The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 1091 Duck, duck, the treasure of the brave! (1.1w!)

Legend level.

The existence above the champion.

In fact, Xia Yan has never had much impression or understanding of such a special level of strength. If it hadn't been for Lei Guanwang's explanation, he might not have known that there was a stronger existence above the champion.


In fact, he didn't have any confidence or preparation in his heart about how to let the elves enter the legendary level.

But there is one thing.

He knew and was convinced that there was definitely a way to bring the elves to a higher level.

That is - a battle!

As long as they can fight against powerful enemies or opponents, the elves will definitely gain experience from the battle, subconsciously learn something from their opponents, and feel stronger than themselves from more powerful enemies.

And the facts prove it.

Collision with such a powerful Wuji Taina, even if it is just a simple collision, and simply feeling the strength and power of Wuji Taina, the benefits to the Big Needle Bees are also huge.

This is also the reason why Xia Yan rarely takes over the position of main attacker.

And now.

The Big Needle Bee felt the so-called "Legendary Level Threshold".

In fact, the "threshold" of any level of strength is a very illusory feeling and thing.

Rather than feeling the "threshold", it would be better to say that from Wuji Tina's body, the Needle Bee found its direction and goal.

With a clear direction and goal, it is really the biggest shackles that restrict the elves from moving forward.


Xia Yan nodded heavily.

Coincidentally, Xia Yan, who had "bonded evolution" with the Needle Bee, truly felt everything that the Needle Bee could feel.

This also gave him a more accurate and profound understanding of the so-called "Legendary Level".

Looking at Xia Yan, who slowly opened his eyes, which seemed to be shining with the same light as the compound eyes of the Super Giant Needle Bee, and the slightly excited Super Giant Needle Bee, Daigo and others looked at each other.

"Wujitai, then it was defeated?" Emperor Dan couldn't help but ask.


Why are Xia Yan and Super Needle Bee so happy?

Hearing this, Xia Yan rolled his eyes at Dan Emperor angrily.

"What are you thinking about? If Wuji Tai can be defeated so easily, why go to such trouble? Why not just be as reckless as Dan Emperor?"

Emperor Dan looked embarrassed.

It seems that from now on, the word "reckless" is really inseparable from him.

"Then, did the Super Sting Bee hit Wuji Tai just now?" Daiwu also asked.

Xia Yan and Super Needle Bee looked at each other.

One person and one elf nodded slightly at the same time.


"Sizzling beer."

Their feelings are very clear.

The Super Needle Bee's most powerful attack, with the help and restraint of many elves, successfully hit the core of Wuji Tina.

"What's the result?" Kona couldn't wait.

But Xia Yan's expression was not very optimistic.

Seeing his expression, everyone probably knew the result.


As expected of Wuji Tai.

"Xia Yan!!"

At this time.

Another powerful shout came from a very far away place.

Go in search of reputation.

I saw an imposing dragon, carrying a young man with red hair, rushing towards this direction with a serious face.

The rustling cloak and the resolute face.

The visitor is not the "new king" of the Johto area, the majestic "Dragon King" Yulongdu!

at the same time.

Roar--! !

A loud roar came from the other direction.

Its momentum is actually not weaker than Du's Kuailong.

The dark purple rough skin, the ferocious dragon head, and the scarlet sickle reflected a bit of cold light.

Bite the land shark!

And on its back.

Two people were standing.

A man with fair skin, golden hair flying freely in the strong wind, and a dashing heroic spirit showed no fear at all. His brown pupils scanned the audience with a hint of worry. When he saw Xia Yan riding on the back of a handsome black horse, At this moment, the worry in the almond-shaped eyes disappeared, and the corners of the mouth raised a bright arc.

The other one stood behind her with a look of horror on her face, clutching her black windbreaker tightly, as if she didn't dare to lower her head and look down.

These two people were naturally Sirona and Sonia who rushed over immediately after seeing the movement in Quanguan City.

"Champion Crossing!"

"King Sirona!"

Seeing the two people arriving quickly, the crowd below burst into cheers again.

