The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2809 Three Demon Dragons

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Volume 1 Chapter 256


Jinglong opened his mouth and spewed out a huge beam of crystal color, and shot forward with the power of the crystallized world, exuding a huge momentum.


The black dragon also spewed out a huge black beam, with the power to destroy everything, and shot towards the crystal dragon fiercely,


A huge explosion sounded, and the two beams collided in the air, causing a terrifying explosion, and countless dazzling rays of light spread out in an instant, making people unable to break their eyes, but the amazing fluctuations were still scary.

The moment the light dissipated, the black dragon appeared in front of Jinglong and rushed towards Jinglong with a powerful momentum. The Jinglong did not react and was bitten by the black dragon, and the sharp dragon teeth bit into Jinglong's body. The dragon screamed in pain, and bit into the black dragon like a madman.

Heilong's dragon claws grabbed Jinglong's body hard, and crystal blood flowed from the wound. Jinglong also wanted to use his dragon's claws to catch the black dragon, but the black dragon didn't give him a chance. Dragon claws cannot attack.

The crystal dragon's claws couldn't attack the black dragon, so the dragon's head bit the black dragon's body hard, and emitted a lot of crystal light, eroding the black dragon's body, and the body part of the black dragon that was bitten began to crystallize.

The black dragon bit Jinglong's body hard, and hit his body, falling to the ground.


With a loud noise, the two giant dragons fell heavily to the ground, the ground collapsed into a big pit, many cracks spread out, the ground shook violently, and countless sand and stones were blown away like air waves.

The smoke and dust dissipated, the black dragon pressed on Jinglong, blood was flowing from the corner of Jinglong's mouth, and the keel seemed to be broken.


Heilong raised his dragon claw and slapped it on Jinglong's head with powerful force. He slapped Jinglong's head on the ground, and the ground cracked once.

Heilong raised his claws and planned to be afraid of Xiangjinglong.

Jinglong looked at the black dragon angrily, and a terrifying force suddenly erupted, bouncing Zhao Fu's body away.

In the sky, a vast ancient, barren, and vast dragon power spreads out, covering this world in an unstoppable manner.

Countless people from the Ancient Dragon Clan felt this power, their blood vessels were boiling, their hearts were beating violently, and they all looked at the sky in shock.

The sky seemed to be still. An incomparably huge golden star radiated golden rays of light. It slowly descended from the sky with the strongest dragon power in the world.

This terrifying dragon power can be felt from far away, and the golden stars appearing in the sky, shining brightly.

The people in Wanjian City and the major forces looked at the golden stars on the horizon with a solemn expression, and understood that the selection of the young master of the ancient dragon clan was very intense, and the stars of the natal clan had descended, but unfortunately the ancient dragon clan refused non-dragon people to enter the Zulong Cave, otherwise they would Would love to go in and see.

This is the clan star of the ancient dragon clan. The color is golden. There seem to be eleven dragons in it. The power it exudes is extremely terrifying.

Everyone was extremely excited and excited. They waited for a long time, and they saw with their own eyes that the ancient dragon star was extremely powerful.

Now that Long Xuwu has let the ancient dragon descend, is the young master of the magic dragon still an opponent?

Long Xuwu's body, the crystal dragon, automatically flew to the sky, and stopped under the dragon star. The endless power of the stars was injected into Long Xuwu's body. Long Xuwu's body injuries healed instantly, and the consumed power quickly recovered. Even is to become stronger.

The dragon that Zhao Fu turned into was on the ground, looking at the dragon in the sky with a serious face, Zhao Fu also felt a lot of pressure when the ancient dragon star came, and things became very difficult to solve.

The crystal dragon flew towards the magic dragon with the huge power of the dragon star.

The demon dragon jumped vigorously and charged towards the crystal dragon with a huge dragon power.

Jinglong looked at the rushing dragon, showing a trace of contempt. His current strength has far surpassed his previous strength, and he charged directly with a huge momentum.


A dull voice sounded, and the two dragons collided in mid-air. Jinglong's body did not take a step back, but Heilong's body retreated to the ground.

Jinglong showed a smile, opened his mouth, and a huge crystal-colored light beam quickly shot towards the demon dragon on the ground with powerful force.

The dragon immediately flew to the side, dodging the blow,


The huge crystal-colored light beam hit the ground, and a huge sound was made, and the terrifying crystal light hit the ground into a huge pit.

After the Demon Dragon dodged the attack, it also opened its mouth and spewed out a black beam of light that fiercely shot at Jinglong.

A crystal-colored semi-circle appeared in front of the crystal dragon, and the black light beam shot on the semi-circle, but it shot out numerous cracks and did not smash it.

Long Xuwu exudes a huge power, and countless crystals in the sky condense into huge diamond-shaped crystals, each of which is more than ten meters in length, three meters in width, and more than one hundred in number.

boom boom boom...

Numerous huge rhombus-shaped crystals with a powerful force, very fast, shot at the dragon like a broken bamboo.

With so many huge crystals, the dragon had no way to escape, exuding a huge dragon power, and five huge black dragon-patterned hoods emerged at the same time, exuding an incomparably strong aura.

bang bang bang...

There were loud noises, the crystals in front were shot on the defensive cover, the crystals shattered, and many cracks appeared in the defensive cover. The crystals at the back instantly shattered the defensive cover. Pain let out a roar.

Jinglong smiled. Now that the situation has changed, he belongs to the stronger side, and Zhao Fu needs to suffer the same damage and pain.


Jinglong charged towards the black dragon with a huge momentum, and the terrifying aura rushed towards the black dragon like a river.

The demon dragon looked at the crystal dragon with anger, and let out a huge dragon roar. A black blood flame emanated from its whole body. A terrifying force poured out like a black ocean. The surrounding void seemed to be unable to bear this force, and appeared. some twist.

Everyone felt this power, the blood in the body became cold, the body was like falling into the abyss, and the body and mind felt a strong fear.

The world began to change color, and countless black clouds spread from the horizon, and the powerful fluctuations emitted were not even worse than that of the ancient dragon star.

Countless people showed shocked expressions, is this the power of that bloodline? It is also extremely terrifying, and it is not weaker than the huge star power of the ancient dragon star, which is really shocking.

Jinglong, who originally rushed over, felt a powerful force, his face became serious, and his body stopped.

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