The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3199 old man (for subscription)

Volume 1 Chapter 163

Zhao Fu left once,

Yun Xiao Leng snorted softly, "I should have killed a few of you long ago, but I didn't want to give you a chance in the end. Xie Er smiled and said, "Yeah! I understand that my sister just had a good time, but she didn't suffer at all. "

Xie San chuckled, "The key is that you can't do anything to us now, the power given by that adult is very powerful, at least it is a power that surpasses the power of a king, and we can't get this kind of power before no matter what. ."

Yun Huoling said angrily, "Don't go too far!"

Xie Qi glanced at Yun Yu'er and said, "Okay! Don't talk about it, that lord asked us to be their guards, and we will protect them well in the future."

Hearing this, Fierce Two and Fierce Three didn't say anything.

Yun Yu'er said, "Let's go!"

Everyone bypassed the Demon Spear Kingdom and headed to the Flame Kingdom from the other side. Now they knew how powerful Zhao Fu was, and with the addition of the seven men, everyone's safety was guaranteed, and they didn't encounter any danger.

Zhao Fu was flying in the sky, and the little black fish was swimming beside him, and his speed was not slow at all.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu came to another city. This is a city under the jurisdiction of a sect. For the time being, there is no danger, and the teleportation formation can be used at any time.

Zhao Fu was walking towards the teleportation formation. An old man wearing a gray long coat with an old face stopped Zhao Fu. He said coldly, "Who are you?"

Zhao Fu's expression was stunned, "Is there something wrong?"

The old man stared coldly at Zhao Fu and said, "Recently, our sect disciple was assassinated. I think you are suspicious."

Zhao Fu said, "I just came here, I'm just a passerby."

The old man said coldly, "Take off your cloak, and take out the storage ring, let me check, if you are not, I will let you go."

Zhao Fu was a little unhappy, "What if I don't?"

The old man said with a murderous aura, "Then die!"

Zhao Fu looked at the old man in front of him, and naturally he would not be willing to hand over the storage ring. There are many very important things in it.

The old man also saw what Zhao Fu meant, and immediately grabbed Zhao Fu with a claw, with a fierce claw print, and wanted to kill Zhao Fu with one move.

The strength of this old man is indeed not weak, he has reached the peak of Ditianjing, and he has such arrogant capital, but he is facing Zhao Fu.

I saw Zhao Fu standing in the same place, patted out with one hand, and a powerful force slammed into the old man's chest, directly blasting the old man out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The old man's face was pale, he didn't expect Zhao Fu to be so powerful.

Zhao Fu didn't want to be entangled with the old man, so he walked to one side, intending to use the teleportation array to get out of here. Several powerful momentum fell, and several old people appeared.

A tall, thin old man in a red coat. Looking at the old man on the ground, he asked, "What happened?"

The old man immediately pointed at Zhao Fu and said, "He is the one who assassinated our sect disciple! The power is very strong, you have to be careful."

The old man in red said angrily, "So it's you, die!"

Zhao Fu quickly said, "Wait!"

However, several old people ignored Zhao Fu's words and rushed directly to Zhao Fu. Several powerful forces were combined into one, as if they could shatter a mountain.

A defensive cover appeared, blocking Zhao Fu's face.


That powerful force slammed on the defensive cover, a terrifying wave spread, and the ground shattered instantly. But the shield didn't take any damage.

Several old people were a little surprised.

The old man in red gathered a powerful force on his fist, that fist ignited flames, and punched out, a huge flaming fist hit Zhao Fu.


The flaming fist slammed on the defensive cover, and the huge flame wrapped Zhao Fu into a huge flame, and the surrounding temperature rose straight up.

Another old man put his hands together, a strong wind spread, a huge and sharp whirlwind wrapped the flames, forming a fire tornado, the ground in all directions was smashed, and a heat wave spread.

A fat old man spewed out a liquid from his long mouth. The liquid poured into the flames like oil, making the flames more violent, the surrounding temperature became even higher, and the ground was burned with ashes. .

The last old man pointed at Zhao Fu with his sword, and flying swords condensed in the void, swiftly flying towards the group of flames.


I saw these flying swords fly into it and combine with the fire tornado, forming a huge sword fire tornado, a terrifying momentum spread, and the surrounding area was smashed by this force, the picture is very amazing.

The old man in red said with a confident smile, "Although this person is not weak, he has too little combat experience. He will surely die if he takes a single blow from our combination."

Another old man sneered, "Dare to kill our sect disciple, this is the end."

The fat old man said with a pity, "I killed him like this, and I didn't find out the order of the queen."


A powerful force erupted, sending countless flame bullets flying out, and the flames rushed to the surroundings. Several old people quickly resisted, and flames ignited all around. I saw Zhao Fu's body appear without being hurt at all.

Several old people looked at the scene in shock.

Zhao Fu said with a hint of anger, "You brought it on yourself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Fu appeared in front of the old man in red.

A punch hit the red-clothed old man, and the red-clothed old man was hit and flew out. Several bones in his chest were broken, blood was left in his mouth, and the injury was very serious.

Zhao Fu kicked out again, kicking the other old man out, spitting out a mouthful of blood and fainting.

Then Zhao Fu appeared in front of the fat old man. The fat old man looked at Zhao Fu who appeared, with a ruthless expression on his face.

Zhao Fu gave a disdainful smile, and punched out with a force.


An explosion of air sounded, a strong wind dissipated, and the fat old man's body flew out, fell to the ground, and let out a scream, his arm seemed to be interrupted by Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu attacked another old man again, and also hit him hard.

In the end, there was the old man in the gray long coat. Zhao Fu walked towards him with a cold face. He was the one who annoyed Zhao Fu the most, because everything was caused by him.

The old man in gray looked at Zhao Fu coming, and he also showed a fearful expression, but he quickly grabbed Zhao Fu with another claw.

Zhao Fu kicked the gray-clothed old man out, and the gray-clothed old man fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

After dealing with many old people, Zhao Fu did not stay in place, and immediately flew towards the teleportation formation. But when Zhao Fu came to the teleportation formation, the teleportation formation was already banned, and Zhao Fu immediately sensed a few powerful momentums gathering here.

In the end, Zhao Fu had no choice but to escape from this city first.

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