The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 824: I have something to tell you

Shen Mange sat up straight from Ye Nanxian's arms, looking at this beautiful coastal city, and suddenly felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Sure enough, wherever love is, home is.

Ye Nanxian saw Shen Mange now and couldn't help but smiled and said, "I'm happy to be back?"

"Well, the air here is good."

"Then we will take some extra days at home."

"it is good."

Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian whispered to each other, but Jiang Xiao looked at the outside with some joy, and whispered, "It's so beautiful! The seaside city is so beautiful."

"Yeah, look back and let Lan Chen take you out for a stroll."

Shen Mange's words made Lan Chen frown slightly.

"I still want to protect you."

"Nan Xian is here. I don't need your protection. You take Jiang Xiao to get acquainted with Haicheng so that she won't get lost."

Shen Mange said lightly.

Although Lan Chen resisted a bit, but since Shen Mange spoke, he also kept quiet, apparently taking over the order.

Ye Nanxian saw Shen Mange doing so, and said nothing. Anyway, his wife was happy.

After the plane landed, Shen Mange was taken off the plane by Ye Nanxian.

Song Tao is already waiting.

During this time, Song Tao also eased from Fang Juan's affairs, and now it has become the former capable Song Tao.

Shen Mange saw Song Tao like this and was happy for him.

"Mr. Ye, wife, welcome home."

Song Tao took a cloak and passed it to Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian made Jiang Xiao cover Shen Mange.

Shen Mange suddenly felt warm all over.

"Actually, no cloak is needed this day."

Shen Mange's words were directly rejected by Ye Nanxian.

"The doctor said that you have been in the cold storage for too long. Although the miracle has left you with nothing now, it is better to pay more attention to keeping warm for the sake of insurance."


What else can Shen Mange say?

Ye Nanxian moved the doctor out. She couldn't make the man worry anymore.

After the party got in the car, Song Tao drove in the front, Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian sat in the back, and Jiang Xiao was thrown by Shen Mange to Lan Chen.

Ye Nanxian whispered: "Lan Chen is a stubborn eye. Are you afraid of delaying Jiang Xiao by doing this?"

"I said that, let it go and let it happen.

Fang Ting has left. If Lan Chen can't walk out, his life will be over.

Now Jiang Xiaozai, they can be the best, if they can't, it's okay, the fate will always be together, let me do nothing, let Lan Chen take her around. "

Seeing Shen Mange say so, Ye Nanxian is not good at talking.

Song Tao saw that they had finished speaking, and then asked: "Mr. Ye, go home?"

"Go home, the company's business will be passed to me later."

"it is good."

The car drove back to Ye's old house.

Song Tao carried in the luggage of Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian. Ye Nanxian carried Shen Mange into the bedroom and settled in. Hearing Song Tao knock on the door outside and said, "President Ye, I have something with you Say."

"Go to the study and wait for me."

Song Tao left after hearing the words without disturbing Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange at all.

Shen Mange asked curiously: "What is Song Tao looking for you for?"

"You have a good rest at the company.

I haven't seen you take a break along the way, must be tired? "

Ye Nanxian covered the quilt with Shen Mange.

Shen Mange pulled the quilt and said: "Fortunately, you go busy, I take a rest for myself, rest assured, I'm fine.

By the way, when will Azi and Zhao Ning travel, when will they come back? "

"It will take a month for anything.


Do you miss them? "

"A little, they are not there, the house is cold and the children are not there, I really miss them a bit."

The meaning of Shen Mange was heard by Ye Nanxian.

He rubbed Shen Mange's head with a smile and whispered, "When you rest, I will take you to see the children."

"Can't they be taken back?

Fang Qian has been arrested, can't she leave moths again? "

Shen Mange really missed his son and daughter.

Ye Nanxian also knows that it's not easy to keep Shen Mange and the children apart for so long, but there are some things that he doesn't have the final say. Moreover, Fang Qian hasn't been able to do anything. He always feels uneasy.

"Wait again, and if you can come back, you have to listen to the third uncle."

"Okay, you go busy. I will rest for a while and wait until I am full."

Shen Mange did not want Ye Nanxian to be difficult to do, nor did he want him to worry, and drove Ye Nanxian away with a smile.

Ye Nanxian shook his head helplessly and said, "Well, let me go, you hurry to rest."


After Ye Nanxian left the room, Shen Mange felt a little tired and lay down to sleep.

Ye Nanxian, who entered the study, saw that Song Tao's face was not very good, and quickly closed the door.

"what happened?"

Song Tao stopped talking.

"What can't you say to me?

When did we get a share between us? "

Hearing Ye Nanxian say this, Song Tao whispered, "I want to see Fang Juan."

Ye Nanxian gave a slight meal, but also understood that after all, Fang Juan was Song Tao's mother.

"Go if you want to see her, and see her as you don't need to pass me."

"I still want to tell you, after all, what she does is related to the wife."

