The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 1092 Sword! Come! !

"Me? Go up?"

A little astonishment appeared on Xia Yan's face.

He looked at Cang Xiang's broad back.

Although Cang Xiang and Zang Marante are wolves, they are not small in size and can carry a Xia Yan without any problem.

It's just that Xia Yan doesn't understand.

What are you asking him to do? He can't provide any help. Rushing up is almost like delivering food.

[You command us. 】

But Cang Xiang's words left Xia Yan with no reason or excuse to refute.


Commanding divine beasts like Cang Xiang and Zangmarante is also a test for Xia Yan.

[Only you can connect all the elves present. If it were Wujidai under normal conditions, my sister and I would be able to deal with it, but now]

Zangmarante's expression also looked extremely serious.

They know Wuji Tai Na best, and they know very well how strong Wu Ji Tai Na is at this moment.

After Xia Yan thought briefly, he got off the Lingyou horse.

Then he turned over and rode on Cang Xiang's back.

Both hands tightly grasped the two golden wings that extended from Cang Xiang's back after entering the "King of Swords" state.

"What's the plan?" Xia Yan asked.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante looked at each other.

[Isn’t this up to you? 】

Zangmarante said something angrily.

Plans and tactics, aren't they the reason why we call you here?

But Xia Yan glanced at the huge Wuji Gigantasha Wuji Taina and its core that was completely wrapped tightly by its own bones, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

Although the strength of Wuji Tai at this moment is too strong, the strength of so many truly top trainers present is not all limited.

To know.

In the original work, Emperor Dan single-handedly suppressed Wuji Tai Na in his normal state with a fire-breathing dragon.

Although the current Wuji Tai is stronger and the Dan Emperor has not fully grown up, he can't bear the fact that there are so many of them.

Another point.

Xia Yan can say very "proudly".

Because of his appearance and intervention, the progress rate of people such as Watanabe, Daigo, Sirona, and Kona is definitely not weaker than those in the original work, and may even be stronger.

After all, this group of people like to imitate Xia Yan, hide all kinds of trump cards, and then "backstab" him in a certain competition.

"Backstabbing" each other can be regarded as their special way of building friendship.


Although Dan Emperor has not yet completed his growth, Xia Yan definitely does not need to worry or doubt about their strength.

With such a powerful combination, no matter how powerful the Wuji Tai is, it can still have a certain containment effect.

the most important.

Or because of his Xia Yan existence!

He is the one who truly went beyond the scope of the original work and flapped his butterfly wings to bring huge changes to the entire world.

In addition, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante, who have entered the "King of Sword and Shield" form, are not completely incapable of fighting.

After all, in the original work, after Cang Xiang and Zang Marante fully recovered, suppressing Wuji Tai was like a father beating his son, completely defeated.

It was defeated with just one shot of "Behemoth Slash" and "Behemoth Bullet".

"Did you see that huge core in Wujitai?"

Xia Yan waved his finger far away.

[That is its weakness. 】Cang Xiang nodded slightly.

Zangmarante frowned.

[But its protection is also very good. and】

Zangmarante glanced at Cang Xiang.

[Can it really be defeated now by destroying the core? 】

Facing Zangmarante's doubts, Cang Xiang shook his head hesitantly.

It doesn't know.


But Xia Yan unexpectedly gave a very firm answer to this.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante looked at him doubtfully.

Xia Yan just chuckled.

"Huh - I think I know how to fight."

He patted his cheek, his frown relaxed, and he leaned down slightly.

"Since you choose to let me command, then trust me and follow my tactics and plans!"



Xia Yan's super power spread, using telepathy to connect the consciousness of everyone and all elves.


He briefly explained his plans and goals.

Du, Daigo and Sirona all have a certain tacit understanding with Xia Yan, and they can understand Xia Yan's meaning just by mentioning it.

As for Dan Emperor.

His fighting instincts and habits also allow him to adapt quickly.

