The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 228 There is really no need to demonstrate

Hades Dragon, Giratina!


The elf world didn't exist and it was chaos, but at this time, Arceus, the legendary god and the first elf in the elf world, appeared.

Arceus created the elf world, and created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, which represent time, space, and antimatter respectively, and the emergence of matter and antimatter, but lack the key soul, making the elf world Soul is missing.

Then Yuxi, Emrido, and Yaknom were created, representing wisdom, emotion, and will respectively.

This is the creation legend that first appeared in the Sinnoh region.

Among the three elves first created by Arceus, the Pluto dragon Qi Latina is the one that represents antimatter.

It's just because Giratina's temperament is too violent, destroying the world everywhere, and was finally sealed in the destroyed world by Arceus.

But even so, the power of Giratina is beyond doubt.

Masha Duo guarded here to protect the weak barriers of the elf world?

Then the area above the mountainside is because the space barriers there are weaker?

Xia Yan felt his back was soaked.

After being glanced at by Giratina, his body froze in place for several minutes before finally slowly recovering.

He looked at Press Dou in surprise.

I saw Marshado panting and wiping his forehead, as if there was cold sweat on it.


Good risk, good risk.

Xia Yan: "."

So you can't control it too well, do you?

Did Giratina really almost run out just now?

For Masha Duo's bold behavior, Xia Yan was really a little terrified.

Actually. There's really no need to cover up for him. Really.

"Masha Masha." Mashado leaned on his waist, trying to pretend that what happened just now was under its control.

Did you see it? This island is very dangerous, if you have nothing to do in the future, don't approach it.

Regarding this point, Xia Yan was noncommittal.

If there is no accident, he will not come again in the future.

"Well, if it's okay, I'll go first, Machado."

Xia Yan waved his hand.

Masha Duo was taken aback, and waved his hand towards Xia Yan.

"By the way, Charizard, although I don't know if you like it or not, I will leave this box of energy cubes to you. Thank you for your help this time."

After speaking, he dropped another box of energy cubes, and Xia Yan left without looking back.

Masha Duo looked at Xia Yan's leaving back, shook the weight of the energy cube in his arms, and smiled happily again.

"Masha Masha."

Really good friend, isn't it?


The flashing fire-breathing dragon spat out two streams of white air in disdain, tilted its head, and looked arrogant.

But the eyes staring at the energy cube box on the ground said everything.


So be it.

"Marsha!" Marshado slapped his head suddenly.

oops! Forgot to give a return gift.

I saw Marshado slowly spread out his palm, and a colorful feather exuding a bright halo appeared in its palm.

"Masha Masha." She shook her head.

Forget it, give it later, we will meet again, friend.

Xia Yan fled without looking back.

He will never come to this island again.

Who would have imagined that the back was actually a "destroyed world".

Step on the back of the megalodon and leave quickly.

Not long after, I saw the "Pink Fat Ding" and the empty "Scarlet Werewolf".

Put away the megalodon and board the boat with the help of Casey.

The crew of the "Charming Star" on the ship looked at Xia Yan with strange eyes, with fear and curiosity.

Besides them, there were many other people bound by ropes, all of them were disgraced or wet all over, in an indescribable embarrassment.

These people are undoubtedly survivors of the flash fire-breathing dragon attack just now.

But apart from them, many others escaped with the help of their water elves.

"Where's Henry?"

"Escaped, when you were dealing with the Kuroshio." Binena said.

"Escaped? It's okay, anyway, he alone can't afford to make big waves." Xia Yan shrugged.

I was busy dealing with the Kuroshio just now, but I forgot about Henry.

But maybe his presence is also a good thing.

He suffered a lot from Kuroshio this time, and all the crew members around him betrayed Kuroshio and ran away. This was definitely a huge blow to him as the captain.

So in the future, it is very likely that I will live a life of entanglement with the Kuroshio.

Even if he was a bit too timid to deal with the Kuroshio, it would still be a good choice to deal with the "Black King".

"When he left, he was still clamoring for the Kuroshio to wait." Gerwyn added.

Xia Yan nodded.

"In that case, it's time for me to say goodbye."


Gerwyn opened his mouth, wanted to say something but couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

She wanted to say, did you just leave our captain and go?

But considering Xia Yan's way of driving the flashing fire-breathing dragon before, he was a little speechless all of a sudden.

"Where are you going?" Binena asked instead.

"Go back to the St. Annus and continue traveling." Xia Yan said casually.

"Send you a ride?" Binena gently brushed her hair, and added: "After all, it's not a short journey."

Xia Yan lowered his eyes and thought about it.

And indeed.

I don't know where the St. Annus is now, and it is okay to let the megalodon take it there, but it will inevitably encounter some troubles, and if there is a boat, there is no need to suffer.


Binena nodded slightly, "I owe you a big favor this time, so I'll pay you back first. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid the result for all of us would not be very good."

She would not agree to board the Kuroshio ship, and it would inevitably turn into another battle in the end.

However, the Kuroshio is different from Henry. Binena is sure that she is not the opponent of the Kuroshio, and her crew will definitely die because of it, or worse.

So it is no exaggeration to say that Xia Yan's appearance saved all of them.

Even, because of the resolution of this crisis, they got all the supplies and wealth on the "Scarlet Werewolf", making a fortune.

"That's troublesome."

After speaking, Xia Yan walked to the front of the deck and sat directly on the ground.

And the ship set sail again.

Looking at the broken sea surface, the sun slowly rose from the east, the orange morning sun reflected the sky, dyed the sea surface yellow, and shimmered.

Taking a deep breath, the salty breath mixed with coolness pierced into the lungs, causing the pores of his whole body to open.

‘The power of the flashing fire-breathing dragon is really fascinating. No wonder so many people lose themselves for the powerful elf. '

The boat sailed out of the signal-isolated sea area, and Xia Yan's mobile phone kept popping up messages, and the voice kept ringing.

I just took out my phone and haven't had time to look at it yet.


A slender white palm, holding a pale sharp tooth and a prism-shaped crystal gem with a dark halo appeared in his sight.

"This is... sharp teeth and... high-quality dark stone?"

Xia Yan looked along his arm in surprise.


Binena smiled, lightly dusted the dust on the deck, and sat next to him with her knees hugged, at a distance.

"Don't get me wrong, this is not paying back favors, it's what you should have gained."

As he said, he didn't care whether Xia Yan picked it up or not, just threw it on him.

"Although there are quite a few things on the Scarlet Werewolf, these two are the only ones I think may be useful to you.

In addition to the bounties that those people on the 'Black King' can exchange for, although you take the lion's share, you still have to let us share some of the hard work, right? That's about it. "

Can I still have this harvest?

Xia Yan really didn't think about this aspect.

"Thank you." Xia Yan did not refuse, this is indeed the reward he deserves.

Fifth update! 41-1=40! Finally saw 40, not easy. Tomorrow can run three, come on!

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