The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 875: Can you help me this time?

"I mean I am a little aunt and haven't bought a gift for my nephew."

Shen Peipei grabbed Ye Zian, covered his mouth, and pulled him out.

"I took him out to buy some gifts."

During the speech, Shen Peipei will drag Ye Zian out.

Ye Zi'an's eyes were a little impatient and shot directly.


Shen Peipei had not yet understood what was going on, and Ye Zi'an and the counter-catch had been detained on the door frame.

"Forgot to tell you, don't touch me."

Ye Zi'an pushed her away, then looked at Shen Mange and said, "I'm sorry, Mommy, I'll go to pack things, and Uncle Three will be here soon."

"Okay, don't you have dinner?"

"Stop eating. Uncle San said to go to the military area."

Ye Zian looked at Father Shen, his eyes were meaningful.

Father Shen's entire face was red, and he didn't know whether he was angry or ashamed.

"That song, can the clothes come down?

Hurry up and put Pepe on. Teacher Hughes is running out of time. We can't be late. "

Father Shen now wants to leave from here immediately, but he must wait for Shen Peipei.

Shen Mange does n’t know why Father Shen ’s face is so red, but seeing Shen Peipei ’s attitude towards Ye Zi’an just now should be related to her.

But now Shen Mange can't take care of so much.

She handed the clothes to Shen Peipei.

This is a dress that looks simple and generous, and is the latest model this year.

Shen Peipei once saw it in a magazine, but he could not afford to buy it shyly. Now he sees Shen Mange buying it for himself.

If she lived in the Shen family from the beginning, perhaps all this is now hers.

Shen Peipei took the skirt, didn't even thank you, and went straight back to the room.

When only Dad Shen and Shen Mange were left in the living room, Dad Shen felt particularly embarrassed.

"Mange, I'm sorry to trouble you.

Pepe has a bad temper. She grew up being bullied in an orphanage since childhood, so do n’t worry about her. "


Shen Mange nodded.

She wanted to give Dad Shen a calligraphy and painting, but when she saw Dad Shen like this, she was afraid of losing Dad ’s face.

After thinking for a while, Shen Mange took out a card and handed it over.

"Dad, a friend of mine really wants a calligraphy and painting from you. Can you take the time to draw one?

You know, I rarely ask for anything. My friend is very important to me. If I give him a gift, just give me a face and draw a picture.

There are five million in this card, which is a deposit. People in the back are optimistic about it, and I will call you the final payment. Can you see it?

I know that you simply like art and don't sell paintings. Can you help me this time? "

Shen Mange said sincerely, Father Shen's words were blocked for a while.

He looked at the card in his hand and looked at Shen Mange.

The Shen family has really failed in recent years. In addition, he listened to other people's investment in some stocks, and the result was all in. Now the Shen family is an empty shell.

If it weren't for Ye Nanxian's support from time to time, he didn't know what it was like now.

It ’s okay if it ’s just their old couple. It ’s a big deal to eat less and spend less, but now they have their own daughters. After so many years, Shen Peipei has worked very hard outside. Nowadays, she is sorry to let her follow them. This child.

Shen Mange is rich, but he and Shen Mange ask for money, and Father Shen really can't get rid of this old face.

Now Shen Mange gave him a step down, and Father Shen should be down the donkey, but this pure and proud heart is still a bit uncomfortable.

Shen Mange naturally knew who Dad Shen was. She gave Cass to Dad Shen and whispered: "Pepe wants to learn a violin with a teacher. Teacher Hughes will not easily accept others as disciples. Don't you give it to others? A gift?

I know you disdain to do this, but isn't it for Shen Peipei?

If she can really become a closed disciple of Teacher Hughes, she can make her stand out in the high society with just one name, right? "

Shen Mange revolved around Shen Peipei and said that Father Shen finally compromised.

Those things that I insisted on in the past seemed really too insignificant in front of my biological daughter.

He was old and thought that Shen Mange was his own child. He did all he could to cultivate and cultivate it. He taught everything he had to Shen Mange and finally found out that he had raised children for others.

Although Shen Mange is very filial to them, in their hearts, they still hope to have a child of their own. Now that Shen Peipei is back, they can give Shen Peipei too little, even a superior living environment, they ca n’t do it. I thought of Shen Mange and wanted Shen Mange to give Shen Peipei a future, but it was too shameless to do so, so they couldn't speak, and they could only force Shen Mange like this.

Father Shen knew that Shen Mange must have seen something, and knew what they meant, but it did n’t break, and he also accepted Shen Peipei according to their wishes. Father Shen suddenly felt too shameless.

He was unable to face Shen Mange.

"That, I went out to smoke a cigarette.

Zi An said you are pregnant, don't choke on you. "

Father Shen got up and walked away, paused, or put the card in his pocket.

Shen Mange was relieved when he saw that he had collected the money.

