Xia Yan's expression was playful.

I can't scare you to death!

The Ocean team is no better than the Rockets, daring to wrestle with the league head-on.

Although the Ocean Team is also a big underground force, sharing the interests of the Runfengyuan area with the Lava Team, coupled with their dormant state, explains a lot of problems.

For comparison, the Rockets occupy the two major regions of Kanto and Johto, while the Oceanic team only has half of the Hoenn region at most. In addition, they cannot recruit talents as much as the Rockets. very big.

With Xia Yan's point, Kuroshio almost confirmed his "identity" as a descendant of the high-level alliance.

Kuroshio forced an ugly smile.

"This. friend"

"Friend?" Xia Yan frowned.

From the conversation between Kuroshio and Henry just now, it is not difficult to hear that the reason why Henry chose to attack the St. Annus is also because of Kuroshio's plan, or because of the Ocean Team's plan.

Xia Yan has no control over what they are planning, and he has no ability to control it.

But they planned and inadvertently involved Xia Yan, which became relevant.

If it weren't for them, Xia Yan wouldn't have evacuated from the Saint Annus overnight.

And looking at the posture of the Kuroshio, after the Henry and Binena groups here are settled, they will still attack the St. Annus.

Originally, with Xia Yan's strength, it would be great if he could avoid it.

But now, with the help of Machado, he can temporarily command this terrifying flash fire-breathing dragon.

That's not as good as.

Get rid of them all here!

Once and for all.

Xia Yan patted the neck of the flashing fire-breathing dragon, "Charizard, Dragons Ange (Dragon's Wrath)!"

Although the flashing fire-breathing dragon was a little reluctant in his heart, he did not hesitate in the movement of his mouth.

The blue-purple represents the angry dragon flames gushing out from its mouth. The scorching high temperature directly caused the faint mist permeating the sea to evaporate instantly, and the huge dragon's wrath swept towards the Kuroshio.

Seeing this scene, Kuroshio's expression suddenly changed.

He knew that this time there would be no peaceful solution.

However, the dragon's wrath of the flashing fire-breathing dragon has not yet reached the point where he is completely unable to resist, and the iron claw lobster next to him jumped out, with a faint green fluorescence on his body.

Successfully defended the dragon's wrath this time.

But since he decided to do it, Xia Yan was not prepared to give them a chance to breathe.

"Energized Flame Attack."


The flashing fire-breathing dragon groaned, and the blue and nearly black flames instantly covered the whole body, leaving only a little space for Xia Yan.

The wings shook slightly, like a huge meteorite falling from the sky, rushing towards the Kuroshio.

This time, the Kuroshio didn't think about resisting and defending anymore, grabbed the back shell of the iron claw lobster, and slammed into the sea under its rapid movement.

But he got out of the way, which doesn't mean that the rest of the people can get out of the way, especially his car "Black King", which was directly pierced by the energy storage flame of the flashing fire-breathing dragon, and the solid hull began to fall apart, pitch black. The flames rose rapidly from the inside to the outside.

At this moment, the wooden hull became the best material for incineration.

The pirates who had no time to dodge were less fortunate to be eroded by the flames, and turned into fly ash in an instant.

Someone couldn't help jumping into the sea hastily.

Such a huge pirate ship, with just one move from the flashing fire-breathing dragon, it actually directly shattered it, and no one could resist or stop its actions.

I don't know how many people regret why they boarded the boat just now.


It's too late to regret.


Gerwyn swallowed lightly, the visual impact of the scene in front of him was too great, the "Black King", which was several times larger than their pirate ship, just disappeared.

The famous "Black King" in the sea didn't even have the slightest thought of rebelling, so he just left everyone and ran away?

The dark flames reflected on everyone's faces, and also shone into their hearts.

"It's so strong." Binaina's face was also a little shocked, "Heavenly king level, or stronger, this flashing fire-breathing dragon. At least it is comparable to the main elf of a king-level trainer."

But in most cases, even if it is to take care of the younger generation, ordinary trainers will not lend out their main elves. For every trainer who has reached that level, the relationship between their main elves and themselves is very different. close.

So even if you want to borrow it, it is at most the elves of the second echelon or even the third echelon.

Is this flashing charizard a second or third echelon of some powerful trainer?

So how terrifying has the strength of this flashing fire-breathing dragon trainer reached?


Even surpass the champion?

Binena didn't dare to think about it.

Because at that level, let alone her, even her original family is difficult to get in touch with.

Xia Yan's identity became more confusing in her eyes.

At the same time, Xia Yan, who was riding the flashing fire-breathing dragon, also saw its strength again.

Although the destructive power is not as strong as when facing Juzi and Liu Bo, it is not much inferior.

The most important thing is that the flashing fire-breathing dragon at this time has consciousness and has not fallen into a rage. Of course, it will be more terrifying if a rational elf becomes an enemy.

Fortunately, Xia Yan is now on the side of the flashing fire-breathing dragon.


Xia Yan's gaze swept to the sea.

Kuroshio's choice is decisive, but can he escape the pursuit of the flashing fire-breathing dragon?


Without Xia Yan's reminder, the flashing fire-breathing dragon has already found the figure of Kuroshio, and it is lurking under the sea, and escapes quickly with the help of the elves.

The flashing fire-breathing dragon shook its wings again and turned around.

The whole body is covered with flames again, the speed increases sharply, flashing flames charge!

I saw a pitch-black figure tearing apart the sky like a bolt of thunder and lightning.

"Hey Charizard, calm down! Calm down!"

Xia Yan looked at the sea that was getting closer and closer, and couldn't help reminding.

But the flashing fire-breathing dragon didn't seem to be able to hear it, and even the corners of its mouth curved to a certain extent, with a little mischief in its eyes.

'Let me pretend to be a tiger, I won't scare you to death! '

boom! !

The flashing fire-breathing dragon wrapped in pitch-black flames slammed into the sea, making a huge roar, and a huge wave rolled up with the place where it fell as the core.

It turns out.

Xia Yan's worries were superfluous. Before the sea water touched the flashing fire-breathing dragon, it was instantly evaporated by the blazing high temperature, as if creating a vacuum in the sea.

Do you really think that the current flashing charizard will be so brainless? After hitting the sea with one blow, it quickly left.

And the Kuroshio hiding in the sea, of course, became the first target.


The sea water flooded back, and the flashing fire-breathing dragon retracted its wings, and quickly lifted into the air, avoiding the surging sea water and the floating of an elf's body.

It's an iron claw lobster!

Xia Yan's eyes flickered slightly, "Are you decisively giving up an elf as the price?"

The Kuroshio dived deeper into the water, and its location could no longer be seen with the naked eye.

"In that case." Xia Yan slowly took a breath of warm air, "Fire-breathing dragon, burn the sea."

"Roar", the flashing fire-breathing dragon grinned wantonly.

Not bad, this guy is finally starting to fit his heart a little bit.

The pitch-black flames drilled from the sharp teeth of the flashing charizard.

It is gathering strength.

Xia Yan also somewhat understood the meaning and temperament of the flashing fire-breathing dragon.

Although the flashing fire-breathing dragon has regained its sanity, tyranny and destruction have been deeply imprinted in its bones. If it wasn't for Marshaduo's pressure, I don't know what it would do.

but now mashado makes it work

"Charizard, Purgatory!"

Do something big, burn the sea!

The third update!

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