Good guy.

Now looking at the lineup in Quanguan City, people feel like they are dreaming.

"The Strongest Young Generation" Xia Yan is the champion!

"The Strongest Dragon Controller" Dragon King Crossing Champion!

"The most handsome and richest" Dawu champion!

"The Strongest Undefeated Myth" Alchemy Emperor Champion!


The strength of King Sirona and King Kona is comparable to that of the champions!

What kind of luxury lineup is this? !

It is no exaggeration to say that there are six "champion" trainers present.

With such a configuration, why should I be afraid of Wuji Tai?

With such a configuration, it would be difficult for even the entire alliance to come up with another set that could completely compete with it.

Maybe it's just the older generation of champions and kings who gather together, maybe they can compete.


Kuailong's seemingly small wings stretched out straight and rolled up the surging airflow. At the same time, its figure suddenly stopped in an instant and stopped in front of Xia Yan and others.

"What's going on?" Du asked with a frown.

Along the way, he had seen the destruction of the entire Quanguan City.


Sonia jumped off the back of Biting Land Shark, stepped on her little leather boots, her face was pale, and she still ran up while breathing heavily.

"S-Sonia, why are you here?" Emperor Dan looked at his childhood sweetheart and asked slightly worriedly.

Those present were all top trainers, and they all felt helpless in the face of Wuji Tai. Sonia, a researcher, really didn't even have the ability to protect herself.

Sirona followed suit and nodded slightly towards Xia Yan.

Boom——! !

Before she could say anything, Sonia jumped slightly and hit Dan Emperor on the head.

With his waist in his hand, before he could completely calm down, he said angrily: "You guys, don't you have any brains?! You dare to challenge Dark Night alone?"

After being knocked by Sonia like this, Dan Di could only laugh and didn't know how to answer.

He could only reply a little stiffly, "I am the champion of the Galar region, me"

"So what if you are the champion? Are champions invincible? Can a champion still go there knowing that he is going to die?" Sonia got angry when she heard Dan Emperor say this.

She had already seen the scene where Dan Emperor was hedging against Wuji Tai Na just now in some live broadcasts and video clips on the Internet.


People on the Internet spoke very highly of Dandi's behavior and called it "such a champion is reassuring" and so on.

But for Sonia, she really had nothing but worry and fear.

Hear the words.

Dandi pursed his lips, his expression gradually became serious, he grabbed Sonia's shoulders with both hands, slightly lowered his head and stared into her eyes, and said very seriously:

"Sonia. I'm the champion!"

Although it seems to be repeating the same words, the meaning contained in the words is completely different.

Sonia was stunned.

Looking at the serious Emperor Dan blankly, he opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

The title of champion is too heavy for her now.

Her bright eyes were sparkling, her trembling eyelids blinked, and two tears slid down her fair cheeks.

She said nothing more.

But he nodded heavily in agreement with Emperor Dan.

If you are the "champion", then I will be the most solid backing behind the "champion"!


After being disturbed by the two of them, the originally very serious atmosphere on the court suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Okay, you two can have sex with each other in private, don't get stuck at this point in time, okay?"

Seeing that everyone else didn't know what to do or what to say, Xia Yan could only stand up on his own.

There were two blushes on Sonia's face.

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough" Emperor Dan could only keep coughing.

Sirona stepped forward and patted Sonia on the shoulder as a comfort.

Kona also comforted him.

Then looking at the three girls Sonia, Du, Daigo, and Dandi, these straight men, they didn't know what to say for a moment.

Good thing.

Sonia and Sirona still know how to measure.

After briefly calming down, Sonia hurriedly said: "Xia Yan, we have found the place where the 'King of Sword and Shield' sleeps. It is indeed in Weimei Forest. Sister Sirona also translated the words on the stone tablet."

King of Sword and Shield!

Emperor Dan was shocked.

According to legend, when the ‘Dark Night’ appeared three thousand years ago, it was the ‘King of Sword and Shield’ who defeated it and allowed the Galar region to continue.

If the 'King of Sword and Shield' can be found, perhaps this crisis can be resolved smoothly.

