"Shen Mange, you threaten me so much outside, and I might still hesitate, but here, I have the final say! If your annunciator can be launched, then let me lose, how?"

Fang Qian said very proudly.

Shen Mange remembered that there was no signal at all, or that the signal was blocked.

She looked at the painful Lan Chen and grabbed the switch without thinking.

"Stop her!

Otherwise, the next one is you! "

Fang Qian's voice was majestic, and several bodyguards ran towards Shen Mange.

Shen Mange couldn't take care of them at all, relying on his dexterity, he drove between them, and finally caught the handle of the electric gate, but the bodyguards also rushed up.

When Lan Chen saw Shen Mange, she was so painful that she couldn't breathe. When she saw Shen Mange desperately for him, he seemed to see Fang Ting.

Do not! Fang Ting is dead! Only Shen Mange can appear here! Lan Chen shouted and struggled, but he could not withstand the electric shock.

Seeing the pain suffered by Lan Chen, Shen Mange struggled with the risk of being punched by the bodyguard, and tried his best to pull the electric brake down.

Lan Chen finally got a short breath.

"Go! Hurry! Leave me alone!"

Lan Chen shouted, blood on the corners of his mouth.

Shen Mange was intent on playing against those bodyguards.

Although she is not as good as Ye Nanxian, she is still pregnant, but perhaps because of the potential's potential, Shen Mange is like a warrior, entangled with several big men, and still has the upper hand.

When Fang Qian saw this scene, her mouth was all crooked.

"Waste! Even a woman is too big, what do I want you to do?

Yang Fan! "

Shen Mange couldn't help but stunned when he heard the name.

Yang Fan?

is it him?

In Shen Mange's stunned space, a bodyguard punched Shen Mange in the face, and the warm liquid ran out of the nose.

Shen Mange took two steps back and looked at Yang Fan who came in from the outside, his eyes getting colder.

She still remembers how Yang Fan asked for forgiveness. If she did not insist on her own principles, I am afraid that he would be injured again for the second time, right?

Looking at Yang Fan walking towards him, Shen Mange sneered and said, "I'm really blind, I still believe you can help me."

Yang Fan looked at Shen Mange, a trace of pain in his eyes.

"Mother, I'm sorry."

"Don't call me mistress! Your master looks at you in front of the camera."

Shen Man's singing voice couldn't help but a little higher.

Others saw Yang Fan coming in, and stopped the attack, and took two steps back, forming a circle of encirclement, surrounding Shen Mange and Yang Fan inside.

Shen Mange looked at this posture and knew that he was planted here today.

If it is someone else, she still has a chance of winning, but if the opponent is Yang Fan, even if she can barely draw a tie with him, there are so many bodyguards around. Is it really impossible today?

Shen Mange looked at Yang Fan and knew that he only had a chance to beat Yang Fan.

"bring it on.

Don't make any ink, since you have chosen to be an enemy, don't show your helplessness. "

Shen Mange took a step back and directly pulled off the posture, ready to have a real duel with Yang Fan at any time.

Lan Chen saw Shen Mange so desperate that he could not help shouting out loud for himself.

"Shen Mange, you go, leave me alone.

Fang Ting is gone, it ’s not fun to go out, and what if a person like me goes out?

Isn't it considered a monster?

Perhaps death is the best destination for me. "

"Don't say anything useless, I promised Fang Ting to take you out."

Shen Mange's words made Lan Chen stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "Fang Ting is too stupid, always believes that affection can override everything, but unfortunately ... she was killed!"

"I know, so wait to go out and talk."

Shen Mange didn't go to Lan Chen anymore, but looked at Yang Fan and said coldly, "Go ahead."


Yang Fan was very guilty, but he attacked Shen Mange for the first time.

Shen Mange quickly dodges, but the other bodyguards take the opportunity to force her back.

This is simply not fair! But Shen Mange also knows that talking to Fang Qian that fairness is simply a fantasy.

She looked solemnly at everything in front of her, and was very cautious to move with Yang Fan.

Yang Fan's attack is getting faster and faster, faster and faster, Shen Mange is a bit hard.

Just when Shen Mange thought that he would be defeated by Yang Fan, Yang Fan suddenly took the opportunity to give Shen Mange a key and whispered: "At this time, open the key of Lan Chen glass cabinet. After you save him, go to the right. A secret door can directly lead to the back alley of Fang's house.

Only I can help you.

You give me the bodyguard here, and leave quickly, Ye Nanxian is outside to meet you. "

Shen Mange froze slightly.

"You ..." "Don't say it, hurry up!"

Yang Fan took advantage of the strength of a confrontation and pushed Shen Mange directly to Lan Chen's glass cabinet.

"Can I still believe you?"

Yang Fan, who asked Shen Mange's words, was in pain.

He looked at Shen Mange and whispered: "I swear by my life, I will never lie to you."

