The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 148 Golden chaos is not chaos......

Chapter 148 Golden chaos is not chaos.

"Xia Yan? Still alive?"

Azir was a little surprised when he received a call from Ike.

At that time, he watched with his own eyes the "angry" lightning bird's charged thunder strike, which struck Xia Yan.

Just looking at the power of that lightning bolt, let alone Xia Yan, a small newcomer trainer, even he might not be able to bear it.

In the beginning, Azir suspected that Xia Yan and Tom Bingqi were in the same group, but after seeing Xia Yan's unicorn ate the "Pure Gold Feather", he almost washed away his doubts about him.

Because of Du's request, Azir also deliberately sent people to search for it, but unfortunately nothing was found.

"Uh, Vice President Azir, that Xia Yan just came to the guild to apply for the certification of 'Rookie Trainer', and he also said that King Juzi asked him to come."

Ike didn't quite understand the meaning of "still alive", but he told about the possible relationship between Xia Yan and Juzi.

"Chrysanthemum Heavenly King?"

Hearing this, Azir frowned.

Why did you get involved with King Chrysanthemum again?

Isn't Xia Yan an employee of the Silver Elf Battle Club?

I just completed the registration as a trainer not long ago.

‘However, Xia Yan seems to have a good relationship with Du. '

One is one of the heirs favored by the Yulong clan, and the other is a rookie trainer, and they seem to be incompatible existences.

Without the subtle influence and interference of Tom Luqi's magic wall puppet, it is indeed impossible for Xia Yan to have too much relationship with Du.

And what Tom Luqi wanted to use was the connection between Xia Yan and Du.

Azir naturally couldn't think of this.

'Have a close relationship with Yulongdu, and have a connection with Juzi Tianwang? '

Azir looked at Juzi who was resting on the chair with squinted eyes, thought for a while, and then stepped forward and asked, "Juzi Heavenly King."

"Huh?" Juzi slowly opened her eyes.

Azir whispered: "The guild said that there was a trainer named Xia Yan who went to verify his status as a 'new trainer', and said let him go."

"Xia Yan?"

Chrysanthemum was stunned for a moment, and then came to her senses immediately.

Isn't Xia Yan the little guy he met in the alley a few days ago?

Thinking that he didn't panic in the face of three senior wolf dogs, and even that Pokby dared to attack his Geng Gui.

Grinning his mouth with jagged teeth, he smiled and said, "He's gone."

Originally, Juzi just said it casually, and didn't care much about whether Xia Yan would go or not.

Anyway, in her opinion, with Xia Yan's strength, it is very easy to become a cutting-edge trainer no matter whether she uses her name or not.

But it was different when it fell into Azir's ears.

Really know!

King Juzi really knew Xia Yan!

Then think of the relationship between Du and Xia Yan.

Get to know the king of heaven, and get to know the upstart of the Yulong family

Some intermediate relationships were made up by Azir himself.

After slightly bowing towards Chrysanthemum, he walked to the corner, picked up the phone, and said to Ike who hadn't hung up the phone yet, "You're not in trouble, are you?"

Ike on the other end of the phone wiped the sweat from his brow.

Azir didn't hang up the phone just now, and he also heard the exchange with King Juzi.

did not expect.

It turned out to be true!

Hastily said: "No, no, the normal process has been followed, and the certification has been completed."

Azir pondered for a while, "Give convenience appropriately, keep a good sense of proportion, and don't go too far."

"Yes Yes."

Both Juzi and Liu Bo are veteran heavenly kings, and this kind of veteran heavenly kings always believe in relying on their own abilities, so they want to give Xia Yan too many benefits, but if Juzi knows it, the gain will not be worth the loss.

But proper convenience is fine.

Ike hangs up the phone with Azir.

He let out a long breath.

Fortunately, there was no embarrassment or ridicule.

The initial elf is the trainer of the unicorn, and actually has a relationship with the Four Heavenly King Chrysanthemum.

Who could have imagined this?

It's just that they don't know it.

Xia Yan used Juzi's name purely to save time, and Juzi did say such a thing.

However, the relationship between the two is nothing more than that.

Director Ike looked in Xia Yan's direction again, and after a little hesitation, he still didn't choose to intervene.

But these changes in his expression were all noticed by the staff who received Xia Yan before.

Soon, various versions of rumors appeared in the guild.

It is said.

A disciple of King Chrysanthemum came to the guild.

Also said.

A nephew of King Chrysanthemum came to the guild.

The most exaggerated thing is that the son (grandson) of King Juzi came to the guild.

Anyway, one version is more exaggerated than the other, and one is more mysterious than the other.

But Xia Yan, who was the person involved, was just standing in front of the task board, thinking.

for the rumors centered on him

He never expected things to turn out like this.

What he was struggling with now was what kind of mission to receive.

According to the points policy formulated by the guild, catching a senior-level elf can get 40 points, catching an excellent-level elf can get 10 points, and drawing a point wheel requires 30 points.

That is to say, one senior-level elf can be drawn once, and three excellent-level elves can be drawn once, but they must be elves within the scope of the mission.

The rewards in the prize pool are quite rich. There are all kinds of precious materials and elf props, and almost all kinds of elf move cheats are displayed in it.

However, the reason why the prize pool is called the prize pool is because it is just a pool of items rewarded for you to see, just take a look, don't take it seriously.

The price of a senior-level elf on the black market ranges from 200,000 to 400,000, with an average of about 300,000. The price of an excellent-level elf ranges from 50,000 to 150,000, with an average of about 100,000.

In conversion, it is a prize draw of 300,000 alliance coins.

How expensive!

But look at the trainers who have received the task and left in a hurry.

Don't they know the conversion ratio?

not necessarily.

But still flock to.

This is the allure of the points system and the prize pool system.

In the end, Xia Yan couldn't resist such a temptation.

He has the very lucky Bokby, although he may not get 100% of the most precious props and cheats, but at least he should not lose money.

I chose two missions with similar distances, took the mission card, and left the trainer guild.

In the sewers in the west of the city, it is suspected to have seen traces of offensive stinky mud.

And in the west park on the road, there may be a group of Paras and Paraste.

There may be elves with senior strength in these two tasks.

It happened to be on the way, so Xia Yan decided to try it out together.

If it's too dangerous, give up.

At this time, the streets were no longer bustling as before, and there were trainers, big and small, running around.

the other side.

"Heavenly King Liu Bo, the tasks have already been assigned. I believe it will take up to three days to clean up everything." Carmela, the president of the trainer guild, said.

Liu Bo, who was sitting on a chair with a cane, lowered his eyes.

Standing up unsteadily.

Looking out of the window at the bustling buildings of the Golden City.

"If they want to mess up, show them the mess!"

At this moment, the aged Liu Bo seemed to have become the ice-element heavenly king Liu Bo with absolute confidence back then.

He is confident that he can protect most of the residents of Golden City in the seemingly chaotic situation.

Chrysanthemum beside him smiled sadly, and echoed, "Hurry up, seeing the chaos in Jinhuang City, they probably won't be able to hold back anymore."

Golden mess.

It seems to be in Sanjiang. I originally wanted to write a testimonial, but after thinking about it, it seems that it should be on the shelves next week, so it won't affect everyone's reading experience.

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