Sirona nodded, frowned and added: "But we didn't find the token of the 'King of Sword and Shield'. It seems like it was taken away."

Taken away?

Emperor Dan's heart sank.

Xia Yan had a strange expression.


The rotten sword and shield had been taken away, but now they were in his hands.


Xia Yan had already tried it, but the rotten sword and shield didn't react at all when he held it in his hand.

When Cong Youbing was holding it, he saw two golden lines appearing on the sword and shield.


If he could call Cang Xiang and Zangmarante, he would have called them over.

It really doesn't work.

Xia Yan was also ready to call in a large force.


After all, Cang Xiang and Zang Marante have experience fighting Wuji Tai Na, and their fighting methods are relatively peaceful and not so destructive and destructive.

If it were just another mythical beast.

For people like Groudon, Rayquaza, and Giratina, even if they succeeded in subduing Wujutina in the end, there would probably be no intact place in the entire Quanguan City.

of course.

the most important is.

Xia Yan wasn't sure what Suzuki had done to Wuji Tai.

If it happens like liberating Hupa, it can also affect other mythical beasts.

Then the more he shouts, the harder it will be to control the situation.

So Xia Yan wanted to test it first.

"Even if there is no so-called 'King of Sword and Shield', we can't subdue it, right?" Du said solemnly.

He could clearly feel that the powerful Wuji Tai Na before was also a dragon elf.

Because the "dragon power" in his body was obviously fluctuating due to the existence of Wuji Dina.

Deal with dragon elves.

Everyone present should be quite experienced, right?

Like Xia Yan, Daigo, Kona, Sirona, etc., all of them have already gained skilled "dragon slaying" experience on him.


Du's words just finished.

Just listen.

boom--! !

A violent roar suddenly erupted from the place where Wuji Tai fell, and a large amount of rock rubble covering it was blown away and scattered by the billowing air waves accompanied by this huge roar.


Countless terrifying dark red thunder equipment burst out with energy.

The huge momentum and wanton energy instantly turned the dark sky in a large area into crimson.

Countless thunderbolts swept across the ground, without any control or hindrance, crushing everything in their path into powder and rolling up a huge tornado.

Wuji Tina, who had already given Xia Yan and the others a great sense of oppression, showed such momentum at this moment that everyone could not help but stop breathing.

What the hell? !

Looking at the dark red thunder liquid that was being baptized wantonly, Du and the others couldn't help but have a look of shock on their faces.

"These...are they all Galar particles?!"

The shock that Emperor Dan felt was no less than that of Du.


Because he understood Wujitana better and understood the existence and role of Galar particles, the impact on his heart was even greater.

next moment.


There was another explosion-like sound.

Everyone saw the "Bone Dragon" Wuji Tina, which had been completely rendered scarlet in the ruins, dancing its body amidst the passionate roar and flying straight towards the dark sky.

The air waves and turbulence that rolled up caused a huge tornado that looked like a black dragon to spin out from under the dense black clouds.

In the center of the tornado is a red light pillar that is constantly spiraling and rising.

Everything in it seems to be Galar particles!

And when the black clouds finally dispersed and the dazzling red light slowly dissipated, a brand-new elf appeared in the sight of Xia Yan and others again.

"This is..." Sonia murmured.

"The real one - Wuji Tai Na!" Xia Yan answered her words in a deep voice.

Infinite giant transformation, infinite elimination of that!

"By the way, Du, who did you just say would be uniformed?" Xia Yan turned his head and looked at Du, whose eyes widened.

Cross: "."

Who knows that Wuji Tai can also "turn to giant size"?

I saw.

What curled up and circled across the sky like a giant snake was a creature whose body became more slender and its whole body was like a spine.

The red light emitted by Wuji Jina's body became more dazzling and scorching. The original bones of the chest had completely disappeared, and the huge core was suspended in the air, tightly surrounded by the original four claws.

An extremely long spine-like hand extends from its body and hangs below the body.

At first glance it looks like a fist.

cry--! !

