided together. The strength of the two was about the same. Jinglong grabbed Zhao Fu with a dragon claw, and Zhao Fu ducked down to avoid the claw.

The crystal dragon rushed down towards Zhao Fu, and the huge dragon head slammed into Zhao Fu, knocking Zhao Fu's body down from the sky and smashing a hole.

Jinglong continued to dive downward with a huge momentum.

Zhao Fu stood up from the ground, and a huge black demonic energy poured out from Zhao Fu's body, like a huge black column of air hitting Jinglong.

Jinglong didn't mean to dodge at all, and directly slammed into the huge black air column with a powerful force. With one blow, the black air column was dissipated. The black aura did not dissipate, but continued to rush towards Jinglong's body. A black rope wrapped around Jinglong's body.

Jinglong's complexion changed, and he struggled hard. The huge force broke several black ropes, but there were still many black ropes that did not break free.

Zhao Fu sneered, raised his hand and pressed it down.

A huge force pulled many black ropes and smashed down with the crystal dragon's body. The crystal dragon slammed on the ground, the ground trembled violently, and countless sand and stones were removed from the surrounding like air waves, and the ground was smashed. huge hole.

Jinglong poured blood from his mouth, struggled frantically, broke free from the black rope, and slammed into Zhao Fu with a powerful momentum.

Zhao Fu also exuded a powerful force and rammed forward.


Zhao Fu's body was slammed back by the huge crystal dragon, and the ground was constantly shattering. The power of the crystal dragon was still very terrifying.

A huge amount of demonic energy poured out from Zhao Fu's body, forming a huge demonic dragon's head, which blocked the impact of the huge crystal dragon.

Jinglong's dragon claws swiped forward hard, grabbing five huge arcs, fiercely smashing the black dragon's head, turning it into countless black breaths and dissipating, Jinglong raised the dragon's claws again, with a huge amount of light. The power slapped Zhao Fu down.

Zhao Fu quickly ducked to the side, the dragon claws hit the ground, and a huge dragon claw print appeared on the ground, causing the ground to vibrate violently.

Jinglong raised another dragon claw and slapped Zhao Fu again with powerful strength.

Zhao Fu was dodging once, and a few huge demon dragons flew out from Zhao Fu's body. They were about to land on the giant crystal dragon. The crystal dragon screamed in pain, and with a flick of his body, the black dragon that was biting his body flew out. The black dragon continued to pounce on Long Xuwu.

The crystal dragon spewed out a terrifying crystal-colored beam and swept it to one side, the crystal-colored beam was extremely terrifying, and the bodies of the black dragons were cut open in an instant, and the black dragons turned into countless black auras that dissipated.


At this moment, a loud bang sounded, Zhao Fu punched Jinglong in the abdomen with a force, and the huge force sent Jinglong flying into the sky.

Jinglong opened his mouth in anger and pain, and a crystalline light beam fiercely shot at Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu immediately ducked to the side, but Jinglong then slammed the dragon claw down, and slapped Zhao Fu on the ground with one claw. The ground cracked and Zhao Fu spat out a mouthful of blood.

Jinglong raised another dragon claw and patted it with a powerful force.

Zhao Fu didn't hesitate, his whole body exuded countless black rays of light.

In order to become a huge demon dragon, he knocked the crystal dragon out with powerful dragon power and made a loud noise.

Jinglong saw that Zhao Fu had also turned into a demon dragon, and continued to charge towards Zhao Fu with a powerful force.

Zhao Fu also charged towards Jinglong with a powerful aura.

Jinglong grabbed Zhao Fu with one claw, and when Zhao Fu grabbed Jinglong, the two dragon claws collided, and Jinglong bit on Zhao Fu with one bite. On Jinglong's body, when Jinglong struggled hard, he broke free and slammed into Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu's pair of dragon claws grabbed onto Jinglong's body with powerful force, knocked Jinglong's body into the air, and then sprayed out a black beam, which flew out with powerful force, and shot at the crystal dragon's body. On the body, an explosion sounded, and the crystal dragon was blown out.

Jinglong suffered some injuries, and angrily spurted out a crystal-colored beam, which quickly shot at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu ducked to the side, dodging the crystal-colored beam.

Jinglong immediately spewed out another beam of light. Zhao Fu avoided it once, and also spewed a black beam of light, which quickly shot at Jinglong, and Jinglong also dodged.

The two sides continuously sprayed black beams in the sky. Either the crystal dragon was hit by the black beam and flew out, or the black dragon was hit by the crystal beam. In general, the black dragon has a greater advantage, and the damage is lighter, and it recovers. Faster than Crystal Dragon.

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