"what did you say?"

Shen Mange felt that auditory hallucinations might appear in his ears.

Yesterday, well, why did you die today?

"You have sentenced him to death?"

"No, although he forced a confession, he really didn't make much effort. After all, he was afraid of his identity."

Lan Chen's words wrinkled Shen Mange's brows tightly.

"Have you seen a doctor in the past?"

"Su Shao passed by and said he died of myocardial infarction."

Lan Chen has been informed.

"He has a bad heart?"

"Not clear."

Shen Mange felt that he was a little bit stunned before Ye Feng came here, and he and Ye Nanxian knew about the existence of this person, how could he know his physical condition.

Ye Feng is dead here now, what will happen to the second uncle?

Not to mention whether this leaf maple is true or not, Shen Mange is already scorched.

"You wait, I will find Nanxian down."

Shen Mange felt that this matter was a bit out of his control.

She went upstairs quickly, and Ye Nanxian didn't wake up yet, looking very tired.

Shen Mange woke Ye Nanxian.

"Nanxian, wake up, something went wrong."

Ye Nanxian opened his eyes, hugged Shen Mange subconsciously, and said hoarsely, "How do you get up so early?

Let me hug. "

"No, Nanxian, something happened, Ye Feng is dead."

"If you die, you will die."

Ye Nanxian said a subconscious sentence, and then the sentence was replayed in his mind before he suddenly woke up.

"what did you say?

Who is dead? "

"Ye Feng, died of myocardial infarction, Sunan is still over there, would you like to go and see now?"

Shen Mange said quickly.

Ye Nanxian is now fully awake.

"Why did you die suddenly?"

"I don't know, but I always feel that something is not right, but I can't tell where is wrong."

Shen Mange's intuition is very bad.

Seeing Shen Mange worried, Ye Nanxian comforted her with a smile and said, "Relax, it's fine.

I went to see.

Be careful at home alone.

Luoluo and Ruirui, do n’t pass by today. I asked Zhao Ning to replace Azi. "

"No, I can handle it myself. By the way, Zi An is going to the military area today. He has decided to develop in the military area."

Shen Mange felt that this matter should be said to Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian's hand gave a slight pause and nodded.

"It's okay, this stink boy is good to exercise in the military area, so I don't know that the sky is thick."

Although the saying goes, Shen Mange knows that Ye Nanxian can't bear Ye Zi'an.

"Would you like to say a few words to him?"

"it is good."

Ye Nanxian sipped after getting dressed.

Lan Chen was still waiting, but he went directly to Ye Zi'an's room and knocked on the door.

"Go in."

Ye Zi'an's voice was cold, and he already had Ye Nanxian's momentum.

Ye Nanxian watched Ye Zi'an packing things by herself, but he was a little bit reluctant.

"Really decided to go this way?"

Ye Zian gave a slight pause and turned his head to look at Ye Nanxian. He saw the sadness in Ye Nanxian's eyes and suddenly said with a smile: "Old Ye, wouldn't you let me leave?"

"Well, reluctant."

Ye Nanxian did not play this time.

Ye Zi was stunned for a while, and then he was a little warm.

"I will come back to see you every week."

"Study hard and come back if you don't want to stay. Even if you are nothing, Daddy can afford you."

Ye Nanxian rarely spoke like this before, but at this moment, Ye Zi'an did not refute, but stepped forward to hug Ye Nanxian tightly, put his head on his shoulder, and whispered: "Old Ye , I ’m really not leaving when you are here. "

"Do not leave without leaving."

Ye Nanxian crouched down and hugged Ye Zian tightly.

This kid is much stronger than when he first came back, but after careful calculation, it's almost a year, and the time between the father and son is really too little.

Ye Zian really wanted to stay, but think of Ye Rui, think of Ye Luoluo, he still loosened Ye Nanxian.

"Lao Ye, you are too bad. How can you keep your son from doing business?"

Ye Nanxian clearly saw the tears in Ye Zi'an's eyes flashing.

This arrogant little fart boy! "Okay, if you need anything after you go, remember to call me."

"it is good."

Ye Zi'an cleverly agreed.

Ye Nanxian took out a card and handed it over.

"Hold it, poor family, rich road, take care of yourself outside, you know?"


Ye Zian turned up the black card.

After bidding farewell to Ye Zi'an, Ye Nanxian returned to the living room. The first sentence he saw when he saw Lan Chen was, "Is Sunan still there?"

"Su Shao is still here."


Ye Nanxian looked at Shen Mange and turned to leave.

Lan Chen also followed Ye Nanxian.

Shen Mange was pretending to have something in her heart, and she felt a little depressed.

When Shen Peipei came out, she didn't realize it.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Shen Peipei put a hand directly on Shen Mange's shoulder, and surprised him.

"You didn't make a sound when you came out?"

Shen Mange's tone is not very good.

Shen Peipei shrugged and said, "Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. It's not yet evening, what are you afraid of?

Did you do too much at a loss? "

"Too lazy to tell you."

