The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3183 Alchemy

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Volume 1 Chapter 147

After briefly explaining some things, Zhao Fu got up and went to the water.

After walking a distance, Zhao Fu found that there were wars everywhere. Basically, the Card World was attacking the forces of the Apocalypse World, or the Alchemy World was attacking the Apocalypse World.

No matter whether the invasion can be resisted or not, there will be a large number of casualties, and the smell of blood wafts in the air.

Some small forces have little room to survive.

Zhao Fu didn't have time to take care of this, and continued on his way to the waters.

In fact, if such a thing happened, it would still be beneficial to Zhao Fu. Originally, many great powers could be waiting in the waters, because they all knew that Zhao Fu would go to the waters to awaken the aquarium emperor. Pay attention to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu is relatively safe, so he doesn't have to worry too much about being found by the great master.


A few cracking sounds rang out, and several arrows flew towards Zhao Fu with a burst of force.

Zhao Fu frowned, and with a wave of his hand, a force sent those arrows flying, and a group of people from the card world appeared.

They don't look like soldiers, they wear all kinds of armor, and they hold different weapons, like a team of mercenaries.

During this period of time, it seems that the card world has further opened its permissions. Not only people from other forces can go to the Apocalypse World to start wars, but also give some powers to the Knights Union, allowing some loose people to enter the Apocalypse World to fight.

Don't laugh at a group of loose people. Although they have different strengths and preparations, the number is very large, and there are some powerful people among them.

At this time, Zhao Fu was facing a hunting team composed of a group of loose people. They have already regarded the people of the Apocalypse World as their hunting targets. Killing Zhao Fu will get points rewards. If Zhao Fu is caught, it can also be used as a slave trade. , in any way to their advantage.

The sinister man sneered and said, "I found a good prey today, and I should be able to get a good price right away. Let's go together."

Hearing this, the crowd charged towards Zhao Fu with an aura.

Zhao Fu looked at this group of people indifferently, stretched out a hand and shook it, and the person who rushed over seemed to be caught by an invisible big hand, and everyone began to be afraid, and wanted to ask for forgiveness and let Zhao Fu let them go.

bang bang bang...

Zhao Fu squeezed his hand hard, and those people were directly blasted open, and countless blood and pieces of flesh were spattered, splashing all around, making people feel sick.

Keep going.

Zhao Fu happened to see a group of mercenaries, pressing more than 20 young men and women forward. They were tied with ropes, and some of them suffered a little injury. There were no old people or children. Because there was not much profit, they took the old man. Killed with children.

When a good-looking man saw Zhao Fu, he couldn't help but ask, "Sir, save us!"

That group of mercenaries looked at Zhao Fu and frowned. Those who dare to stay outside alone now have a certain amount of strength.

The leader was a man with a beard, who said, "This matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to intervene, and we will not attack."

Obviously this man doesn't want to fight Zhao Fu, they have no confidence in their hearts,

Those young men and women looked at Zhao Fu pleadingly, and they all knew what would happen, and Zhao Fu was their only hope.

Zhao Fu said to the bearded man, "Hurry up and get out of here!"

The bearded man was furious, and immediately armed with a big knife, he slashed at Zhao Fu, and the others also attacked Zhao Fu from the side.

Zhao Fu waved his sword, and a huge black sword light slashed out, severing those rushing people in the middle, blood splashed out, and countless shrill screams came out.

This bloody scene. Let everyone in the world of Apocalypse also feel a sense of fear.

Zhao Fu looked at everyone and said, "You can go!"

Those people hurriedly cut the swords on the ground, cut the ropes, thanked Zhao Fu and left here in a hurry.

However, before Zhao Fu took a few steps, he immediately heard many screams. The group of people met a group of regular soldiers of the Card World, and those soldiers shot arrows to kill the group of mothers and women.

Zhao Fu sighed slightly, but didn't bother, and continued on his way.

This is the situation in the world of Apocalypse now. Zhao Fu is powerless to change now, and he can't control it. Zhao Fu returns to kill those soldiers, and he will meet again soon.

When he came to a city, Zhao Fu planned to borrow the teleportation array to go to a farther place, but because of the war, the teleportation array could not be used. If he walked by himself, it would take several days to reach the next location.

There was no other way, Zhao Fu found the city owner of this city, a middle-aged woman who was blessed with a relatively average appearance.

Originally, she didn't want to see Zhao Fu, but Zhao Fu showed some strength to let her understand that Zhao Fu is a strong man.

Her name is Wanyan Li, she sat on the chair above with a smile, and said to Zhao Fu, "I don't know what your Excellency should call you?"

Zhao Fu replied, "My name is Mo Ye!"

Wanyan Li said with a smile, "Your Excellency should be aware of the current situation, it's not that I don't want to use it for you."

Zhao Fu said, "Just say what you need to pay, I am willing to exchange some treasures and elixir for the qualification to use the teleportation array."

Wanyan Li said with a smile, "Young Master! I'm not interested in these things. I ran into a trouble recently. I wonder if your son can help me solve it?"

Zhao Fu understood her purpose and said

, "Go ahead!"

Wanyan Li said, "To the southwest of us, there is a large army of Card World, with a number of more than 200,000, which has been threatening the safety of my city. I think you can help me assassinate the generals of this army, and I will arrange a team. People cooperate with you."

Zhao Fu nodded, "I'm going!"

Wanyan Li was taken aback, "What?"

Zhao Fu said, "I'll kill that general now, you wait a while and I'll be back."

Wanyan Li was surprised, "Are you going now? Are you alone?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu left the city and came to the place where the card army was located in the southwest. He stood in the sky and looked down at the card army below.

When the soldiers saw Zhao Fu in the sky, they immediately became alert, ready to attack Zhao Fu at any time.

Zhao Fu said, "Who is your general?"

A tall young man in armor walked out, looked at Zhao Fu in the sky, and asked, "I am, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I want to borrow your life!"

The young man said angrily, "Kill!"


Many arrows shot at Zhao Fu, like many raindrops, with a sharp force, making the hair stand up.

Zhao Fu was a little disdainful. With a wave of his hand, a gust of wind blew the countless arrows out. The strong wind made the soldiers unsteady, showing a look of fear on their faces.

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