"Do it!"

Xia Yan gave a soft drink.

The next second.

Roar--! ! !

Several angry roars of dragon roars suddenly sounded, and the billowing air waves even seemed to be trying to suppress Wuji Tina.

Immediately afterwards.

Kuailong, Flashing Metagross, Biting Land Shark and Fire-breathing Dragon all rushed towards the gigantic Wuji Tai Na at the first time.

Bathed in bursts of energy, the four elves fully demonstrated what it means to be a "champion's ace elves".

cry! ! !

Facing the explosion of these elves, Wuji Tai Na roared again.

The closed "palms" suddenly opened.


After a short period of energy accumulation, red energy beams of different thicknesses shot out.

"It's now!"

Xia Yan patted Cang Xiang's back.


Two melodious and loud roars came from Cang Xiang and Zang Marante.

Then, I saw it.

Under Xia Yan, Cang Xiang's whole body burst out with a faint azure glow. His proud head was raised vigorously, and the golden sword in his mouth trembled slightly.


Immediately, the holy sword in Cang Xiang's mouth suddenly expanded and turned into a giant sword with an extremely sharp and exaggerated blade.

at the same time.

Zangmarante's body made a "click" sound, and its shield, which was completely integrated with its head, closed and turned into its true attack posture.

【Hold on tight! 】

Cang Xiang shouted lowly.

The limbs were slightly bent, and with a sudden force, the entire body turned into a stream of diamond-blue light and jumped out.

Kill the giant beast!

Zangmarante followed closely behind, bathed in crimson light, and ejected directly like a huge cannonball.

Behemoth bomb!

Taking advantage of the gap between Wuji Tai's attack, he broke out his own offensive.

No matter how strong Wuji Tai is, he can't take care of so many elves at the same time.



After Cang Xiang and Zang Marante appeared, Wuji Tai's main attention was focused on Cang Xiang and Zang Marante. Even if he blocked their attacks, he would still spare some effort.

as expected.

As Cang Xiang and Zang Marante jumped out, the core on Wuji Tai's back, protected by the slender bones, suddenly burst out with a bright pink light.

The next second.

On the twisted spine-like body, the exposed red joints also lit up with a dark red halo.


Xia Yan frowned and lowered his figure again.

At this time, Wuji Jina is actually like a mobile aerial fortress. It can launch energy attacks from any part of its body.

If you just think that its attacks come from that "hand", you are likely to suffer big losses.


As his words fell, dense energy beams, like energy guns, continued to shoot out dense energy rays.

The coverage area is so large that it covers almost half of Quanguan City.

Of course, the main targets of the fire are Cang Xiang and Zangmarante.

Xia Yan held Cang Xiang's wings tightly, concentrated his energy, and held his breath.

Use your actions to tell Cang Xiang and Zangmarante not to panic.

In his brown pupils, the dense red beam of light was getting bigger and bigger, getting closer and closer, almost filling the entire eye.

Xia Yan could also feel that Cang Xiang's body was completely tense.

To be expected.

Even Cang Xiang and Zang Marante would not feel well if they suffered an attack like Wuji Tai's.

But at this moment.

Xia Yan frowned slightly.

The figures of Cang Xiang and Zangmarante suddenly appeared blurry like double images.

boom! ! !

Among the dense energy beams, the two fastest ones passed through the bodies of "Cang Xiang" and "Zang Marante".

Direct penetration.

And it hit the ground of Quanguan City fiercely, emitting a huge roar and at the same time destroying the buildings, ground, and vegetation in the place where it was hit, and crushing them into powder.

Immediately afterwards.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Countless dense energy rays swept down almost in no particular order.


But none of them really hit Cang Xiang and Zangmarante!


Du and the others looked up and looked at the scene that was like a disaster coming from the sky. Their eyes reflected the energy rays that were falling continuously, but their eyes were filled with deep surprise.