Shen Mange turned around and left, but was stopped by Shen Peipei.

"Hey, I made breakfast in the morning. How can you eat somehow?"

Shen Mange turned to look at the restaurant, with four dishes and one soup, full of flavors and flavors, and she seemed really appetite, but unfortunately she had no appetite.

"Go eat, I am not hungry."

Shen Mange's words made Shen Peipei's face a little ugly.

"Do you look down on me?

Still think I will poison the food? "

Shen Peipei's harsh tone made Shen Mange pause.

She looked at Shen Peipei. Although she still didn't seem to be in tune, Shen Mange thought that it was not easy for her to wake up and cook in the morning, so she didn't care about her.

"Okay, I'll have some food. Let's go."

Shen Mange got up and went to the restaurant.

Shen Peipei did not appreciate it.

"Don't eat if you don't want to eat, don't make it like I'm forcing you to eat it. If you eat it back, your stomach will be counted on my head. You still don't eat it."

Shen Peipei said to grab Shen Mange's tableware.

Shen Mange felt that Shen Peipei was a little unreasonable.

"Okay, is it enough?

There are a lot of things at home, don't you mess up? "

Shen Mange took the bowl and filled himself with some food, and then ate it silently.

Shen Peipei looked at her, not knowing what she was thinking, but she also silently picked up the tableware and started to eat.

A meal was silent.

Shen Mange finished first.

Huang Ma walked over and said, "Mrs. Shen is here."

Shen Mange froze slightly.


She got up quickly and went out.

Shen Peipei didn't respond much. After finishing the meal slowly, he got up and went to the living room, and found that Shen Mange had already brought in Father Shen.

Father Shen was a little happy when he saw Shen Peipei.

"Pepe, I have already asked Teacher Hughes and I will take you to see him in a moment.

You tidy up. I bought a violin for you. When I go for a while, don't lose your temper. "


Shen Peipei said impatiently.

Shen Mange remembered the origin of this violin, which was somewhat uncomfortable.

"Dad, you sit down, I'll get Pepe clothes."

"what clothes?"

Shen Peipei frowned slightly, "You haven't bought me clothes yet, what do you get?

Don't you wear leftovers?

I'm not a bad watcher. "

Shen Mange feels that Shen Peipei's mouth is really unclean, but in front of Shen's father, she still gave Shen Peipei some face.

"I bought it for you yesterday, but I haven't had time for you."

Shen Mange asked Mother Huang to buy it before she went out yesterday, but there were too many things to come back, and she didn't remember it. Now when Father Shen came, she remembered it.

Shen Peipei pouted and said, "Who knows if you lied to me."

"I lie to you funny?"

Shen Mange turned around and left.

Father Shen didn't expect that the attitude between Shen Mange and Shen Peipei was such that he couldn't help but feel a bit lenient. After Shen Mange went upstairs, he dragged Shen Peipei and said, "Don't talk to your sister like this."

She was born five minutes earlier than me. "

"One minute is also your sister.

Pei Pei, although I raised her, she is not a child of our Shen family. After all, her status is so respected and her mother ’s family is so powerful. Our Shen family ca n’t do it anymore. Fake name is outside.

If it were n’t for your sister and brother-in-law ’s care, my mom and I still do n’t know what the process looks like.

You just came back, your parents can't give you a beautiful environment, you follow her more, get in touch with high society, find a good family, and you won't be afraid in the future.

Do you understand the pains of your parents? "

Father Shen's voice was not loud, looking at the direction of the stairs all the time, fearing that Shen Mange would suddenly appear to be heard.

Shen Peipei waved his hands impatiently and said, "Oh, I see, really ??

Shen Mange ran out one day yesterday and did n’t take me at all. Do you really think she will be grateful for your nurturing for bringing me?

Stop dreaming.

She didn't take me with her son out yesterday, I think she just couldn't wait for me to disappear from her eyes. "

"how could be?

I grew up the Mange, and I know her temperament best.

Your mother and I have made this old face out, and sent you back first. She is so smart that she can't think of why.

Perhaps it is because she has something to do. Today, after you see Teacher Hughes come back today, let her take you out. As long as you speak, I think she will not refuse. "

Father Shen was very sure. He didn't pay any attention to when Ye Zi'an came out.

His brow furrowed slightly, and he opened his mouth coldly.

"Grandpa, my mum is pregnant and is not in good health, and my brother and my sister are hospitalized. During this time, it is estimated that my mum will be very busy and have no time to take her out for a walk."

Ye Zi'an's voice was not loud, but it seemed that he slapped Dad Shen's face with a slap, making him a little ashamed to find a ground seam to drill in, especially now Ye Zi'an's clear eyes looked at him straight and let him He couldn't even look up.


Is your mom pregnant?

I do n’t even know, you look at me, and have n’t prepared any gifts. "

Father Shen smiled awkwardly.

"What gift to prepare?"

At this time Shen Mange happened to come down, and he asked a word when he heard this sentence.

Ye Zian wanted to speak, but was pulled by Shen Peipei.

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