The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 206: The Pokéby Who Is About to Evolve

"Try to see how this tool from Sakuragi works."

Although there is no signal, the tool transmitted by Sakuragi has already arrived on the mobile phone, as long as it is installed, it can be tried.

Xia Yan has become accustomed to the development of the technology tree in the elf world.

With the progress bar of the mobile phone interface full.

This initial version of the "Intimacy" test tool is installed.

Not used directly on Burkeby.

Instead, they called out the big needle bee.

As Xia Yan's initial elf, Big Needle Bee accompanied him step by step from the poorest and weakest time.

During the recent period, Xia Yan communicated more with Casey and Bokby, and communicated less with Big Needle Bee.

It's not that because Casey and Polk are rarer than these two elves, he pays more attention to them.

It was because Xia Yan felt that the tacit understanding between himself and the big needle bee had reached a certain level, even if he didn't say some words, the big needle bee could understand.

Sometimes, Xia Yan only needs to look at what the big needle bee wants to do, and the big needle bee can do it well.

On the contrary, Xia Yan can guess the state of mind, thoughts, and intentions of the big needle bee as long as it changes its eyes and actions.

This tacit understanding is based on mutual trust.

"Sizzling beer?"

The big needle bee looked at Xia Yan with some doubts and took pictures of himself with his mobile phone, but it didn't move.

Two minutes later, the tool collected enough data, and after a series of complex and redundant calculations and analysis, the screen displayed Xia Yan's intimacy with the big needle bee.

It is not an exact value, but an interval range.


An intimacy of more than 200 shows that the tacit understanding between the trainer and the elf has reached a very high level.

Although it has not reached the full value of 255, it is very difficult to achieve.

Even if some have been with their elves for several years or even decades, they may not be able to reach the full value of intimacy with the elves.

This kind of thing is very mysterious. It is not a rigid value in the game. As long as you walk together and win battles, you can reach the full value. It pays attention to a natural process.

The higher the value of intimacy, the more difficult it is to achieve.

"However, this interval is a bit too big. I hope Sakuragi can be more accurate in the future."

Patted the long hard needle of the big needle bee.

They are all old folks, so there is no need to repeat them.

Xia Yan called Casey again.

The intimacy between him and Casey should not be low.

After all, Casey has been with him since he was born. Even when Casey was just born, the first thing he saw Xia Yan was "Dad".

The result naturally did not exceed Xia Yan's expectations.

Although it is not as high as the big needle bee, it has reached the "210-220" range.

The higher the intimacy between elves and trainers, the higher the tacit understanding.

But the higher the tacit understanding, it cannot fully represent the level of intimacy.

After all, getting along with trainers and elves is not just about fighting, but also includes life, habits in all aspects, the feeling of getting along, and so on.

After these two tests, Xia Yan also had a general understanding of this tool.

And the elves finally understood what Xia Yan was doing.

When it was Bobbi's turn, the little guy was very nervous, and the comforting bell around his neck kept trembling as he walked.

No one would want to be the elf with the least intimacy with Xia Yan.


Do you really want to test it?

Bo Kebi looked at Xia Yan hesitantly.

Xia Yan, who saw Bokby's mentality, smiled, "It's understandable that you joined the team the latest, even if the numbers are the lowest. Besides, these numbers only represent the present, and don't mean that they will always be this number in the future. Don't worry about it pressure."

Torkby wears the Bell of Peace.

Theoretically, its intimacy with Xia Yan would not be low, and it has been fully integrated into the team, whether it is with Xia Yan, Big Needle Bee, Casey, or even Huhu, they get along well.

What Xia Yan is more concerned about is when Bokby will complete the evolution.

In Bokeby's anxious little eyes, the intimacy value between Bokeby and Xia Yan was also detected.


Xia Yan's eyes lit up when he saw this value, and Bobbie also heaved a long sigh of relief.

The small hands clapped on the chest, driving the melodious ringing of the soothing bell.

so far so good.

"It's much higher than expected. It seems that the effect of the soothing bell is still good, and the compatibility between Bobbi and me is also relatively high."

After the intimacy between an elf like Pokby and a trainer reaches 220 points, it can evolve into Pokkigu.

Just look at the current situation.

"Pokby, are you about to evolve?"



In fact, before the concept of "intimacy" was proposed, there were elves that needed a certain level of "intimacy" to evolve.

For example, Gerwin's Fat Ding will only evolve after the "intimacy" between the baby Ding and the trainer reaches a certain level.

It's just because there is no clear concept that these elves who rely on the value of "intimacy" as a reference to evolve have not yet confirmed the law of their evolution.

Therefore, the invention of the "Intimacy Test Tool" is destined to have an impact on many trainers and elves, and to some extent change the situation of some elves.

"However, this thing won't measure only a value above 200, right?"

In order to verify this, Xia Yan turned his attention to the megalodon shark huddled in the corner.

Xia Yan's eyes made the ferocious Megalodon tremble, and he grinned open his mouth full of fangs, revealing an embarrassing smile.



"Well, it seems that as long as the threat is not enough, there is a possibility of rebellion at any time."

Xia Yan's eyes gradually became a little "dangerous".

The Megalodon's expression froze.

It knows that the data will not be too high without looking at the phone.

It had a feeling when Xia Yan saw Laplace last time, and it became more obvious after this intimacy test.

It always feels that the distance from a shark to a shark's fin seems... not far away.


Suddenly, the test tool rang again.


Xia Yan showed surprise.

Can you forcefully increase intimacy like this?

Glance at the ingratiating Megalodon.

The desire to survive is very strong.

Nothing happened overnight.

Waking up the next day under the influence of the biological clock that has formed a habit.

Holding Bokby in his arms, he led Casey and Big Needle Bee out of the space created by the secret power.

The sky was still gray, and the entire island was in a color between day and night. The surrounding area seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, resulting in low visibility.

this feeling, like

"It's like being in the underworld."

With an attitude of trying to explore, Xia Yan did not enter the deserted town, but instead walked towards the dense forest behind the town.

The fallen leaves and overgrown bushes made it very difficult to walk.

Big Needle Bee was at the forefront to open the way, while Casey was floating behind Xia Yan, and Pokby was huddled in his arms, showing a pair of small eyes, looking around.

Xia Yan held Bokby in one hand, and the sharp dagger snatched from Paters in the other, and chopped off the branches along the way.

He can explore the island with confidence, because his greatest guarantee is Casey's teleportation.

Once things exceed expectations, you can go directly back to the dock where you came back, and then leave this mysterious island with a giant tooth shark.


Xia Yan found out.

This island is not without elves.

It's just that these elves are quite special.

The second update! There should be a guarantee today, and we will start to add more——The small goal for October is still the same

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