"Yang Fan, take care."

Shen Mange understood the emotion in Yang Fan's eyes.

She suddenly wanted to escape.

Yang Fan likes her?

When did this happen?

Why did she never know?

Yang Fan heard Shen Mange say this and smiled happily.

"Captain Yang, you are ..." The others saw the difference and were a little puzzled by the interrogator.

Yang Fan turned around and said to them with a smile, "Let them go."

"Captain Yang, what are you talking about?"

"I said, let them go!"

Yang Fan started to speak to them in his speech.

Jian Yangfan was entangled with them, Shen Mange quickly cut off the power, then opened the glass cabinet and helped Lan Chen out.

"Can you still go?"



Shen Mange supported Lan Chen and glanced at the fighting Yang Fan. She knew that this time Fang Qian might not let Yang Fan go.

Suddenly Shen Mange felt a little sad.

She didn't want to owe Yang Fan, but compared to Lan Chen, Lan Chen needed to go out for treatment.

Shen Mange bit her lower lip and took Lan Chen directly to leave with Yang Fan's prompt.

Seeing this scene from the camera, Fang Qian's nose was all crooked.

"Yang Fan, how dare you betray me! How dare you!"

She angrily patted the table, and then let people send someone to control Yang Fan, and also let people stop Shen Mange.

Shen Mange took Lan Chen to open the secret door, but Lan Chen stopped her.

"Now there must be many people waiting for us to join us, and we have no way out when we go out."

"Nanxian is outside to meet us."

Ye Nanxian is Shen Mange's only hope.

Lan Chen said with a sneer: "I don't deny Mr. Ye's ability, but he can't enter Fang's house. Even if he puts in his eyeliner and responds internally, he still can't get in.

This has nothing to do with the power, because there is a self-protection device in the back alley of Fang's house, and there is malaria in it.

Ordinary people will only be poisoned if they want to force it in.

They simply have no ability to come in and save people.

Here, the Fang family is the overlord, and the self-protection device is seamless.

So as long as we do n’t go out, Fang Qian may not turn on the self-protection device, but once we go out, she will let our army wipe out. "

Hearing this, Shen Mange couldn't help but startled a cold sweat, and even worried about Ye Nanxian.

"How to do?

If Nanxian doesn't know, if he wants to break through, then ... "" We need to call him now. "

"Just kidding, now my phone is blocked by the signal, where can I get it?"

Shen Mange felt that God had made a big joke for himself.

Lan Chen frowned and said, "There is a phone in Fang Ting's room, which is an internal phone in Fang's house, and can be made."

Shen Mange froze slightly.

"Are you going to Fang Ting's room?"

"Yes, even if I want to go out, I will bring Fang Ting together.

Here is the grave where she was buried. I don't want her to stay here.

It was her last wish to leave here and go to the vast world. "

Speaking of this, Lan Chen's entire face was extremely sad and sad, and even a bit painful.

Shen Mange is aware of the feelings of the two of them. Perhaps the friendship between the two men in these years has been stronger than anyone.

"Okay, let's go to Fang Ting's room."

Once Shen Mange and Lan Chen made a decision, they did not hesitate.

The two people changed their route, and when they came out of the rockery, they saw Professor Fang who was staying outside.

Lan Chen's body flinched involuntarily, and he could see that Lan Chen had been tortured by Professor Fang all these years.

Professor Fang's eyes are not good at Lan Chen.

"Professor Fang, do you think you have beaten me?"

Shen Mange put Lan Chen behind him for the first time.

Professor Fang looked at Shen Mange, looking at this face very similar to her daughter, and suddenly said: "I can send you out, but you need to take my daughter away."


Shen Mange thought he had heard it wrong.

Professor Fang struggled and said: "I know Tingting is not happy here. Now that she is gone, I don't want to imprison her body here.

Although I do not like Lan Chen, I know Lan Chen is good for Ting Ting. As long as you promise me, take Ting Ting out and bury it, I will send you out of here. "

Shen Mange suddenly understood.

After all, he is Fang Ting's father after all.

Maybe he also loves Fang Ting, but the family rules for many years have made him afraid to resist Fang Qian ’s orders, or maybe Fang Qian is indeed a **** wrist, which makes him a little scared, but these are treated like this after his daughter died In fact, Professor Fang couldn't bear it in the end.

Shen Mange looked at him and said word by word: "I can promise you to take Fang Ting out for burial, but I need a mobile phone now."

"Mobile phones are impossible. The signals here are blocked. Unless it's an internal call, you can go to Fang Ting's room and use her room phone to make calls, but be quick.

Whatever you can think of, your grandma will naturally think too. "

Hearing Professor Fang say this, Shen Mange and Lan Chen suddenly became tense, and a group of three quickly walked towards Fang Ting's room, but met a man in front of Fang Ting's room.

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