The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 808: She is no longer the mother you know

Shen Mange suddenly froze.

"How will you be here?"

After seeing Tang Ziyuan again five years later, Shen Mange's face was a bit cold.

The woman who looked at this favorite now looked at herself indifferently, and Tang Ziyuan couldn't express her sadness.

He still remembers the ups and downs that Shen Mange walked with him in the past five years, and even remembers the joy of their family of four.

Why is it the current situation?

Even Shen Mange resented himself.

Is it wrong to love someone?

Tang Ziyuan looked at Shen Mange and said affectionately: "You can't escape, unless you marry me as Fang Ting smoothly."

"You already knew about this?"

Shen Mange remembered that his face was given by Tang Ziyuan, and he couldn't help getting angry.

For five years, if he knew all this early and treated himself and the children like that, she would definitely not tolerate it.

Tang Ziyuan shook his head and said, "I don't know, it might be the meaning of grandma to save you five years ago, but I don't know so many things behind this."

"Do you mean to save me by your grandma?"


At first, I didn't need to go to Haicheng to do any business. My grandma ordered me to go there and gave me the address.

I didn't know why, but it wasn't good to violate her, so I went to the gas station. I didn't expect to meet you and saved you by the way.

I always feel that this is the opportunity that God gave me, but I did not expect that everything is calculated and planned by someone who cares, but in any case, I am grateful for the encounter five years ago, and I do not regret the five living with you. Years, if you can, I do n’t even mind you continue to live with me as Fang Ting.

To me, it doesn't matter whether you are Shen Mange or Fang Ting as long as it is you. "

"I mind!"

Shen Mange heard Tang Ziyuan say this and immediately refused.

"I am me, Fang Ting is Fang Ting, we are even a single individual, and water has no right to obliterate any of us.

Tang Ziyuan, you should know my temper during the past five years. The twisted melon is not sweet.

I am grateful to you, but I will not like you. This is two different things, and I always feel that the last lesson Nan Xian gave you the Tang family, your Tang family should be more convergent. "

When Tang Ziyuan heard Shen Mange said Ye Nanxian's proud look and expression, he couldn't help being jealous.

"Why can't I match Ye Nanxian?"

"There is no comparability. I fall in love with it. I don't care even if he is a beggar."

Shen Mange feels that it is no longer useful to tell Tang Ziyuan that she should have said that she has said it, but Tang Ziyuan is still stubborn, what else can she say.

Tang Ziyuan heard Shen Mange say this, his face was ugly.

Shen Mange knew that it would be a waste of time to talk about it.

"Keep off! Or I let you back off! You choose!"

Shen Mange was already somewhat prepared to speak.

Tang Ziyuan naturally saw Shen Mange's intention.

He said sadly: "Are you going to do it with me now?

Shen Mange, do you really want to deal with me?

You have to know that if there was no me five years ago, not only you but even the children in your stomach would not survive in this world. "

"So you are still alive, so there is still a Tang family in this world, otherwise you think that what you and the Tang family have done to me and the children, will Ye Nanxian bypass you?"

Shen Mange's words stimulated Tang Ziyuan again.

"Ye Nanxian, Ye Nanxian! You are now talking about Ye Nanxian! Is it true that you will only belong to me if he is dead?

In that case, let him die! "

With that said, Tang Ziyuan took out the intercom.

Shen Mange suddenly understood Tang Ziyuan's intention.

She didn't even speak this time. She stepped forward and lifted her legs high, directly kicking off the walkie-talkie in Tang Ziyuan's hand, and the next one directly caught Tang Ziyuan's throat.

"Do you really want to die?

Or do you think that the bailout you gave me with ulterior motives five years ago can save you for life?

Even if you use Zi'an and Luoluo to frame our affection design to us, it's okay. Now I'm still a little whimsical and want to take me.

Tang Ziyuan, are you too desperate? "

"Dare you kill me?

Do you have the heart to kill me? "

Tang Ziyuan turned a blind eye to Shen Mange's movements, as if he didn't even worry that Shen Mange would really do it for himself.

In the past five years, Shen Mange has been too weak. Although he has never given up on children, in other respects, Tang Ziyuan saw Shen Mange's weakness and strength.

But being strong is not enough to give her the courage to kill.

This is Tang Ziyuan's barrier and the reason why he dared to provocate Shen Mange brazenly. After all, Shen Mange does not have the courage of Ye Nanxian.

Shen Mange had to admit that she did not have the courage to kill, even if she did not think about the children, she had to think about Ye Nanxian.

But not killing does not mean that she cannot beat someone.

Shen Mange sneered and shot directly at Tang Ziyuan's neck.

Tang Ziyuan was so surprised that he fainted before he could say anything.

Shen Mange threw him aside, took the intercom, and they quickly entered Fang Ting's room with Lan Chen.