Just hearing the roar that shook the sky from the giant Wuji Tai, the extended claw-like parts suddenly opened and turned into a structure like five heads.

The center of the fork is white and covered with five pieces of dark purple material. Each head is covered with segmented, spiny dark purple material and has a glowing pink eye at the end.

Buzz buzz——

The rich energy emanating from its body caused everything around it to begin to distort uncontrollably. Even time and space were distorted and folded to varying degrees under the pressure of this energy.

If one looks closely at those distorted places, one can even see some scenes that should have been in extremely distant areas.

Time and space are completely destroyed!

"The Infinitely Gigantic Infinite Tai Na"

Everyone could feel only deep shock at the huge monster that covered the sky and sun that appeared in front of them.

Even Xia Yan had already made certain preparations.

When he really saw the giant Wuji Tai Na, the shock in his heart was no less than that of Du and Dan Emperor.


There were bursts of thunder, rising and falling one after another as Wujitina's tentacles swung.

A dark red storm stirred in the sky, and the roaring sound of the hundred-meter-high Wuji Tai made countless people cover their ears.

The huge body almost enveloped half of Quanguan City.

Under the leering gaze of those five heads, it would be difficult for anyone to feel any resistance.

To know.

This is a divine beast that has absorbed all the Galar particles in the entire Galar region!

cry! ! !

The five heads of the giant Wuji Tai roared loudly, and the surrounding storm became more and more violent.

"Be careful!"

Xia Yan reminded with a stern face.

As if he felt that such a reminder was not enough to express his inner vigilance, he added: "If you are not careful, you will die!"

will die!

These words actually come from the mouth of Xia Yan, who is known as the "strongest young generation"?

However, no one felt that Xia Yan's words were exaggerated.

Not good.

Really gonna die!

cry! ! !

The huge waving tentacles, carrying five heads, moved towards them below and grabbed them hard.

The expressions of everyone present changed slightly.

"Big Needle Bee, Hu Di!"



"Bite the land shark!"



Xia Yan and the others immediately called out the names of their respective elves.


Bang! ! !

All the main elves sent by these people, including the super giant needle bee, were all knocked to the ground by Wuji Tina's claw.

The injury was serious.

For a while.

Seeing this scene, people who originally thought they had stabilized fell silent.

The elves who fell on the ground among the ruins were actually not the enemies of Wuji Tai Na?

To know.

These are the ace elves of the regional champions and the top Four Heavenly Kings!


Even Xia Yan's Super Needle Bee, which was close to the legendary level, was not spared.

What the hell is this Wuji Tai that?

Why is it so strong? !

"Dawu!" Xia Yan shouted.


Daigo, who had already developed a certain tacit understanding with Xia Yan, immediately understood why he called his name.

I saw.

Dawu flipped his palm and flicked it vigorously, and he threw several "vital blocks" as if they were ordinary stones.

They fell into the hands of each fallen elf.

The only person present who had the financial resources of Daigo was able to use the precious "energy block" like a healing spray.


Daigo in the special chapter can fight Groudon and Kyogre for twenty-two days. Can he do it with only the three divine pillars?

Isn't it supported by his almost inexhaustible "money ability".

Good thing.

In order to participate in this tournament, Daiwu brought enough inventory.

Du, Kona, and Sirona are nothing to do with this move, they have long been used to it.

Dawu is their biggest logistic support.

But Emperor Dan was stunned.

"Still, can it still be like this?"

He worked hard for resources and plastered his championship cape with advertisements.

It is estimated that the money earned is not as much as what Dawu squandered in one fight.

The gap between people is really not that big.

But it seemed that Dawu misunderstood what he meant, and explained: "Alchemy Emperor, it's not a battle. At this time, don't worry about it."

Dandi swallowed.

Is it a matter of fighting or not fighting?


He understood that he couldn't learn what Daigo did.

Seeing Wujitina's attack coming again, the elves who had regrouped set out again.

After a collision, the elves had a clearer understanding of the strength gap between the two sides.

Being tough is definitely not enough.