"Xia, Xia Yan, his reaction speed," Du muttered.

Kona pushed up his glasses and said with deep understanding: "Sure enough. When we think we can catch up with him, we often find that his progress is even more exaggerated than ours."

They are all pretty good, at least they have been mentally prepared.

The shock that Emperor Dan felt was the most obvious.

"Still, can it still be like this?"

What made them all so shocked?

I saw.

Under the energy sweep that was so dense that it was almost like a waterfall.

The figures of Cang Xiang and Zang Marante kept flickering and jumping, and almost every dodge allowed them to avoid the intensive attacks in time and just right.

Among the dense energy rays, every gap is accurately found.

And those who cooperated with Cang Xiang and Zangmarante were Xia Yan's elves.

Super Needle Bee, Hu Di, Togekiss, Dragon Baruto, Latios and Flame Monkey.

The position of each elf is the "coordinate" that Cang Xiang and Zangmarante can dodge.

To know.

This is Wuji Tai's energy ray!

The speed is so fast that it may even be faster than the speed of the giant needle bee.

And there are so many of them.

But Xia Yan was able to dodge such an attack with Cang Xiang and Zang Marante.

Really unlimited defense changes!

Sirona narrowed her apricot eyes and said slowly: "Xia Yan once said. It's just that I'm fast enough, and light can't catch up with me. Is this probably what he's talking about?"

Although it seems very simple.

But all aspects that need to be taken into consideration, such as the location of each elf, the time it appears, the time it leaves, even the angle it is at, the extent of its body rotation, etc., must be taken into consideration.

Such precise calculations and predictions almost truly mean "as long as I'm fast enough, you can't hit me."

But just thinking about the calculations and considerations that need to be made, Dan Di and others feel like their scalps are numb.

It's too exaggerated, too outrageous!

Which normal person's brain can react so quickly?

the most important is.

Even if they simply dodge, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante are still jumping and flashing again and again, constantly approaching the core of Wuji Tina.

"Just, Xia Yan alone is enough." Sonia murmured in a low voice.

She couldn't see clearly what was going on on the field.

But she had such an illusion.

"No!" Du said in a deep voice.

His cloak rustled in the strong wind.

"Xia Yan, you need our help!"

Du's words just finished.

See you soon.

Because it was difficult to move in the air, the Blazing Monkey was rubbed by an energy beam and hit the ground heavily.

"He also said from the beginning that he needs our help." Sirona took a step forward and said, holding up her scattered golden hair.

Daigo grinned.

"How could we let a guy attack our friends so wantonly and do nothing?"

"Hmm. We can't let Senior Xia Yan steal the show by himself."

Kona winked in a rare playful way.

Emperor Dan slowly put away the surprise on his face, glanced at the four figures standing in front of him, and patted his cheek.

"I am the champion of the Galar region!"

Du glanced at him sideways and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Who doesn't look like a champion?"

The smile on Daigo's face became even bigger.

In response, Kona and Sirona, who were not yet champions, looked at each other, and there were smiles in their eyes.

Kona said: "So, champions, what are you waiting for?"

The next second.

Everyone's expressions were solemn at the same time.

The command came down one after another.

The elves belonging to them either soar into the sky, give blessings, or directly launch energy attacks.

For a while.

Among Wuji Tai's densely packed energy beams, various counterattacks of different colors but with equally strong momentum burst out.

The collision of countless energies and attacks bloomed brightly in the mid-air of Quanguan City like fireworks.

Sonia had a panoramic view of the scene in front of her, looking at the five different figures in front of her, as well as the halo of light that was constantly dodging and jumping in the air, her eyes filled with bright little stars.

"What a reassuring group of people."

at the same time.


Xia Yan wiped away the fine sweat on his forehead with a bright and confident curve on his lips, exhaled and said at the same time: "I said, I have a group of extremely reliable friends, they will never let us down."

Cang Xiang, who looked serious, also relaxed his frown a little.

