The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3182 Aquarium

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\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Volume 1 Chapter 146

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;In the days that followed, Feng Baixiang took Zhao Fu and kept approaching some women, not only women from the Feng family, but also women from other families, using Zhao Fu to gain their support.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;This made Zhao Fu a little impatient to wait, because he had been in Feng's house for a long time, and he couldn't stay here forever, although he lived a very comfortable life.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Today, Zhao Fu stopped pretending and sat in the position of the head of the Feng family, and called the three factions over.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Baixiang looked at Zhao Fu sitting on it, and had some surprises. She didn't understand Zhao Fu's courage to sit there.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue also frowned, having a bad premonition.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Fengren looked at Zhao Fu angrily and planned to teach Zhao Fu a good lesson later.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu no longer looks weak and simple and helpless, but exudes the majesty of an emperor of the ninety-five, and said with an invisible supreme pressure, "You are here! "

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The girls did not react to Zhao Fu's sudden change.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu continued, "I think you are all curious about my true identity, so I will tell you, I am the lord of the Qin Empire in the Apocalypse World, and your army in the Apocalypse World has already been controlled by me. ."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Hearing the words, the faces of the women changed greatly, they didn't expect this, and they underestimated Zhao Fu too much.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Wind Blade radiated a powerful force towards Zhao Fu, and said angrily, "I'm going to kill you!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu looked at her as if an invisible and terrifying force pressed the wind blade to the ground, unable to move.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Everyone was shocked, this is the cultivation of the virtual realm, and his cultivation is so high, as long as he wants to kill all the people easily, everyone is deceived by the man in front of him, The funny thing is that the leaders of the three factions thought they were playing with Zhao Fu in the palm of their hands, but they were actually being played by Zhao Fu.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue said with a cold face. "What do you think now?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Your Feng family is the master of me!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue said coldly, "What if we refuse?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu smiled confidently, with a hint of domineering in his voice, "Do you have the right to refuse, kneel down!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The girls present immediately knelt on the ground without the slightest resistance.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It was only now that the girls understood that Zhao Fu had left a restraint in their bodies for a long time to control their bodies, but the key was that they didn't notice, this man was too terrifying.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Now, as long as you obey me honestly, your identity and status will remain the same as before."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Hearing this, Feng Qingyue understood that she was still the owner of the house and said, "Yes!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Baixiang hesitated for a while, but nodded, "I agree too!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu's last gaze was towards the wind blade on the ground.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Fengren glared at Zhao Fu angrily, she couldn't bear to find him to be deceived, nor could she accept Zhao Fu being above her, she said coldly, "Kill if you want, I am I will never surrender to you."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu sneered, he wanted to teach this Fengren a lesson, and now that she is courting death, Zhao Fu will fulfill her immediately.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;In front of everyone, Zhao Fu violently destroyed the wind blade.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Finally, Feng Ren couldn't hold on anymore, humiliatingly begged Zhao Fu for mercy, willing to surrender to Zhao Fu, completely not as ruthless and domineering as before.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu let her go with satisfaction and began to bully other women. This time, Zhao Fu was the main one.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;One day later.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu was lying on the ground with his arms around the leaders of the three factions.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue asked suspiciously, "Master, how do you control our Feng family's army in the world of Apocalypse? We haven't heard any news."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, it's very simple, use the same method of controlling you."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Baixiang smiled and said, "With your charm, Xianggong, we really can't resist your temptation. There is a knife on the head of the color, and we are not wronged in your hands."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Feng Ren's cheeks were slightly red and he said, "Isn't your identity unusual, Xianggong? Otherwise, you won't have such a look and temperament."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I will simply tell you my true identity. I am the son of Apocalypse World, the owner of the Supreme Emperor Star."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Hearing the words, the girls looked at Zhao Fu in astonishment, and their minds went blank.

The identity is so terrifying, the heart can't bear it.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Wind Blade said softly, "That's right, with such a perfect appearance, we can accept defeat in your hands."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu said with a smile, "The three of you have to get along a little bit more gently from now on, you can't be the same as before."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue smiled and said, "I have no opinion, you are the man of the three of us now, and we will all focus on you in the future."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Baixiang said, "I have no opinion either!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Fengren thought for a moment and said, "I have no opinion, now I belong to Xianggong, no man has ever conquered me, Xianggong, you are the first person to get my heart, I am willing to I obey you."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu looked at Feng Ren and had a sense of accomplishment, and said, "Okay, then I'll go back to Daqin first."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue said with a smile, "Can we go to Daqin to see? I want to know what kind of power Xianggong's power will be."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Let's go back together!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Afterwards, Zhao Fu returned to the world of Apocalypse with his three daughters.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Chuixue watched Zhao Fu come back with the three daughters, and understood that Zhao Fu had successfully controlled the Feng family, and now the entire Feng family belongs to Zhao Fu.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue smiled and said, "Daughter!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Fuxue apologized, "I'm sorry mother!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue said with a smile, "I don't mean to blame you, but thank you for bringing Xianggong to the Feng family. You are the hero of our Feng family."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Hearing this, Feng Chuixue was very surprised, she glanced at Zhao Fu, she didn't expect Zhao Fu to make her mother like this.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu smiled and hugged Feng Chuixue, "Now you don't have to pretend, come back to Daqin with me."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Chuxue blushed and nodded.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu returned to Daqin with his daughters.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The wind blows the snow and the girls entered Daqin and looked around, gradually understanding Daqin's true strength.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The Jin family was shocked when they learned of this. This Daqin was too terrifying. They silently controlled a family that was no weaker than them. Fortunately, they did not choose to resist Daqin at that time.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The faces of many ministers of Shenmu Kingdom are ugly, and they regret in their hearts. If they knew earlier, they should use all means to destroy Daqin. Now that the three forces are combined, how can Shenmu Kingdom fight? At this time, Shenmu Kingdom should be afraid of Daqin's attack.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Shenmu Duan Ma ordered people to build various defensive buildings to guard against the Daqin attack.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Although Zhao Fu controls the Feng family and his power has become larger, Zhao Fu still has no idea of ​​taking the initiative to attack the Shenmu Kingdom. Anyway, if it is eliminated, there will be new ones. s life.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Now that there are two alchemy families from the Jin family and the Feng family, Daqin will not be in great danger. Zhao Fu can go to the waters and awaken the emperor star of the water family.

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