But if you take a roundabout way, you still have a chance to get entangled, with the help of enough auxiliary props.


"This is not the solution. Even if we entangle Wujitina, the aftermath of the collision is not something that the Galar region can bear." Sirona said solemnly.

Several people glanced around from the corner of their eyes, and their hearts suddenly sank again.

With just a few simple collisions, the Quanguan Arena was originally reduced to ruins, but now almost half of the entire Quanguan City has been destroyed.

"Quick Dragon! Dragon Wave!"

After Du commanded Kuailong, he looked at Xia Yan suddenly, "Xia Yan, think of a way!"

Xia Yan twitched his cheek.




Several people were stunned for a while.

Until when?

But he saw Xia Yan raising his head slightly and looking at the sky on the other side.

Several people who saw this suddenly showed a look of surprise.



Just drag "Mythical Beast Summoner" Xia Yan to call for the support of the mythical beasts.

No matter how powerful Wuji Tai is, he can't pick out seven or eight mythical beasts by himself, right?

In one word, drag!

But actually.

Xia Yan was completely different from what they thought.

"I can't trigger the Decayed Sword and Shield. YaYa's activation is too slow. Do I have to wait until Xiaozhi and Gouhao arrive?"

Xiaozhi was okay, Xia Yan could barely manage to pull him over from Zhenxin Town.

But when Gou Hao comes, Xia Yanzhen doesn't necessarily guarantee that he can go back alive.

after all.

It's better not to have an elf like Wuji Tai in the hands of a kid who can only throw balls.

To take a step back, Xiaozhi and Gouhao have not been tempered yet. They have obvious flaws in their personalities and other aspects. It is useless to call them.

So what is Xia Yan waiting for?

Green and red!

And Akin.

"Maybe the auras of the protagonists, such as Green, Crimson, and Ah Jin Xiao Huang, can drive the power of the Corrupted Sword and Shield."

No matter what.

The strength of Crimson, Green and Green is also a great help, especially after Crimson explodes.


Ah Jin has a record of dueling Arceus. What if his wild style of play really knocks down the Promise?

Even if the probability is extremely small.

As for the mythical beasts.

Xia Yan always had reservations unless he was completely unable to fight.

Anyway, regardless of whether the mythical beasts come or not, Quanguan City should be gone.


In fact, what Xia Yan is really waiting for is Cang Xiang and Zangmarante.

Even without the Decaying Sword and Shield summons, can those two guys really live in the "Weimei Forest"?

It's just that with their speed, it obviously only takes a very short time to arrive. Why haven't they appeared now that Wuji Tai has already transformed into a giant?

"Those two guys won't lose their temper, right?"

Because the Decayed Sword and Shield were stolen by humans, so you don’t want to save others?

Not really, not really.

As soon as this thought arose, Xia Yan suppressed it himself.

With Cang Xiang and Zangmarante's awareness, they will definitely not stop coming because of these things.

After all, how could the elves named by titles such as "The Warrior of One Hundred Battles", "King of Sword and Shield", and "Legendary Hero" have such a small temper?


An idea flashed in Xia Yan's mind.

"They can't come because of something?!"


It is impossible for them not to know the current location of the Decaying Sword and Shield, because Xia Yan did not block the aura of the Decaying Sword and Shield like the "Hisoka duo" did.

It is even more impossible for them not to feel the breath of Wuji Dina.

No wonder.

No wonder Xia Yan has been trying to find Suzuki since he appeared from Wuji Tai, but failed to find him.

It should be to intercept Cang Xiang and Zangmarante.

What is the purpose of this guy Suzuki?

He obviously invested so much energy into Wuji Tai, but he didn't show up at this critical moment.

Natsuhiko once thought that Suzuki's biggest goal was probably Wuji Tina.

Because among the many divine beasts currently in existence, it seems that Wuji Tai Na in his current state has a chance to attack Arceus.

But now Wuji Tai Na has completely recovered and gone to Wuji Gigantamorphosis, but he doesn't appear.

cry! ! !

The gigantic Wuji Tai roared again, waving his huge tentacles and sending several elves flying away.

