
A large area of ​​seawater was instantly evaporated, and the pitch-black flames like purgatory on earth seemed unextinguishable by the seawater, and a large amount of seawater was crazily evaporated.

Intense water vapor emerged.

But before the water vapor has time to lift off, it is evaporated again.

It was obviously the sea, but it created a scorching scene, just like being in a desert.

After doing this, the flashing fire-breathing dragon excitedly spit out a mouthful of flames, and the dragon roared endlessly.

In this purgatory, the figures of two elves floated up again. It was a megalodon and a tyrannosaurus, both of which fell into a coma and lost their fighting ability.

But there was still no sign of the Kuroshio.

Xia Yan frowned, "Did he run away? The sea is indeed a troublesome place."

This is also a matter of no choice. After all, no matter how powerful the Flash Charizard is, it is still an elf of the Fire and Flying Elements. The Kuroshio went into the sea and wanted to hide, but the Flash Charizard really didn't have much to do.

Especially when Kuroshio decisively abandoned the three elves to create life for himself.

It is impossible to insist on using your elves to defend against the attack of the flashing fire-breathing dragon.


"It's not bad to be able to do this. Kuroshio lost three main elves and a whole ship of people. I guess he himself is not feeling well. If he wants to continue to plan something, at least it will take a long period of recovery. " Xia Yan murmured as he looked at the turbulent sea.

If it was on land, even ten Kuroshio couldn't escape, but in the sea, it could obviously be regarded as his home field.

"And I deliberately pointed out the existence of the leader of the Ocean Team, Shui Wutong. Kuroshio should understand that I already know his identity and the existence of the Ocean Team. If I want to make a move, I have to weigh whether I can withstand the anger of the alliance."

Shui Wutong will not appear. If he is dispatched, it will be a signal to the alliance that their Ocean team is going to make a move.

That will definitely face the siege of the alliance.

Kuroshio lost three elves, his strength dropped greatly, and he must have been injured. He will not appear again in a short time, and even if he does appear, he will not have enough manpower.

Xia Yan indirectly resolved a hidden crisis for the St. Annus.

Pat the Flash Charizard on the back, signaling it to go back.

at this time.

A few miles away from the explosion just now, I dived into a seabed cave hundreds of meters deep. There is a rare underwater space here.

Half of his body was burned, Kuroshio was lying on the ground panting violently, beside him lay a large crocodile that had already fallen into a coma, the injury on his body was much more serious than Kuroshio.

He was able to survive thanks to the crocodile helping him withstand a lot of attacks.

Kuroshio's eyes, which were narrowed because of the pain, were full of panic and unwillingness.

"Who is that guy?"

The destructive power of the flashing fire-breathing dragon was too terrifying, far beyond his expectations.

If he hadn't retreated decisively and didn't try to fight hard, even if he hesitated just a little bit, he might not be able to escape.

"The alliance has already noticed our actions, so send a little guy to test it first?"

Kuroshio staggered up, and simply treated his wound.

Put away the crocodile.

"We must tell the leader what happened here as soon as possible. The alliance has noticed us, and the plan must be suspended! Otherwise, it will be troublesome for our ocean team to bear the anger of the alliance."

Although Team Lava and Team Ocean don't see each other well.

But they all know that the existence of the other party is indispensable.

Otherwise, if it is only one side, it cannot resist the alliance.

Summoning an elf again, Kuroshio endured the scorching pain on his body and dived into the sea.


The flashing fire-breathing dragon did not return to Binena and the others, but directly carried Xia Yan back to the island.

As soon as he landed, his body trembled.

Shaking Xia Yan off his back.

Fortunately, Casey was there to help.


Two streams of white smoke spewed out of the flashing fire-breathing dragon's nose. It held its head high, its arrogant appearance was very similar to Master Zhi's fire-breathing dragon.

Buji Buji.

At this time, Masha Duo, who had been hiding in Xia Yan's shadow, also came out.

Coming to the side of the fire-breathing dragon, he patted the flashing fire-breathing dragon's thigh like an elder.

"Masha Masha."


For Machado, the fire-breathing dragon restrained its arrogant attitude.

Xia Yan came to Mashaduo, squatted down, and looked directly at it.

"Mashado, are you going to stay on this island?"

"Masha." Masha nodded.

It knew that Xia Yan was going to leave, and it was quite reluctant to leave Xia Yan at first, after all, there was someone to play with it.

But now it is "friends" with Xia Yan, so as a friend, of course I have to consider each other, it is impossible for it to let Xia Yan stay here with him all the time.

Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I don't have to stay here all the time.

But it's also a bit of a pity that I finally established a friendly relationship with Machado.

But there is no way, Machado also has its mission.

Lowering his head and thinking for a while, Xia Yan took out three boxes full of energy cubes, and gave them to Mashaduo. His stock was running out, and he wanted to find another opportunity to make them for Pokkigu.

But it's not a bad thing.

The previous energy cubes were suitable for Bobbi. After evolution, they have more attributes of the flying system, so it is necessary to make more suitable energy cubes.

Stuffed into Marshado's arms.

Small in stature, holding three boxes of energy cubes, stacked higher than him, looks a little funny.


Give me all?

Xia Yan smiled and said: "We are friends, since you like it, and I can't stay here for a long time, I will leave you a little more, and I will give it to you next time."

Machado smiled and rolled his eyes, narrowing them into slits.

"Marsha." The little head nodded continuously.

We are friends.

After finishing speaking, Marshado showed a look of hesitation.

"What's wrong? Machado?" Seeing Machado's expression, Xia Yan couldn't help asking.

"Masha Masha."

We are friends, so you should stay away from this island in the future.

Hearing this, Xia Yan was taken aback.


He still doesn't know what's going on on the island.

Why is the sea area around the island blocked from signals, why do the residents of the small town on the island disappear suddenly, and why do the wild elves on the island dare not approach the town or the area above the mountainside?

What is Marshado here for?

These are Xia Yan's doubts.

After hesitating for a moment, Machado opened his small hand, and suddenly a small jet-black short blade appeared in its hand.

Immediately afterwards, I saw it holding the short blade and smacking lightly in the void.

A hole was suddenly cut open in the air.

"Is the space broken?"

However, on the other side of the broken space crack, it is not pitch black, but

another world!

I saw that the inside was filled with colorful colors, and small islands were floating irregularly in it. There were upside-down trees, upside-down waterfalls and upside-down water on the small islands.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's pupils shrank.

"This is... a destroyed world (reversed world)?!"

Was this island affected by the radiation that destroyed the world?

Or, is this simply the place where the space barrier between the elf world and the destroyed world is weak?

That's why Marshado wants to stay here?

So the residents of the island will disappear for no reason?

That's why wild elves dare not approach the area above the mountainside?

"Masha!" Mashado suddenly trembled, and swiped the blade again, the space crack slowly healed.

But at the moment of complete healing, Xia Yan was struck by lightning.


The scarlet eyes swept over him through the space crack that was about to heal.

That is

Hades Dragon, Giratina!

Fourth update! 42-1=41!

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