The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 823: Are you threatening me?

"What's wrong with your old lady?

Didn't I tell you?

Our wife is not seen! "

Jiang Xiao quickly let Shen Mange be behind him. Facing the old Mrs. Tang, who looked like an old hen protecting the young, Shen Mange was somewhat moved.

Missed for a while, Mrs. Tang's complexion was very bad, and she could not see her recent days.

Shen Mange pulled Jiang Xiao aside and looked at the old man in front of him. Bi Gong screamed respectfully, "Lady Tang, hello."

"You thought you didn't know me anymore."

Mrs. Tang's tone is not very good.

Shen Mange just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing Shen Mange like this, Mrs. Tang was a little angry.

"Shen Mange, in the past five years, have our Tang families been kind to you?"

"pretty good."

Shen Mange's answer gave Mrs. Tang a glimmer of hope.

"You still have a little conscience.

In the past five years, although the Tang family has not given you any good opportunities, it has also helped you raise your children, and has given you rumors and even provided help to make you an excellent car designer.

All of this is given to you by the Tang family, but how can you let Ye Nanxian destroy the Tang family now?

Don't stay at all? "

Mrs. Tang said more and more angry, as if the Shen Mange in front of him was so evil.

Shen Mange did not interrupt her. After she finished speaking, Shen Mange asked in a low voice: "Lady Tang, do you know what Tang Ziyuan did to me?"

Mrs. Tang froze a little, her old face was a little hot.

"Mange, Ziyuan, you know, he loves you too much, so he ..." "I love me so much that he wants to kill me?"

Shen Mange's seemingly indifferent inquiry actually left Mrs. Tang speechless.

"He was confused for a while.

You also know what he has thought of you in the past five years, but after five years and tossing for five years, you have no results, this child is just not willing to be reconciled. "

"Lady Tang, your grandson can kill anyone's life if he doesn't want to."

Shen Mange's tone was not enthusiastic, and Mrs. Tang felt that the old face had no place.

"Do you think this works?

Tang Ziyuan is dead or alive. Our Tang family does not have two words. As long as you and Ye Nanxian are happy, you can do whatever you want. Please see that I have done a good job for you in the past five years. Let him raise his noble hand and let go of Tang Jiaxing? "

The meaning of Mrs. Tang's words is very clear. She has decided to sacrifice Tang Ziyuan to save the Tang family.

For this approach, Shen Mange did not know what kind of mood to show.

If it was before, she may still be soft-hearted, but since she walked a life and death back and forth in Lengku and saw that Ye Nanxian was scared by her, her three souls and seven souls were almost gone, Shen Mange decided not to be so kind to anyone anymore. .

"Lady Tang, I remember that Ye Nanxian gave Tang family a chance. I also remember when Ye Nanxian said when he left the United States, this is to repay the Tang family ’s care for me and the children. Owe.

Since both of them owe nothing to each other, Tang Ziyuan has done such a thing to me again, what reason do you ask me to plead with Nanxian again?

Our gratuity and kindness will not repeatedly give to those who continue to harm us.

If it were you, would you? "

Shen Mange's words left Mrs. Tang speechless, but she still wanted to struggle.

"Man Ge, I know that Tang Ziyuan didn't do well in this matter. I said that if you kill him and you can spare the Tang family ..." "Before this thing happened, Tang Ziyuan was Tang. The representative of the family is the pride of the Tang family.

Since you have always been proud of Tang Ziyuan, then you should not give up on him at this time, you have to advance and retreat together?

Otherwise, are you afraid of hurting his heart?

As for the Tang family, I'm sorry, I can do nothing. "

Shen Mange lifted his foot and left.

Mrs. Tang ’s forehead was very colorful. When Shen Mange walked into the elevator and planned to close the elevator and left, Mrs. Tang suddenly stretched out her leg and threatened in a low voice, threatening, "If you do n’t let the Tang family go, Won't make you feel better, do you believe it or not? "

"Are you threatening me?"

Shen Mange smiled and took out his mobile phone. The scene just now was playing.

Mrs. Tang's face suddenly changed.

"You, why are you such a woman?"

"I just want to protect myself.

There is no way, there are too many villains like you, so I can't defend.

Mrs. Tang, if you continue to harass me, I will post this video to the public, and I will not know what the result will be. "

After Shen Mange finished speaking, he asked Jiang Xiao to pay Mrs. Tang out, and then shut down the elevator.

Mrs. Tang was trembling with anger, and she couldn't think of Shen Mange before looking at the soft and weak girl, looking at a kind girl.

"Shen Mange, you wait for me!"

Mrs. Tang shouted, but unfortunately Shen Mange could not hear it long ago.

Jiang Xiao knew something from the words of Shen Mange and Mrs. Tang. After the elevator was closed, she looked at Shen Mange without asking, but covered the thin blanket in her hand.

"Don't want to ask anything?"

Shen Mange spoke lightly.