The sound of "bang bang" hitting the ground woke him up from his thoughts.

Shake his head.

"A dead horse should be treated as a live doctor once!"

Xia Yan threw the elf ball again.


Cong Youbing appeared in the red light, holding the Sword of Decay in one hand and the Shield of Decay in the other, looking around blankly.


But when it saw the huge Infinite Giant Transformation Infinite Tai in the sky, all the hair on its body stood up instantly and exploded completely.

will die! will die! will die! .

This thought kept flashing through Cong Youbing's mind.


It suddenly stirred and looked at Xia Yan pitifully.

Should we let him confront this guy?

Although he is a brave man, he is not a fool. There is no need to attack an enemy who knows he will be crushed.

"Yucky! Try to see if you can activate the rotten sword and shield in your hand!" Xia Yan said solemnly.

After saying this, he turned his attention to the command elf again.


Sword and shield?

Cong Youbing lowered his head and glanced at the rotten sword and shield in his hand, and several question marks appeared on his head.


Isn't this thing an antique?

If it is not made of gold, can it be exchanged for a lot of money and buy a lot of snacks?

Especially when I saw the golden lines on the handle of the sword and shield due to its bite, I felt even more convinced.

But now because of Xia Yan's words, he became a little confused.

How to inspire?

The standing hair on Cong Youbing's body gradually calmed down.

It raised its head and glanced at Xia Yan, and glanced at the elves that were clashing with Wujitina, as well as Wujitina who had completely crushed many elves with his own power. Then he quickly lowered his head and looked at the decayed sword and shield in his hand.

Yaya is not stupid, he knows that Xia Yan will not do anything meaningless.

So, this rotten sword and shield can deal with that big guy?

A thought flashed through Cong Youbing's mind.

How about giving it a try?

Think of this.

Cong Youbing showed a serious look on his face, and the fighting energy in his body tried to be injected into the rotten sword and shield as it was driven.


This obviously doesn't work.

The Decayed Sword and Shield didn't react at all.

Can not be done.

Cong Youbing scratched his head and looked distressed.

"Any reaction?!"

Xia Yan used his super power to catch Togekis who was knocked away, and turned around again and asked.

"Gah, gah gah——"

Cong Youbing shook his head vigorously.

I really can't do it.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

At this time.

After being smashed away, Pokkisi ate a piece of "vitality block" and briefly recovered, then shouted at the Onion Rangers.

Stupid! What you did before, do it now!

After saying that, Pokkisi flapped his wings vigorously again and flew into the air, the bright moonlight falling from his forehead.

Onion Rangers stared blankly at Togekis who tried to fight back again.

How did you do it before?


Onion Youbing glanced at the decayed sword and shield again.

Gritting one's teeth, one's heart thumps.

Just give it a try!

Thinking of this, Cong Youbing took two sharp bites and bit on the rotten sword and shield.


With two crisp sounds, Onion Youbing almost burst his mouth.



Can not be done.

But the next second!

Just when Cong Youbing was shouting to Xia Yan again, the rotten sword and shield in his hand suddenly trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards.

The rotten rust that originally covered the sword and shield actually began to fall rustlingly amid the slight trembling.


A faint blue halo emanated from the rusty and decayed sword.

Similarly, the Shield of Decay also exudes a faint red glow.

Xia Yan, who heard Cong Youbing's words, turned around and saw this scene.

For a while.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Really possible?!"

Onion Youbing's expression was slightly stiff.


I said, I just took two bites, do you believe it?

Its words were directly ignored by Xia Yan.

Can Cong Youbing really inspire the Decaying Sword and Shield? !

Xia Yan, who originally had the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, to be honest, did not expect that he would actually succeed.

"That's the token of the King of Sword and Shield?!" Sonia exclaimed after seeing this.

Sirona and others also subconsciously looked for the sound and forgot to come over.

Then I saw Cong Youbing holding a glowing sword and shield.

"Onion Ranger inspired the token?" Sirona also had a little disbelief in her eyes.


I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense! Be careful I sue you for libel!

