The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3200 Water World

Volume 1 Chapter 164

However, this area is under the jurisdiction of this sect. Zhao Fu went to a nearby city and found that this sect was looking for him. If he bypassed this sect, it would take several days. Zhao Fu thought about it and decided to bypass this sect. Staying entangled with this sect will only waste more time.

Just as Zhao Fu was about to leave, he sensed a change in a part of the city.

I saw a man in a cloak suddenly appear behind the two youths, stabbing them with a dagger in his arm, one youth died immediately after being pierced in his heart, and the other saw this scene and ran away in fright.

The man in the cloak immediately caught up with the young man and killed the young man. When he was about to leave, another man in a black cloak appeared in front of him. This man was naturally Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at the person in front of him. This should be the person who had been assassinating the disciples of the sect. Looking at him wearing a cloak, Zhao Fu understood why the old man suspected himself, and he was completely responsible for this person.

The man saw Zhao Fu standing in front of him, stared coldly at Zhao Fu, and made a young voice, "Who are you?"

Zhao Fu said, "Who am I? I'm the one who took the blame for you."

Hearing this, the young man's expression changed. He had also heard that Zhao Fu was very powerful, and he defeated several elders at once. "What do you want to do?" the boy asked nervously.

Zhao Fu thought for a while, "I don't want to do anything, I just come here to see. Although I have been blamed for you, I have already severely injured a few elders, which is already considered a vengeance."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Why do you want to assassinate the disciple of this sect?"

The boy said with a look of hatred, "This sect's chief elder killed my parents. I have no ability to avenge him, so I can only kill some sect disciples."

Zhao Fu asked, "Why did that Great Elder want to kill your parents?"

The boy hesitated, thought for a while and said, "Because of a treasure."

Zhao Fu became interested, "What kind of treasure?"

The young man took off the cloak and saw that he had fish scales growing on his body, and his ears were like fish fins, which surprised Zhao Fu.

The teenager introduced himself, "My name is Yu Ye, my father is from the human race, and my mother is from the water race. I am a hybrid of the human race and the water race. My mother used to be a saint of the water race, but she was expelled from the water race because she fell in love with my father. , my mother brought out a treasure from the water clan, and that treasure is called Bafang Water World."

Zhao Fu looked puzzled. He had never heard of a treasure, and he didn't know much about Zhao Fu of the Aquarium. "What kind of treasure is that? It shouldn't be ordinary, right?" Zhao Fu asked.

Yu Ye nodded earnestly, took out a fist-sized blue crystal with eight faces, and there was a cloud of blue water in it, emitting a faint blue light. "This is Bafang Water World!"

Zhao Fu felt the pure water power emanating from this blue crystal, and also understood that this thing is not simple, and asked, "What does he do?"

Yu Ye said, "This Bafang Water World contains the origin of the water world, and if you master it, you will obtain the world bloodline and world power of the water world, and it also has the ability to integrate all the power of the water race. It is rumored that there are twenty-four in the Bafang Water World, distributed in There are different corners of the waters, whoever owns them owns the waters.”

Zhao Fu began to hear the previous words and thought that this was a very powerful and rare treasure, but when Zhao Fu heard that as long as he had 24 Bafang Water World, he could have water, and he immediately showed a surprised expression, because this might be his The key to awakening the Aqua King.

Originally, Zhao Fu didn't know how to wake up. He just planned to come to the waters and take a step by step. Maybe he could find an opportunity.

Zhao Fu looked at Yu Ye and asked, "Why don't you use something so precious?"

Yu Ye said with a wry smile, "Not everyone can use the Bafang Water World. It must be approved by the Bafang Water World. Unfortunately, I have not received its approval and cannot use its power. Otherwise, I will have my revenge by relying on it."

Zhao Fu asked, "What's the purpose of taking out such a precious treasure?"

Yu Ye nodded, "I know your strength is very strong, as long as you are willing to help me kill the Great Elder, I am willing to give you this Bafang Water World, it is useless to keep it in my hands anyway."

The corner of Zhao Fu's mouth rose and smiled, "I can promise you, but I need to think about the Bafang Water World."

Without any hesitation, Yu Ye reached out and handed the Bafang Water World to Zhao Fu, because with Zhao Fu's strength, he could easily take it away, and he couldn't resist.

Zhao Fu smiled and found the Bafang Water World, and a force was injected into it. This Bafang Water World produced a force of repulsion. If he wanted to get out of Zhao Fu's hand, Zhao Fu immediately imprisoned the Bafang Water World to prevent it from escaping.

The little black fish swam to the side, as if interested in things.

Seeing this scene, Yu Ye said, "I forgot to tell you that this Bafang Water World can only be used by people who have the blood of the aquarium. If you are a Human Race, you cannot use this Bafang Water World."

Zhao Fu also thought about why Bafang Water World was repelled. It turned out to be this reason. He smiled slightly. It was very easy for him to put away Bafang Water World. Zhao Fu said, "I need to know the information of that Great Elder! "

Yu Ye said with a smile, "I can tell you in detail."

"That Great Elder is called Kushang, and his cultivation base has reached the peak of the virtual realm. He has cultivated the five skills of mysterious spirits. His strength is very powerful, and he can be ranked in the top three in the sect."

After listening to the young man's words, Zhao Fu thought, "The peak of the virtual realm? This can be solved for Zhao Fu, but there will also be some troubles. If he can be led out of the sect, Zhao Fu will have a lot of treasures to kill outside. He, but in this sect, Zhao Fu has no ability."

Zhao Fu looked at the young man and said, "I can kill this great elder, but I need to print him out, so we can't be in a hurry."

Yu Ye said with a smile, "As long as you can get revenge, it doesn't matter how long you wait."

For Yu Ye, there is no hope of taking revenge with his ability. He can only rely on Zhao Fu. He is very happy to hear that Zhao Fu can take revenge. He can wait for some time.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Let's get out of here first,"

Yu Ye smiled and nodded.

Zhao Fu took Yu Ye to the outside of the Zongmen faction, and then asked Yu Ye to write a letter, asking that Great Elder, who was called Kushang, to go to the mountain in the west alone if he wanted to get the Bafang Water World.

In a spacious room, a strong old man with a spiky head looked at the letter in his hand with a sneer, "It turns out that he has been assassinating sect disciples!"

He is Kushang, the great elder in the sect.


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