The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 205 Mysterious Town

"Fortunately, there is such a thing as Dawu."

Xia Yan looked down at the phone, which was displaying a nearby chart.

Devon and Silver jointly developed the stitch monster with the support of the alliance. In addition to chatting and elf atlases, another important function is the map.

According to the positioning of the satellite, Xia Yan determined his current location.

"Forty nautical miles to the east, there should be a small island."

Looking at the map, Xia Yan made a judgment.

With the swimming speed of the giant tooth shark, forty nautical miles does not take much time.

"However, this positioning may not be completely accurate. After all, these functions are only just developed."

The rain fell from the sky, and the dark clouds were like the soft down of a black swan, blocking the moonlight.

The sea water broke open on both sides of the feet, layer upon layer, and receded behind him.


Just as Xia Yan was driving in the direction of the target, a private message was sent from his mobile phone.

It's Sakuragi.

The general meaning is that according to Xia Yan's intention, he successfully completed the conversion ratio between the move of repaying gratitude and "intimacy", and spent a few days to successfully develop the initial version of the "intimacy" test tool.

The next step will be to test whether this tool has practical utility.

If the research is successful, and it is determined that the evolution of some elves is indeed linked to intimacy, then there is no doubt that the appearance of this tool will become a necessity for many trainers.

As Xia Yan who put forward this conjecture and experiment, and Sakuragi who verified this conjecture, they must also make a lot of money because of this tool.

It is also one of the so-called "funds" in Sakuragi's mouth.

At the same time, Sakuragi sent Xia Yan an installation software for this tool.

It can currently be installed on mobile phones.

It's just that it's only the initial version now, and it relies on some scanning functions of the mobile phone, so there will definitely be a lot of deviation in the detection, and it can only be used as a reference.

Of course, the mobile phone in the elf world is very different from Xia Yan's previous life.

To be able to host these tools, but only to host.

"So, I just wanted to make a little money from elf research, but now Sakuragi has come up with a 'intimacy' detection tool, and I can make a lot of money from this tool."

It was a pleasant surprise.

And if done right, it can be a lot of money.

But when Xia Yan was about to reply to Sakuragi's letter, he found that the signal of the mobile phone had disappeared.

And his position on the map navigation also stopped moving.

"No signal?"

Not a big surprise.

After all, under the dark ruins of Jinhuang City, the signal of the mobile phone also disappeared.

Moreover, the sea area of ​​the elf world is so large, and it is expected that there are no signal coverage in some places.

Put away your phone.

"Fortunately, the general direction has been determined. Regardless of whether the St. Annus will be attacked or not, find an island to avoid the limelight. Anyway, even if I stay on the ship, it will not be of much help."

Xia Yan is still very aware of his own strength.

On a rainy night at sea.

The only thing that is more fortunate is that it is only drizzle and not a storm.

Moreover, elves like giant tooth sharks have a bad reputation, and it is a group activity. Xia Yan did not encounter any wild elves' attacks along the way, and it went smoothly.


In the hazy night, the outline of an island appeared in sight.

The light rain seems to have cast a light veil on the island, making it difficult to see the specific situation on the island.

Under Xia Yan's signal, the megalodon accelerated again.

As we approached, we were finally able to see some scenes of the island clearly.

"This is."

Looking at the wooden houses and the old pier on the edge of the island, Xia Yan was stunned.

He didn't expect to find a random island to avoid the limelight, and he was lucky enough to find a small island with traces of human activities.

Signal the Megalodon to approach the wooden pier.

creak -

Stepping on the slippery wood, the weight of the body caused the pier to make a somewhat overwhelmed sound.

I couldn't tell from a distance, but when Xia Yan walked onto the pier, he realized that the wooden pier was very old and seemed to be in disrepair.

And you can also see that the wood is covered with dark blue moss, which becomes smoother after being wet by rain, and if you are not careful, you may fall into the water.

Stepping on every step carefully, he walked towards the houses closest to the pier.

"It's not just the pier, these houses also look old, and it seems that there are no traces of human activities. Is it an abandoned island?"

Looking at the dilapidated and old houses, as well as the weeds and fallen leaves everywhere, Xia Yan made a preliminary judgment.

"It saves time to find a shelter."

Xia Yan was walking on the streets of the dilapidated town.

The houses here are all made of wood, and the structure does not seem to be a modern structure.

"The size of this small town seems to be quite small in the past. When you leave, you can look up information about this small island,"

The more you walk in, the more gloomy you feel, as if it's a ghost town.

I found a relatively solid looking house, pushed the door and walked in.

Casey followed Xia Yan closely to prevent accidents.


The old wooden door bearings turned, making a harsh and sour sound.

Get out your flashlight.

The orange light illuminates the scene in the house and presents it to the eyes.

The wooden floor, wooden pillars and beams, and wooden furniture are full of cobwebs and holes. The strong musty smell blows over the face, making Xia Yan frowned.

Every time you step on it, the board will make a sound.

Come to something like a restaurant.

But when Xia Yan saw the dining table, he stopped in place and didn't approach it.

After a long time, Xia Yancai murmured with a complicated expression: "Three dishes and one soup, it's really a hearty meal."

I see.

There are some dishes and chopsticks on the table.

And the bowl covered with cobwebs was full of black lacquered lumps, and it was impossible to tell what kind of food was originally contained in it.

In addition to the vegetable bowls, there are two large and one small and three rice bowls, which are also dark inside, with chopsticks neatly placed beside them.

How can a normal person leave without moving chopsticks after having such a sumptuous meal before leaving?

And the bowls and chopsticks are placed so neatly.

Even the chairs at the table were kept a distance away from someone sitting on them.


There is only one that can explain this situation.

The family of three left without knowing it.

As for how, when, and why he left, I don't know.

Xia Yan stopped for a moment, then slowly backed out.

This small town obviously couldn't stay here, and he wouldn't feel at ease living in it.

However, judging from Casey's reaction, it seemed that there was no danger.

To be on the safe side, Xia Yan went to the woods outside the town, found a relatively thick tree, and summoned Bobbi.

Let him use his secret power to build a secret space on the tree, and then Xia Yan walked in with a few elves.

Compared with those old buildings, it still feels much more at ease.

Moreover, the secret space created by Bobbi is not small, enough for him and a few elves to live together.

Simply prepared dinner for the elves.

"Let's rest for a night first. Tomorrow, you can go to investigate and see what's going on on this small island. From the streets of the town, there doesn't seem to be any trace of wild elf activity here?"

Thank you Qinggu for your rewards!

This counts as the first change. There were two changes in the first two days, that is, two changes are owed, and one change will be added when the monthly ticket is over 2100, and one change will be added to the reward, then


It should be possible to resume the update from today, and I will code when I see the child not sleeping at night.

It will be updated as soon as the code is finished——

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