The corner of his eye glanced at the counterattack that burst out from the other side.

Because the counterattack of Du and the others and their elves attracted part of Wujitina's attention, which greatly relieved the pressure on Cang Xiang and Zangmarante.

Cang Xiang nodded slightly and agreed: "They are indeed a group of very reliable friends."

The smile on Xia Yan's face became even bigger.

The next second he became extremely serious.

"Then, take one breath and rush forward! Cang Xiang, Zangmarante!"


this moment.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante finally no longer had any reservations, summoned up the energy in their bodies, and rushed forward.


When they crossed over the dense energy rays and jumped high into the sky, the core exuding a rich and bright color appeared in their sight.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarant's expressions tightened at the same time when they saw Wuji Tai's core.

Whether it can be done or not depends on this last step.

They can't help but hesitate.

Xia Yan waved his hand, "Cang Xiang, giant beast slash! Zangmarante, giant beast bullet!"

Ouch! ! !

The sword held by Cang Xiang became shinier and brighter, and the shield carried by Zangmarante became thicker.

Two streams of energy, one red and one blue, blasted towards the core of the giant Wuji Tai almost at the same time.

With rapid approach.

Xia Yan's eyes swept over Wuji Tina's core at the fastest speed.

"found it!"

Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

Why is he so sure that as long as he attacks Wuji Jina's core, he will be able to defeat it?


On top of that huge and brilliant core, a small black line as long as a little finger, which is almost invisible compared to the huge core, is deeply engraved on it!

That's right.

It was precisely the small gap left in the core of the Infinitus Tai when the Super Giant Needle Bee successfully attacked it before it became giant.

This gap.

Only the Super Giant Needle Bee and Xia Yan, who was completely connected with its thoughts and even vision at that time, knew about it. It is estimated that Wuji Tai itself may not know about it.

Because it's too small.


This small gap is the most fatal weakness for the round and saturated energy core!

It is also the biggest reliance for Cang Xiang and Zangmarante to defeat Wuji Tina.

Under Xia Yan's reminder, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante also noticed this small gap.

Everything suddenly became clear in my heart.

with a clear purpose! ! !

But just as Cang Xiang and Zangmarante were rapidly approaching the core of Wuji Tina, Wuji Tina made the final resistance.

in its core.

The brilliant halo suddenly condensed.

The vast energy burst out in all directions, drawing gorgeous arcs in the air.

"Don't worry! Leave these to us!"

Xia Yan shouted.

The previous scene when dodging the dense energy beam had established enough trust between them and Xia Yan.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante really ignored these attacks from the core.


Quietly, with the subtle trembling of the air, the golden wings vibrated, waving a silver-white sharp spear, carrying a little bit of cyan cold light, and faced an incoming energy.

“Sizzling beer!!!”

The dark red energy beam condensed by Galar particles collided with the long needle of the Super Needle Bee.

Along with the "rumbling" sound, dark red energy beams, embellished with cyan cold light, burst out from the middle, turning into smaller energy beams and scattering in all directions.


Standing sideways, Hu Di stepped out of the twisted space and appeared right in front of the energy ray that blocked Cang Xiang and Zangmarante's progress. He held up two spoons wrapped with strong superpowers to resist the impact of the ray. .


Dragon Baruto escaped from the dark void, bathed in black and purple energy, wearing a "giant dragon" coat and biting into pieces another energy ray.

"Cha Ke Yi!"


Togekis and Latios appeared at the same time.

The sharp bright arc-shaped air blades and the milky white clean light also collided and impacted with two of the energy rays.


Suddenly, a huge hole of pitch black nothingness appeared out of thin air.

Darkrai, who was holding one arm horizontally, didn't know when he appeared behind Xia Yan, and the "dark hole" thrown by his wave swallowed up several energy rays.

The appearance and help of each elves successfully opened the way for Cang Xiang and Zangmarante again.


At this time.

