At this time, the door of the trainer guild was crowded with people.

Because of the news released by the trainer guild, many trainers in Golden City responded.

Among them, most of them are not registered trainers of the alliance, just like Xia Yan back then.

However, because of the seriousness of the incident in Golden City this time, the conditions for registering as an alliance trainer were deliberately relaxed. This was considered an opportunity by many people.

Of course, there are also some registered trainers of the alliance, and they are more attracted by the mission points system.

After showing the trainer certificate, enter the inside of the trainer guild.

The basic requirement for participating in this mission is to have the status of a new trainer.

Xia Yan is still just a rookie trainer.

According to the trainer system formulated by the alliance, it can be divided into:

Apprentice trainers, rookie trainers, rookie trainers, senior trainers, elite trainers, gym trainers

Corresponding to the strength of elves, initial level, qualified level, excellent level, senior level, elite level and qualification level

Of course, because the trainer is required to carry up to six elves, the so-called all-hands battle is also a 6V6 battle.

It is impossible to classify an elf as a senior trainer just because it has reached the senior level.

Therefore, the alliance has its own set of assessment standards.

Before the elite trainer, the requirement for the trainer was three elves, but when it came to the elite trainer, the requirement reached six.

Therefore, the gap between senior trainers and elite trainers is the biggest.

Normally, the standard for a new trainer is to have at least three elves that have reached the excellence level, or have three or more elves, and at least one of them has the strength of a senior level to be able to pass.

This is also the reason why when the Trainer Guild issued this call, it required the minimum standard to be a new trainer.

If you don't have three excellent-level elves, or have one senior-level elf, facing the riots and chaotic situation in Jinhuang City is tantamount to courting death.

Xia Yan came to the busy reception desk and handed over his identification.

"Hello, please wait a moment."

One thing to say, the attitude of the alliance staff is quite good.

Even when he failed to apply to become a registered trainer, he always kept smiling.

It's just that the alliance pays too much attention to relationships and origins. No matter how friendly the attitude is on the surface, for a trainer like him who has no background and no foundation, there are very few or even almost no chances of getting ahead.


After swiping the identity certificate to the machine, the information about Xia Yan and the elf information appeared on the computer screen.

"Trainer: Xia Yan, Registered Elf: Unicorn, Strength: Excellent Level."

Xia Yan has never updated his information and data, so the information on the alliance identity certificate is only the one when he first registered.

"Excuse me, how can I help you?" The staff asked with a smile.

"Apply for the 'Rookie Trainer' certification." Xia Yan said calmly.

"Okay, here we arrange for you to conduct an identity check."

For Xia Yan's request, the staff is not surprised, especially after the trainer guild spread the mission news.

Just this morning, she had already received no less than five people, asking for certification as a new trainer.

It's just that the success rate is worrying.

Hearing this, Xia Yan frowned.


That morning was wasted.

After pondering for a while, he said, "The Heavenly King Juzi asked me to come."

Hearing Xia Yan's words, the staff's movements froze, his smile became a little stiff, and he slowly raised his head.

"Chrysanthemum, king of heaven?"

Xia Yan nodded silently.

When he met Xiao Huzi in the alley, he happened to run into Juzi who was following him.

Chrysanthemum told him that he could go to be certified as a new trainer, and that he could report her name.

If the authentication was simple, he didn't want to report Juzi's name.

But judging from the current situation, there are so many trainers who have come here, and it is estimated that there are many people who have certified as new trainers. If they really wait in line one by one, they don’t know when they will wait. Time is short.

"Please wait."

The staff reacted quickly and said something solemnly.

In fact, judging from Xia Yan's identity, strength, and spirit, he shouldn't have anything to do with the Four Heavenly King Juzi.

But this kind of thing is hard to say, in case someone really likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, she can't afford such a responsibility as a small staff member.

Therefore, she quickly dialed the phone number of the supervisor in charge of the trainer identity assessment.

And when he heard that it might have something to do with the Four Heavenly King Juzi, the supervisor hurried to the reception desk without asking.

A middle-aged man with a brown jacket and two beards is Ike, the supervisor of the trainer guild in charge of identity assessment.

However, when he saw Xia Yan's identity and information displayed on the computer, he was also stunned.

"Xia Yan. Unicorn."

His first reaction was.

How can it be?


The initial elf is the trainer of the unicorn, and it is a bit outrageous to have a relationship with the Four Heavenly King Chrysanthemum.

But the name "Xia Yan" gave him the impression that he had heard it before.

After recalling for a while, Ike suddenly remembered.

Xia Yan, isn't he the one who the vice president Azir called the guild to pay attention to after the Lightning Bird incident ended not long ago?

Although the initial elf unicorn seems to be a bit hip.

But let Vice President Azir give special instructions.

It is not completely impossible to have a relationship with the Four Heavenly King Chrysanthemum.

After pondering for a moment, Ike still chose a more conservative way and said:

"Brother Xia Yan, although Heavenly King Juzi asked you to come, there are still necessary procedures and the assessment can be omitted, but the strength of the elves still needs to be tested."

It's so simple to believe that he was really called by King Juzi?

Don't need to verify it?

In fact, after saying Juzi's name, Xia Yan was thinking about how to prove that Juzi really asked him to come.

But I didn't expect the other party to believe it so easily.

'Could it be that Chrysanthemum really confessed? For me, a little rookie trainer? '

It seems that this is the only way to explain it.

Follow Ike to a room full of instruments.

"Hehe—brother Xia Yan, this instrument can roughly test the strength of elves, just put the elf ball on it." Ike introduced.

This is a huge and sophisticated instrument, and there is a groove in the middle that is obviously the place to put the poke ball.

Xia Yan nodded.

Take out the elf ball of the big needle bee and place it in the groove.

Soon, some basic information about the large needle bee appeared on the screen of the instrument.

"Big Needle Bee, Senior Level" Ike was stunned.

Since there is one senior-level elf, as long as one of the other two elves reaches the excellence level and is serious about the status of a new trainer, there will be no problem.

Xia Yan hesitated a little when he put in the second elf ball.

"Kuhu, senior level."

Ike was a little surprised.

Two senior grades, let alone a "new trainer" certification, "senior trainer" certification can be considered, right?

the third one.

"Bibi Bird, Excellence Class."


Yi Ke also believed that Xia Yan and Juzi had a relationship.

In just two or three months, from a rookie with only one unicorn to having two senior-level elves and one excellent-level elf, the speed of progress is not to say how shocking it is, but it is already very fast.


Under the leadership of Yi Ke, Xia Yan applied for the certification of the new trainer.

The information on the data card was also replaced with "Big Needle Bee: Senior Level", "Pot Pot: Senior Level" and "Bibi Bird: Excellent Level".

After thanking him, Xia Yan went to the mission table.

And Ike watched him leave with a smile, and called Azir's phone.

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