Jiang Xiao shook his head and said, "Although I'm curious, this is the mother's business. It has nothing to do with me. My job is to take care of you and prevent people with bad ideas from approaching you. Other things have nothing to do with me."

Shen Mange is very satisfied with Jiang Xiao's answer.

She smiled and whispered, "Do you like Lan Chen?"

Jiang Xiao suddenly froze, and then his face turned red involuntarily.


"Don't hide from me, I am also a woman, you can see your eyes, when Lan Chen appeared, your eyes were almost shining.

I'm not wrong about this. "

Shen Mange's quips made Jiang Xiao a little bit self-confident.

"Mrs. I ..." "Give him a little time. Tingting just passed away and died so miserably. He and I will grow up with him, and it will not be over for a while."

Shen Mange sighed and gave Jiang Xiao a rough idea.

Jiang Xiao suddenly distressed Lan Chen.

"Ma'am, rest assured, I won't mess up."

"Well, I believe you."

Shen Mange patted Jiang Xiao's hand.

After the two people got off the elevator, they went to the top of the building, where there was already a helicopter waiting.

Ye Nanxian saw Shen Mange coming and greeted him quickly.

"Why so long?"

"Nothing. I met an old man and talked for a while."


Ye Nanxian suddenly tense.

Shen Mange couldn't help but feel sad when she saw Ye Nanxian like this.

Why didn't she see Ye Nanxian's nervousness before?

Even for an outsider like Tang Ziyuan, Ye Nanxian was repeatedly saddened, and Ye Nanxian was repeatedly worried. Who now stands beside him besides Ye Nanxian?

And Tang Ziyuan, whom she once wanted to protect, now wants to kill her! Ye Nanxian noticed that Shen Mange's eyes were floating, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong?"

Don't say it if you don't want to say it, I don't really want to know. "

"Ye Nanxian, why do you treat me so well?"

After Shen Mange asked, he felt that he had asked a silly question.

Sure enough, Ye Nanxian said with a smile: "You silly woman, you are my wife, I am not good to you, who is good to go?"

"Yes, I'm stupid.

We go home. "

Shen Mange took the initiative to hold Ye Nanxian's hand.

Ye Nanxian's body shivered slightly, and then he happyly embraced Shen Mange on the plane.

Jiang Xiao looked at the sweetness and warmth in their interaction, and couldn't help but envy.

It would be nice if she could find such a thoughtful husband.

She couldn't help but look like Lan Chen.

The cold eyes and indifferent expression suddenly made Jiang Xiao shudder involuntarily.

Obedient! The ice cube is tender and tender, and it is estimated that the world will be destroyed.

Realizing what he was thinking, Jiang Xiao shook his head quickly, and then quickly followed him. After getting on the plane, he realized that Lan Chen was also on the plane.

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Xiao's words made Shen Mange, Ye Nanxian and Lan Chenlen a bit.

Shen Mange smiled and pulled Ye Nanxian as if he didn't see it.

Lan Chen is still a face of ice cubes, without looking at Jiang Xiao and said, "Can't you go?"

Don't go down. "

Jiang Xiaoqi's two hands were tightly held together, and he really wanted to slap him.

What is it?

She doesn't owe him anything! However, Jiang Xiao still tolerated this breath and walked past Lan Chen anxiously, not knowing whether it was intentional or intentional, her back heel stepped **** Lan Chen's instep.

Lan Chen didn't say a word, but his brows were tightly frowned, and the air around him seemed to be colder.

Jiang Xiao felt a little better, no matter how the ice cube was, he came to Shen Mange with a big swing.

"Ma'am, I'm sitting in the back, you call me something."

"it is good."

Shen Mange's lips were curved, obviously in a good mood.

Ye Nanxian saw all this in his eyes and whispered, "Are you going to let Jiang Xiao act against Lan Chen?"

"Let's watch its changes. Feelings are also about fate."


The two of them sat with their fingers together, like a beautiful landscape.

Lan Chen looked at Shen Mange's profile and seemed to see Fang Ting in a trance.

His eyes became a little soft and a little confused.

Jiang Xiao had been staring at Lan Chen for a long time, and when he saw that he had a deep affectionate face towards Shen Mange, he could not help feeling jealous and sad.

That ice cube was not so cold to anyone! She quickly turned her head to look outside, fearing that she would lose her sense of jealousy, but not long after the plane took off, she turned around involuntarily.

The blue morning under the sun, the illusion of beauty, such a heart-pounding, as if it were an elf, and it seemed like a Satan possessed evil spirit.

Jiang Xiao noticed that his heartbeat was unconsciously speeding up.

Lan Chen noticed Jiang Xiao's gaze and couldn't help but look back, glaring at her fiercely.

That glance was like a knife, scaring Jiang Xiao to an agitated spirit, and quickly passed away.

Shen Mange looked at it all quietly, his eyebrows leaning against Ye Nanxian's arms.

Soon after, Haicheng arrived, Shen Mange looked at this familiar city and smiled.

came back! she's back!

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