Du and the others, who were below Wujitai and were holding back part of Wujitai's attention, thought to themselves that it was bad.

I saw.

The huge spine-like tentacles of the Wuji Giant Transformation Wuji Tai actually ignored the obstruction and attacks from them, swung out a huge arc, and smashed towards its own back.

"Stop it!"

Sirona's expression also changed and she shouted loudly.

Several people also understood the importance of the matter, and no longer cared about whether their reckless behavior would cause harm to themselves, but worked hard to contain Wuji Tai's tentacle.

All elves come together.

Constantly grabbing, biting, and bombarding Wuji Tai Na's tentacles.

Although it could not completely block it, it at least hindered its movement and bought Xia Yan and the others time.

"Don't hold back!"

Xia Yan reminded him again.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante understood the importance of it, and also knew deeply how much Xia Yan and the others had paid to create such an opportunity.


They absolutely dare not have any reservations!

Behemoth bomb!

Kill the giant beast!

Abandoning all worries, they wanted to pour all their energy and strength into Wuji Tina at this moment.

A cannonball-like impact.

A huge slash.

boom--! ! !

The attack that suddenly fell suddenly exploded on the core of the Wuji Titan.

The attacks from Cang Xiang and Zang Marante were all concentrated on the small cracks in the core.

Kakakaka——! !

The originally small cracks suddenly made a crisp sound, and at the same time, more exaggerated and huge lines broke out.

cry! ! !

Violent impact, extremely terrifying slashes, even the giant Wuji Tai Na burst into uncontrollable roars of pain at this moment.

The huge monster hovering over the entire Quanguan City, after a slight shake, gradually tilted and smashed towards the bottom of Quanguan City.

"It's done!"

Seeing this scene, Emperor Dan clenched his fists suddenly, his face was full of excitement, and his eyes were mixed with a little happiness.


This time, without Xia Yan, without Du, Daigo, Kona, Sirona and others, what should Quanguan City and even the entire Galar region do?

he does not know.

Because he must not see that result.

"Wait! No!" Sirona frowned, stopping the excitement and joy that had just risen in the hearts of several people.

I saw.

The Wuji Tai Na that kept falling down did not completely lose its ability to move. Its huge tentacles broke free from the shackles of their elves and still waved towards their back.


Cang Xiang and Zangmarante!

Xia Yan's expression suddenly changed when he felt the strong wind coming from behind him.

"It didn't even last seconds?!"

Looking at the holy sword blade that had penetrated deeply into the core of Wuji Tai, and the dense lines around the holy sword, Xia Yan was shocked in his heart.

to be honest.

This result was indeed somewhat beyond his expectation.

Even Cang Xiang's holy sword had been inserted into Wuji Tina's core, but it could not make Wuji Tina lose the ability to move.

In the original work, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante just attacked Wujutana's tentacles and defeated it. Is that true?

No matter how much he didn't want to believe it.

The tentacle of Wuji Tai Na, which was falling at an angle, still waved over without hesitation.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante, who also felt the power carried by the tentacles, could not help but look solemn.

"Big Needle Bee! Hu Di!"

Xia Yan immediately greeted the elves.

Delay the time when the tentacles swing over.

Then he quickly asked: "You guys, do it again."


As soon as he said these words, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante looked at each other and showed helpless smiles.

They had already devoted all their strength to this attack just now.

And most importantly.

But they had already fought a fierce battle before they arrived here.

I was willing to think that the two moves just now could completely defeat Wuji Tai Na, so I used all my strength without any reservation. Where is there any spare power now?


The Super Needle Bee and Hu Di only slightly delayed the time when the tentacles waved over.

The huge spine-like tentacles are already in sight.

Zangmarante gritted his teeth.

He quickly stood behind Xia Yan and Cang Xiang.

Above the sonorous shield, there is a faint red halo.

[I'll try to see if I can resist it! 】

Face the angry impact of the tentacles of Wuji Gigantamax!