Fang Ting's body is gone! This was the first thing they discovered after entering the room.


Where is my daughter? "

Professor Fang looked like crazy.

Lan Chen's complexion was terrible.

Shen Mange knew that Fang Ting must have been hidden by Fang Qian.

This woman is simply abominable! Not even the dead! As long as there is a trace of use value, she will give it to the extreme to let go.


Shen Mange didn't want to delay here.

Anyway, Fang Ting is dead, now Lan Chen is still alive, and the living is always more important than the dead.

She took Lan Chen's hand and quickly used a phone in Fang Ting's room to make a call to Ye Nanxian and told him about Fang's self-protection device.

Ye Nanxian was relieved when he heard Shen Mange's voice.

"Are you all right?"

"It's okay, I immediately took Lan Chen out, but Fang Ting's body was gone."

"It doesn't matter, Fang Qian will come to us again.

When you come to the back alley, I'm already cracking their self-preservation device, and it will take two minutes.

I will meet you at the door. "

Hearing Ye Nanxian's words, Shen Mange finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that as long as he was there, she would not be afraid of any kind of strong winds and waves.

"it is good."

After Shen Mange hung up the phone and hated Professor Fang while he was still looking for Fang Ting, he took Lan Chen's hand and left.

She walked and said, "I know you particularly want to find Fang Ting's body, but you listen to me, as long as Fang Qian is still thinking about letting me die, she will have other ways to force me, Fang Ting's The body may be one of them.

I promise you, I will take Fang Ting's body out of Fang's house, but the first problem now is that you have to follow me.

You must go out first, and then I can be safe to do other things, and Lan Chen, I am pregnant.

Even if it's not something else, look at the baby in my stomach can't be too laborious, don't make me fooled, okay? "

Lan Chen was stunned.

He looked at Shen Mange's stomach, his eyes deep.

"it is good."

After three seconds of silence, Lan Chen's faint opening made Shen Mange feel so unreal.

"what did you say?"

"I said we went out."

Without any hesitation, Lan Chen walked away with Shen Mange in hand.

Professor Fang was still crazy looking for Fang Ting's body, feeling a little nervous.

Shen Mange shook his head pitifully, and quickly followed Lan Chen to leave Fang Ting's room.

Some people stopped on the road, but Shen Mange didn't stop at all, and ran all the way to the back lane.

Near the back lane, she saw Ye Nanxian standing at the back door.

He was like a lighthouse, instantly giving Shen Mange strength and courage.

"Ye Nanxian!"

Shen Mange called him happily.

The moment Ye Nanxian looked back, Shen Mange suddenly felt a sense of a thousand years.

She couldn't wait to take Lan Chen's hand and ran towards Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian looked a bit ugly when he saw Shen Mange holding Lan Chen's hand, but he was relieved to think about what Lan Chen did for them.

Shen Mange's trusting ecstasy eyes made him feel that it would be worthwhile to pay the whole world.

Ye Nanxian opened his arms and hugged Shen Mange.

He asked softly, "Are you injured?

let me see. "

Shen Mange smelled a familiar breath and shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I miss you so much."

For the first time, she felt that the time to leave Ye Nanxian was so long.

Ye Nanxian smiled tenderly.

Lan Chen couldn't help but feel pain in seeing how they showed affection to each other.

If Fang Ting is still alive, they may also be such a happy couple. Unfortunately, Fang Ting did not wait until this day.

Lan Chen's eyes darkened.

"Let's leave here before we talk."

He couldn't bear to interrupt Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian's tenderness, but this is really not a good place to speak.

"Are you all right?"

Ye Nanxian glanced at Lan Chen and saw that he was covered in blood, so he couldn't help but ask.

"I can't die."

Lan Chen gritted his teeth and looked at Fang's house fiercely, watching this place where he had been imprisoned since he was a child, and finally because Fang Ting was willing to stay, now that Fang Ting is gone, he can't wait to burn a fire here.

But he still has reason.

Ye Nanxian saw him pretending to be too good, and quickly said: "Leave here first and then talk."

"it is good."

As soon as the party left the back door of Fang's house, Fang Qian's voice came out.

"Don't let them run! Close the door!"

Ye Nanxian's footsteps took a slight pause.

Such a familiar voice, even if it turned gray, he remembered it.

"Really she?"


Although I knew in advance that Fang Qian was still alive, the moment I heard Fang Qian's voice, Ye Nanxian was still a little surprised.

Shen Mange understood his mood and held his hand tightly and said, "She is no longer the mother you know. Perhaps, to be precise, she was never your mother.

Over the years, the person who raised you was Mom Zhang, and the person who gave birth to you was also Mom Zhang. She just wanted to control you and the South. "

"I know, let's go."

Ye Nanxian's eyes were a little sad.

A group of people walked towards the parking place and suddenly realized that their car was gone.

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