Cong Youbing kept shaking his head.

"Yeah." But Xia Yan nodded affirmatively.

Onion Youbing: "."

It’s over, I can’t clean it completely this time.

cry! ! !

Wuji Tai Na also felt the power of the sword and shield, and felt the breath of "old friend". It was already irritable and became more and more out of control at this moment.

It suddenly let out a sharp scream, and several bright red lights condensed in its palms.

Xia Yan's pupils shrank suddenly when he noticed this scene.

He shouted: "Get out of the way!"

The crowd and many elves did not dare to hesitate and dodge as fast as possible.

The next moment.

A huge red beam, accompanied by dozens of small beams, suddenly shot out at the moment Wujitina's palm was straightened.

The target is until the Onion Rangers!

"Duck duck!"

Xia Yan's expression changed drastically and he yelled.


Cong Youbing had just recovered from the shock of the change of sword and shield. When he raised his head, he saw the terrifying beam of light coming from him, and for a moment he lost the ability to dodge.

He could only subconsciously raise his sword and shield in front of him.

died! This time it’s really dead!



Under the pitch-black night, two streams of light, one red and one blue, shot out from the distant wilderness at an unimaginable speed.

boom! ! !

Wujitai's fallen attack exploded instantly, accompanied by a huge roar and terrifying destructive power that was unmatched.

Xia Yan tightened his grip on the reins and drove the Lingyou horse.

"Hurry over!"

Although he had already tried to protect Cong Youbing with his super powers for the first time.


He knew that his superpower was of little use when facing Wuji Tina's attack.

The law——

Linyouma gritted its teeth and connected with the reins. It could clearly feel the urgency in Xia Yan's heart.

The mentality of rushing to Cong Youbing's side even if you risk being injured or even facing death.

Surrounded by countless rich black lights, the Lingyou Horse spread its hooves and rushed in the direction of Cong Youbing.

Looking at the red beam of light getting closer and closer, I felt a murmur in my heart.

I don’t know if I can resist it.

But after taking a few steps, Xia Yan suddenly reined in the reins.

Linyouma's movement stagnated.

He turned to look at Xia Yan on his back in confusion.

However, when Xia Yan took a deep breath, the corners of his mouth began to slowly rise.


Boom! ! !

The two energy beams suddenly vibrated, and the energy beam emitted by Wujitai suddenly collapsed.

The next moment, everyone saw what happened in front of Cong Youbing, and also saw the two large wolf elves who did not know when they appeared.

Their appearance helped Onion Youbing block Wuji Tina's fatal blow.

Sharp eyes, surging fighting spirit, and head held high.

"This is it." Sonia's eyes shrank, and she clenched her fists subconsciously, with a look of surprise bursting out of her eyes.

The two elves depicted in the stone carvings of Suchuan Town!

"Cang Xiang, Zang Marante." Xia Yan called in a low voice.



Suddenly there were two loud and long blasts, and Cang Xiang and Zang Marante, who raised their heads, shouted at Wuji Tai Na in the air at the same time.

The surging aura, while the hair was flying, also exuded a strong fighting spirit.

A brave warrior!

"King of Sword and Shield, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante?" Sirona murmured.

She had seen some information about these two mythical beasts on the stone tablets.

Emperor Dan was also shocked.

"Are they the 'legendary heroes' who defeated the 'Dark Night' three thousand years ago?"

"Are you injured?"

But after taking a closer look at Cang Xiang and Zangmarante, Xia Yan frowned.

He could clearly see that there were varying degrees of scars on Cang Xiang and Zangmarante's bodies.

These are not scars that they originally had on their bodies, nor were they caused by Wuji Tina's previous attacks.


Cang Xiang and Zangmarante looked at Xia Yan at the same time and nodded slightly.

It was a confirmation of his suspicion.

Although this result had been expected in his heart, Xia Yan's expression became even more ugly.

Immediately, they saw Cang Xiang and Zangmarant turning their heads to look behind them, Cong Youbing, who was still holding his sword and shield with tears in his eyes.