Xia Yan's lips twitched when he saw this.


What can you do to resist it?

Before he could speak, he felt his body tilt.


He was directly thrown to the ground by Cang Xiang.

He walked to Zangmarante's side, turned his head slightly, looked at Xia Yan from the corner of his eye, and said in a deep voice:

[We'll stop you, and I'll leave the rest to you. 】

I saw.

At this time, Cang Xiang had already exited the form of "King of Swords" and returned to the form of "A Hundred-Fighting Warrior".

The giant sword that was originally held in its mouth was still inserted into Wujitina's core, emitting a faint blue halo.

But it can be clearly felt.

The blue halo flickers darker and darker, and is slowly returning to its original appearance.

"give it to me?"

Xia Yan's face showed surprise.

Who gave you the illusion that I can kill Wuji Tai Na?

But the good thing is.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante finally gave the reason.

[A brave man can hold up a sharp holy sword and cut off all enemies! 】

[A brave man can hold up a heavy holy shield and protect all his relatives and friends! 】

But my sword and shield are useless - Xia Yan roared in his heart.

But Cang Xiang and Zang Marante looked back at the same time.

【There are brave men by your side! 】

Seeing that Wuji Tai's tentacles were already close before his eyes.

An idea flashed in Xia Yan's mind.

Duck duck!

There was no time to think too much.

Xia Yan quickly threw the elf ball.


When the green onion soldier appeared with a shield of green onions and green onion leaves, his face was still blank.

When it saw clearly where it was at this time and the situation it was in, Cong Youbing opened his mouth wide and was about to shout.

But was directly interrupted by Xia Yan.

"Cong Youbing, pick up that sword!"


oh oh--

Cong Youbing quickly put away all his shock and looked at the gradually dimming holy sword that was still inserted into Wuji Tai's core.



Cong Youbing pointed at himself.

This sword really has nothing to do with it.

Before, it really just bit them twice and failed to drive them at all.


But Xia Yan seemed a little anxious.

Time is running out.

Just as his words fell.

boom! ! ! !

A huge roar suddenly erupted behind them.

Wuji Tina's tentacles have already waved here.

The only reason why I haven't hit them yet is because

The two divine beasts Cang Xiang and Zang Marante resisted the blow.

But even so.

Just the aftermath of the collision almost knocked Xia Yan and Cong Youbing directly from the core area of ​​​​Wuji Tina.

"Sizzling beer!"


Good thing.

The Super Needle Bee and Hu Di were still dragging their tired bodies to Xia Yan's side at this last moment.

Help him and Cong Youbing block the aftermath of the collision.

"Quack! Quack!!"

I can not! I can't do it.

Cong Youbing kept waving his hands.

It knows that this is completely a misunderstanding. It really does not have the power and qualifications to drive the Holy Sword and Holy Shield.

Let him do it, it will only make Xia Yan more disappointed in the end.

Not good.

In the end, everyone will die because of the wrong trust in it.

"No! You can do it!"

Xia Yan interrupted Cong Youbing's self-doubt with great force.

His serious and serious eyes were filled with deep trust.


Cong Youbing looked at him blankly.

Just listen to Xia Yan continue speaking very quickly but very clearly:

"Believe in yourself and never have any doubts about yourself!"


There was hesitation on Cong Youbing's face.

Xia Yan squatted down, grabbed its shoulders, his expression softened a lot, and asked: "YaYa, do you believe me?"


Cong Youbing nodded without hesitation.

"One hundred percent?"



It Cong Youbing has 100% trust in Xia Yan.

Immediately, Xia Yan spoke again, staring into its eyes and said: "Then I also believe in you 100%, you can do it! Since you believe in me 100%, and I believe in you 100%. Then, you have to Believe in yourself 100%, you can do it!”

"You are the brave!"

Cong Youbing looked dumbfounded.

Is that how it is calculated?