Song Tao's words made Ye Nanxian distressed.

He patted Song Tao on the shoulder and whispered: "Don't let some things happen to our brothers and let them be separated."

"No, President Ye, I always remember your kindness to me.

I just want to see her.

When she was in the Song family before, I felt that she was the sole authority of the Song family.

Now that she is in, I just want to go in and see her, after all, she gave me a fight. "

Song Tao's mood is still somewhat depressed.

Ye Nanxian nodded and said, "It should be.

No matter what she did, she was the one who gave you life after all.

Go check it out.

Neither me nor Mange will have an opinion. "

"Mr. Ye, there is one more thing."

Song Tao looked at Ye Nanxian and whispered: "Song Wenqi left Haicheng."

"Where did you go?"

"I don't know, it's to go out and relax.

When he left, he walked alone, without taking his mother. "

Song Tao's words made Ye Nanxian squat a bit, but did not feel anything.

"Zhang Min is dead. He is in a bad mood and understandable. There is no fuss about going out to relax."

"But his mother is sick, and you and your wife also know that it was the poison my mother made her.

The doctor said that he was ill and had little time.

Song Wenqi has always been a filial son, so his mother went out to relax himself, which is a bit wrong. "

Hearing Song Tao saying this, Ye Nanxian suddenly remembered it.

Liu Mei is indeed in poor health. He accused Fang Juan of taking special care or Ye Ming to find it. In this way, Song Wenqi's going out this time is indeed not so simple.

"Maybe there is something else. The Song family has nothing to do with us. Although it is a relative, Song Wenqi is very capable. As long as he doesn't speak, then he doesn't want us to know, we just don't know what to do, etc. When he used us, I said, I know, because of your mother ’s affairs, you always feel guilty for him, want to compensate, and even want to atone for the Song family for your mother, but Song Tao, I want to tell you, Your mother is your mother, you are you, you do n’t need to feel owed to the Song family. After all, you did n’t take anything from the Song family.

Don't you need to feel guilty about Song Wenqi? "

Ye Nanxian was afraid that Song Tao would not be able to make it through.

Song Tao nodded, but Ye Nanxian could see that he didn't even listen.

The repayment of debts between father and son is too practical for Song Tao.

"Go, I will deal with official business in the past few days. You have a holiday and take a good look at Fang Juan."

"No, I will go down to see it today, and I will return tomorrow morning."

Song Tao was out of the study after talking.

Ye Nanxian was a little distressed to Song Tao and called his own people to let them take care of them when Song Tao went to visit the prison.

After doing all this, Ye Nanxian turned on the computer to handle the business.

Song Tao, the official business that has accumulated over the past few days, has dealt with some, and there are still some that he needs to deal with in person.

It didn't take long for Ye Nanxian to put into work.

Song Tao left the Ye family's old house and did not rush to the prison, but went to Liu Mei's house.

Liu Mei was surprised when she saw Song Tao.

"How did you come?

Is there anything about Mange and Ye Nanxian looking for me? "

Liu Mei did not let Song Tao come in. Perhaps in her heart, whether Tao Tao lived with Fang Juan or not, after all, it was Fang Juan ’s son. This relationship made her not like Song Tao.

Song Tao also knew that Liu Mei did not like herself and did not enter the door, but just passed the nutrients in her hand.

"Mrs. Song, this is for you."

"No, I don't need any supplements at this age.

Do you have anything else? "

Liu Mei's attitude is not very enthusiastic, and Song Tao does not mind.

He whispered: "I know that you hate my mother, and you can't forgive him no matter what I do.

I do not expect you to forgive her.

You are the wife's aunt. The wife's health is not good. I'll take a look for her, it means nothing. "

"Thanks, I'm fine. You can go back if there is nothing wrong. Don't call me Mrs. Song in the future. I'm divorced from Song Haitao."

Liu Mei's words made Song Tao stunned. He didn't expect Liu Mei to drag on his marriage for more than 20 years. He actually chose to divorce when he was about to die.

"Mr. Song ..." "It has nothing to do with me. I'm a little tired. I want to rest. Please come back."

Liu Mei said she would close the door.

Song Tao threw in the tonic while she was closed, then turned around and left.

"Alas, your tonic ..." When Liu Mei chased out, Song Tao was already in the car.

Looking at the supplement in his hand, Liu Mei sighed.

Fang Juan is such a vicious woman, so has such an excellent son?

She turned back to the house, hesitated, and brought the supplement back to the house.

Song Tao left Liu Mei's house and went directly to prison.

There was a courtesy call from Ye Nanxian over the prison, and he was polite to Song Tao, but when Song Tao said he wanted to see Fang Juan, the other party gave him an unexpected reply.

Fang Juan was released on bail.

Song Tao's forehead frowned tightly.

"Who baild her?

Her case is well-documented and she is not eligible for bail. How could she be released from prison? "

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