[Brave hero, can you return your sword and shield to us? 】

Cang Xiang said.

[Wujitina's power is much stronger than before. Without the power of the sword and shield, it would be difficult for us to even compete. 】

Zangmarante also added.

"Gah!" Cong Youbing suddenly excited, then nodded repeatedly, and hurriedly gave away the "hot potato" in his hand.

At the same time, he took a deep breath and wiped his forehead.

Let’s just say, how could this sword and shield have anything to do with it?

"Reluctantly" handing over the sword and shield, Cong Youbing knew that the delicious snacks also left with him.

Cang Xiang holds the dagger in his mouth, and Zangmarante bites the shield.


As soon as Cang Xiang and Zang Marant came into contact with the sword and shield, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out from their bodies.

Ouch——! ! !

Two melodious long calls suddenly sounded.

The next moment, when the dazzling white light dispersed like stars, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante's appearance changed a lot!

King of Swords!

Shield King!

Sonia's bright eyes from behind kept flashing, she clenched her little pink fist and murmured: "The legendary heroes hold swords and shields. Their identities are really elves, not humans!"

And after handing over the sword and shield.

Cong Youbing breathed out again, but suddenly felt empty in his hands.

I scratched it subconsciously.

Hmm, I kind of miss my green onion spear and onion leaf shield.

These days, I have neglected them.


The golden sword in Cang Xiang's mouth and the thick shield on Zangmarante's body suddenly trembled slightly.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante, who felt something strange about the sword and shield, looked at each other and saw a little surprise in each other's eyes.

[Sister, Shield]

【Um. 】Cang Xiang nodded slightly.

The two mythical beasts turned their heads calmly and looked at Cong Youbing, who was holding his palms from the corner of his eyes.

This guy has the qualifications to become a true "brave"!

In their eyes, Cong Youbing's body exuded a strong red light.

That is an aura that only a truly battle-experienced warrior can possess.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante's eyes flashed with a hint of understanding and a little admiration.

A "brave" who has experienced hundreds of battles, no matter how big or small the battle, is always worthy of respect.


After holding on to the green onion for a long time, Youbing suddenly remembered that the green onion was stored with Xia Yan.

He yelled and ran towards Xia Yan.

While running, he kept shouting.

Just now, I was really scared to death.

He grabbed Xia Yan's thigh and refused to let go.

At the last moment, it also saw Xia Yan rushing over with all his strength, and his whole body was filled with a warm feeling.

This time, Xia Yan rarely disliked Yaya's snot and tears, and rubbed its head vigorously, completely messing up the white hair on its head.

"Well done, Ducky."


Onion Youbing blinked.

I decided to keep the "two bites" thing in mind.

What if Xia Yan gets slapped on the head if he speaks out?

cry--! !

Looking at the fully formed "old friend", the giant Wuji Tai Na finally became serious.

"Can you beat him?" Xia Yan asked.

Even though I already knew the answer, I still wanted to ask.

What if?

Zangmarante glanced sideways at him.

[You don’t know whether you can beat me or not? 】

Xia Yan pursed his lips, "Then, do you want me to call a few friends?"

Cang Xiang shook his head helplessly.

[Fortunately you didn’t shout. Otherwise, something will really go wrong. 】


[Now it is equivalent to a mobile virus database. It may have less impact on ordinary elves, but if it is a mythical beast. 】


Is this Wuji Tai that really a trap set by Suzuki for Xia Yan?

Just wait for him to summon the divine beasts to come to support, and then finish the job in one go?

Xia Yan was secretly grateful for his caution.

But this way.

How to fight the enhanced Wuji Gigantamax?

Da da da--

But see.

Cang Xiang walked up to Xia Yan.

The law——

The ghost horse stepped on its hooves slightly uneasily and made a low neighing sound.

Why does this scene seem so familiar?


The last time this happened, it seemed to be a white dragon.

【Come up! 】

Cang Xiang ignored the presence of Linyouma and said to Xia Yan.


PS: It’s the end of the month, don’t forget to vote for your monthly ticket~~

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