The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3201 Aquarium Emperor Star (for subscription)

Volume 1 Chapter 165

Kushang turned the letter into ashes and planned to go to that place alone. He was confident that it would be very easy to kill Yu Ye and snatch the treasure with his own strength. At this moment, a beautiful woman in a blue long dress with an enchanting figure walked in and asked, "Where are you going?"

The beautiful woman has a purple fish scale between her eyebrows, exuding an aura of aquarium blood, and her level is not low.

This person's name is Yu Shaoling, and she is also an aquarium with high-level blood. She came here a year ago to find the Bafang Water World and used penance to help her obtain the Bafang Water World.

Of course, suffering is not to help Yu Shaoling for free, and wants to gain the support of Yu Shaoling's family and make it the sect master of the sect.

For the position of the suzerain, he has been spying for more than a hundred years. Although he has cultivated a force in the sect, he is still not fully sure of the position of the suzerain. The Bafang Water World is useless to his human race. Using it to become the suzerain, He thought it was worth it.

Yu Shaoling said with a smile, "Since Bafang Water World is in his hands, things will be easier to handle. You can leave it to me to handle it."

Hearing this, he nodded bitterly.

Yu Shaoling turned to leave, and came to a secret room again, a beautiful woman with a plump figure and a charming temperament, her hands were tied up by an iron chain, and there were many scars on her body. There is also a fish scale between her eyebrows, and the blood aura emanating from her seems to be the same as Yu Shaoling.

She is Yu Ye's mother Yu Qiye, and she is of the same clan as Yu Shaoling. More precisely, Yu Qiye is Yu Shaoling's predecessor, because now Yu Shaoling is the saint of this generation.

Yu Shaoling looked at Yu Qiye and said with a smile, "So Bafang Water World is in your son's hands? What else did you say you have never seen Bafang Water World, and you are unwilling to say that you have tortured you for so long, you are a traitor in your clan!"

Yu Qiye's face changed and he said, "I don't understand what you said!"

Yu Shaoling laughed and said, "What are you pretending to not know? You don't know? Your stupid son said it himself, Bafang Water World is in his hands, and he has to go to a place to get it."

Yu Qiye said quickly, "I can ask my son to hand over the Bafang Water World to you, please let my son go."


Yu Shaoling slapped Yu Qiye on the face and said fiercely, "It's too late, I will kill your stupid son in front of you, and then bring you a traitor back to the clan, and let the people in the clan To punish you, do you know the fate of stealing holy relics?"

Yu Qiye's face is pale, stealing the sacred relics in the clan will suffer endless pain of peeling scales and skins, that is, peeling off the scales on the body, the skin on the body will also be peeled off, and it is not immediately dead, this is A pain that ordinary people cannot bear. Yu Qiye looked at Yu Shaoling's wet eyes and said, "I can go back and accept the punishment, but I beg you to spare my son, he has nothing to do with this."

Yu Shaoling snorted coldly, "He's your son, why doesn't it matter? You bastard caused our family to search for the holy relic for so many years. This is retribution."

Afterwards, Yu Shaoling left the secret room and asked someone to write a letter to Yu Ye, asking him to bring Bafang Water World to the sect, or else he would kill his mother.

It was easy for Yu Shaoling to think that there must be a conspiracy for Yu Ye to ask Kushang to go to that place, so using Yu Ye's plan to get Yu Ye over in turn, Yu Shaoling smiled, "Humph! The kid still wants to play tricks with me. "

After receiving the letter, Yu Ye looked surprised, "My mother hasn't died yet, which is great! I thought she was killed too."

Zhao Fu frowned, and he didn't expect that the plan would not be successful and that he would be targeted in turn.

Yu Ye looked at Zhao Fu and said, "I'm going to save my mother!"

Zhao Fu said, "He asked you to go to the sect. If I go, I may not be safe. If you go, you will die."

Yu Ye insisted, "I know, but that's my mother, I have to save it, or they will kill my mother."

Zhao Fu exhaled and said, "I know it's your mother, and I didn't object to your rescue, but not now, not only will you not be able to save your mother by running over like this, but you will also harm her, we will come step by step. "

Yu Ye said worriedly, "If I don't go, I'm worried they will hurt my mother."

Zhao Fu said, "What they want is the Bafang Water World. As long as you don't hand over this thing, your mother will not die. You can rest assured."

Hearing this, Yu Ye nodded, "What should we do now?"

Zhao Fu thought about it and said, "You also write a letter back. If they dare to hurt your mother, you will destroy the Bafang Water World."

Yu Ye said, "This Bafang Water World is extremely hard, and it is rumored that immortals cannot destroy it."

Zhao Fu looked a little embarrassed and said, "Then throw it in a place where no one can find it, so that they will never find it."

"Oh!" Yu Ye replied.

Yu Shaoling, who received the letter, had a cold face, and immediately wanted to cut off Yu Qiye's head and send it over, but she was worried that Bafang Water World would not be found.

Kushuang said, "It's better for me to find that kid!"

Yu Shaoling said with a smile, "This kid is not stupid. Even if you go, you will only run for nothing. Anyway, his mother is in our hands, and he will definitely come to save her mother. We just need to wait."

Painfully thought about it and hummed.

Zhao Fu also has a headache now. With his current strength, he doesn't dare to forcefully break in. It would be very difficult to sneak into the sect. He didn't know what to do.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Fu decided to investigate.

Zhao Fu received some news. It turned out that the old people who were so tyrannical to him in the past were people in the same line of pain. Now their line is very strong, and the suzerain line is afraid of three points, which is why they are so arrogant and arrogant.

Thinking that the sect master also wanted to get rid of the suffering of the confidant, Zhao Fu thought that he could cooperate with this sect master, and thought that Zhao Fu immediately wrote a letter to that sect master.

A mighty middle-aged man sits above the hall. He is the sect's sect master, named Shi Kun.

After reading the letter in his hand, Shi Kun fell into deep contemplation. He has always endured what the pain has done, because it is not easy to make the situation stiff now. He must also want to get rid of the pain. The key is this person? ?

Could this be this person's conspiracy? If he agreed to him, and he leaked the information, it would immediately cause a civil war in the sect, and he could save people from it.

Shi Kun was a little embarrassed. He was worried that he would be caught in the scheme, and he didn't want to miss this opportunity. In the end, Shi Kun decided to talk to Zhao Fu first.

Zhao Fu received a reply, and he was willing to meet with this sect master.


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