She is not ignorant of the intentions of Shen ’s parents, but they have nurtured themselves for so many years, cultivated themselves for so many years, and now as long as they can do it, as long as they are not too excessive, she is not impossible to follow them.

After all, the Ye family and her poor have money left.

Shen Peipei frowned when she did not see Father Shen.

"What about others?"

Shen Mange looked at Shen Peipei who was wearing a skirt and had to say that Father Shen's genetics were still very strong.

At first glance, Shen Peipei did indeed look like a boudoir, but the premise is not to speak.

Shen Mange pointed to the outside and said, "Go outside and smoke."

"Smoking again?"

Shen Peipei frowned deeper.

"I'm gone, I don't know when to come back.

Remember to leave me some food at noon. "

Shen Mange nodded.

"After you return at noon, let Huang Ma do something for you alone."

"Aren't you eating at home?"

Shen Peipei looked at Shen Mange dumbfoundedly and asked, "Where are you going?"

Shen Mange, don't stay outside all day, even if you go out and take me with me?

I'm bored leaving me alone at home. "

"I'm going to the hospital to see the children. I don't necessarily have to come back. You should eat it yourself. I'll take you out after a few days.

Shen Mange knows what Dad Shen means, and it will be arranged naturally, but she will not know if Shen Peipei can help the wall.

Seeing Shen Mange say this, Shen Peipei was satisfied.

"Okay, I know.

Hurry up and deal with your business, I am in a hurry. "

Shen Mange did not speak this time, but his eyes were already impatient.

Shen Peipei saw that Dad Shen hadn't come back, so he went out with little satisfaction.

When she left, Shen Mange went to the kitchen to make some food for herself and took it to the hospital.

Zhao Ning was passed by Ye Nanxian, and A Zi was about to come back, and he met Shen Mange at the door of the hospital.

"Ma'am, why are you here?

Mr. Ye asked me to go back with you. "

"I'll take a look at the children, all right."

Shen Mange handed the insulated barrel to A Zi and whispered: "You take it in for the children first. I'll go to see Jiang Xiao, and I don't know how her injuries have happened these days."

"I've been there for Jiang Xiao, and the recovery is quite good, but I still can't go to the ground. It is estimated that it will take a hundred days."

A Zi said while taking over the insulation barrel.

After a hundred days of injury, Shen Mange was already mentally prepared.

A Zi looked at Shen Mange and asked with some hesitation: "Mrs. Jiang Xiao is injured. You can't have a nutritionist by your side. Mr. Ye also said that in the past, when a nutritionist came back to the talent market, why did you find Huang Ma a part-time worker?

Our family is not able to afford it. "

"I don't like many people. Let's wait until Jiang Xiao is ready."

Shen Mange blocked the words behind A Zi in one sentence.

She nodded and took the insulated bucket to Ye Rui's ward, while Shen Mange went to Jiang Xiao's ward.

Jiang Xiao was reading a book and saw Shen Mange coming, quickly struggling to shake it.

"Ma'am, why are you here?"

"You lie down, don't move, I can sit by myself."

Shen Mange quickly stopped Jiang Xiao.

"Ma'am, your current body still comes to see me like this, you make me embarrassed."

Jiang Xiao scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Shen Mange's depressed mood completely disappeared after seeing Jiang Xiao.

Her eyes are really bright and clear.

"What's so embarrassing?

You were injured because of me. Let me see what happened to you ~ ~?

What books do you read? "

Seeing Jiang Xiao holding a book in his hand, Shen Mange couldn't help asking.

Jiang Xiao handed the book to Shen Mange and said, "Nutritionist, I intend to use this time to learn a bit and go back to take a nutritionist's license.

Staying with my wife, I do n’t have a license, I feel too shameful.

Dr. Zhang Yin is teaching me. "

"She taught you?"

Shen Mange was a little surprised.

She knows what Zhang Yin's temper looks like, it seems that Jiang Xiao is right with Zhang Yin's temper.

"Then you have to study hard, after all, King Saiyan is not easy to accept."

"it is good."

Jiang Xiao nodded quickly.

Shen Mange saw that she was okay and left after a little chat with her, but saw a poppy flower in Jiang Xiao's notebook.

She stopped suddenly.

"What did you paint?"

Shen Mange didn't expect to see poppy flowers here.

Jiang Xiao looked into Shen Mange's eyes, only to find that Shen Mange looked like his own notebook.

She quickly said: "This is a poppy flower, is it pretty?

This book was given to me by Dr. Zhang Yin.

When I saw this poppy flower pattern, I fell in love with it at a glance.

Do you like your wife too? "

Shen Mange gave a slight pause.

Zhang Yin?

How can Zhang Yin have a poppy notebook?

Is it a coincidence?

Or does Zhang Yin have anything to do with this poppy organization?

Shen Mange's brow furrowed tightly, and suddenly he felt that everything around him had changed.

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