But I don’t know, but there doesn’t seem to be a big problem with this logic.

"Since we met now, Yaya, you have never let me down. Not before, not now, not ever. So - pick up that sword!"

Everything that happened between him and Xia Yan flashed through Cong Youbing's mind.

The last scene stopped at a moment ago.

Xia Yan had a complicated expression when he was attacking Wuji Tai even though he knew he might die, but he was desperate to save it.


Cong Youbing's expression was solemn, his V-shaped eyebrows raised, and his whole body suddenly revealed a strong sense of confidence.


I, Yaya, can do it!

Feeling this confidence, Cang Xiang and Zang Marante, who were resisting Wuji Tai's tentacles, couldn't help but look at each other.

A new hero is born!

And Xia Yan's eyes showed uncontrollable surprise.

Because he felt it clearly.

Cong Youbing's momentum was rising rapidly at a speed that Xia Yan had never seen before.

Yaya was already very strong when he met Xia Yan.

From the time it followed Xia Yan to the present, its strength has improved greatly, but at least through its own efforts, it has completely changed its fighting habits and fully fits Xia Yan's tactics and rhythm.


Xia Yan never asked, how long has Cong Youbing maintained the strength of a king?

There is no rush for Cong Youbing to advance to the championship level. I just want to try to slowly lay a solid "foundation" for Cong Youbing.

Little did I know.

The Wild Onion Ranger, who has experienced hundreds of battles, can rely on his own ability and perseverance to meet the harsh conditions and step into the Heavenly King level. How can this "foundation" not be solid?


Cong Youbing's foundation may be much stronger than Xia Yan expected!

And now.

Cong Youbing, who truly understood himself from the bottom of his heart and developed absolute confidence in himself, finally broke through his own shackles.

Championship level!

According to Cong Youbing's surge in momentum, it's not even just a simple step into the championship level.

Xia Yan was secretly speechless.

How long has Yaya been "stuck" at the Heavenly King level?

Snapped! ! !

I saw.

Cong Youbing, who was full of confidence, threw away the green onion in his hand and grabbed the hilt of the holy sword inserted in Wuji Tai's core.


sword! Come! !

If God had not given birth to me as a wandering soldier, the eternity of Galle would be like a long night!

Hearing this, Xia Yan's eyes twitched slightly.


It seems that Yaya is still the same Yaya, and there is always no way to stop the onset of chuunibyou.



The moment Cong Youbing grasped the hilt of the Holy Sword, the Holy Sword, which had gradually dimmed, burst out with a bright and dazzling light again.

Compared to when being held by Cang Xiang, I'm afraid it's no less generous.

Xia Yan's face suddenly showed joy.

It really works!


Cong Youbing, who held the holy sword, not only became more powerful again, but the entire elf's temperament also changed dramatically.

It seemed that the person standing in front of Xia Yan at this moment was not just an elf, but also a "brave" who moved forward with courage to cut off all obstacles!

Xia Yan immediately did not dare to hesitate any more.

He hurriedly said: "Onion Rangers, Meteor Attack!"


Cong Youbing, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, shouted loudly.

The muscles all over his body were tense, and the holy sword in his hand suddenly expanded its blade and expanded its body just like when Cang Xiang performed "Behemoth Slash".


Along with the tiny sound bursting out from Wujitai's core again.

Onion Youbing's whole body is intertwined with golden yellow and bright white metallic luster.

A sudden burst of force!

boom! ! !

There was a huge roaring sound, accompanied by countless tiny crystal fragments flying around.

In everyone's sight.

What they saw.

It was like a shining golden meteor coming from outside the black clouds, piercing through Wuji Tina's body with extremely fast speed and unparalleled power.

Finally, it hit a certain ruins in Quanguan City heavily.

A golden beam of light rose into the sky.



PS: I’m a little stuck today, I’ve been stuck all afternoon, so the update is late, sorry (bow)——

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