The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 240 Dragon's Saliva

"Dragon boy?"

This word aroused Xia Yan's interest.

The "Dragon Boy" in the mouth of "Meteor People" should be a real dragon elf, right?

It's not the kind of pseudo-dragon elf with "dragon" in its name, but it doesn't actually have dragon attributes.

"Oh, it's the dragon elves that you outsiders call." Long Yi explained.

Xia Yan nodded to express his understanding.

"So, that person is still in Meteor Falls?"

"Not too sure, but that person left 'Meteor Village' not long ago, he should still be there." Long Yi was also not very sure.

"That's it." Xia Yan pondered for a while.

Then he said: "I should stay in Meteor Falls for a while, so I can try to help you find it."

Long Yi's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"As you can see, I'm training my elves. The Meteor Falls will be the place I choose to practice during this time. Maybe I'm lucky enough to meet the person you mentioned."

"Sir, you are definitely a good person!" Long Yi said sincerely.

nice guy

Xia Yan even forgot that this was the first time someone said he was a good person.

While talking, even Xia Yan himself began to doubt.

'Am I really a good man? '

When the thought came to him, Xia Yan lowered his head and smiled self-deprecatingly.


Put away the smile, raised his head and said seriously: "It's just a handy favor."

Long Yi suddenly patted his forehead, "By the way, sir, I don't know your name yet."

".Yan Xia."

"Yan Xia." Long Yi repeated it with his head down, and continued: "Okay, Mr. Yan Xia, the Meteor Falls is so big that I really can't find it by myself, so let's split up. If you find it, it's best Don't act alone, that person is very strong!"

After speaking, he put on his cloak and prepared to leave.


Xia Yan stopped him, and under his suspicious gaze, he spread his hands and said helplessly: "How should I contact you?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, let's add a contact information." After speaking, Long Yi took out his phone.

Xia Yan was taken aback, "Mobile phone?"

Long Yihan said with a smile: "The elders of the clan who went out to buy these brought them back. They said it was a contact tool for the outside world. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally figured out some of its functions."


The "People of Meteor" just hid, but that didn't mean they were completely cut off from the outside world.

It is said that some elderly people in the "Meteor People" can also observe the cloud lines left by the dragon elves flying in the sky outside the waterfall, so that the elves can be deployed at the intersection of the cloud lines to achieve air combat .

If we say that the alliance and society of the elf world is a highly developed scientific and technological civilization, everything pays attention to scientific methods.

Then the "Meteor People" are a group of people who have always used ancient methods, and used these ancient methods to the extreme.

It is a bit like Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in medical treatment, which are different products and results of the two development directions.

The knowledge and experience accumulated by the "Meteor People" for thousands of years is definitely a very precious wealth.

But now, it seems that the "People of Meteor" also intends to try to communicate with the outside world.

Then it is not too surprising that Long Yi will own a mobile phone.

Afterwards, Xia Yan and Long Yi exchanged contact information.

As one of the important scenic spots in the Hoenn area, the "Meteor Falls", the alliance spent a lot of money to lay out enough signal lines here. Even inside the "Meteor Falls", the mobile phone can still maintain enough signal.

"Then Mr. Yan Xia, I will trouble you, I will go to another place to see."


"By the way, just now my desert dragonfly clashed with Mr. Yan Xia's elves, and a battle broke out, and the elves were all injured. To express my apologies, this 'Dragon's Saliva' should be regarded as my apology." , it can heal the wounds of elves, whether it is taken internally or externally, it has a good effect."

As he spoke, he took out a small bag wrapped in a small cloth from his bosom.

After receiving the slightly heavy package, a faint fragrance emanated from the package.

"Excuse me, Mr. Yan Xia, remember not to fight alone with the opponent, that person is very strong!"

Looking at Long Yi who was gradually going away, he looked down at the small bag in his hand.

"Is this one of the knowledge products of the ancient nation?"

Slowly open the small bag, inside is a group of white powder-like granules, the specific material is not clear.

However, as the packet was opened, the previous fragrance became more intense, and Big Needle Bee, Pokkigu, and Casey were all involuntarily attracted by this fragrance.

Pokkigu reached out his little hand curiously to touch it, but Xia Yan slapped it away.

Suddenly showing aggrieved look.

"Cha Ke Yi."

But it's really delicious.

Judging from the elf's reaction, no matter what the effect of the "Dragon's Saliva" Long Yi gave, at least it shouldn't have any negative effects.

Xia Yan carefully took out one, and after thinking about it, he broke it into two halves.

"Big Needle Bee."

Needless to say, the calm and steady Big Needle Bee couldn't wait to swallow it in one gulp.

Even the big needle bee is like this, one can imagine whether Pokkigu next to him is already drooling.


It is a scene to witness a miracle.

The big needle bee had suffered a blow to the dragon's tail from a desert dragonfly before, and the burn marks left by the meteorites scattered by the meteor swarm, and it recovered completely in less than 30 seconds.

The effect is many times better than the wound spray sold by the alliance.

It is even comparable to the most expensive "healing medicine" in the alliance store.

This is only half.

"Sizzling beer!"

Moreover, the big needle bee also felt that it was not only the body that recovered, but also the energy and physical strength that had been consumed along the way.

Looking at the remaining nine in the cloth bag in his hand, and the half in the palm of his hand, Xia Yan couldn't help sighing, "The accumulation of thousands of years, to a certain extent, is really not inferior to the development of technology."

In the end, Xia Yan really couldn't resist Pokkigu's pitiful appearance, so he divided the remaining half into two halves and gave it and Casey respectively.

After eating, the state of the two elves quickly returned to their best.

"I don't know what material is used to make it, the effect will be so good"

Generally speaking, dragon saliva is the saliva of dragons.

Xia Yan's expression became a little strange.

Put away the cloth bag.

The remaining nine "Dragon's Saliva" can no longer be used easily. If the effect of this thing is at certain critical moments, it may have an unexpected effect.

It might also be a lifesaver.

However, Xia Yan discovered that after eating the "Dragon's Saliva", the superpower fluctuations on Cayce's body became a little more obvious to the naked eye.

He took a brief rest, ignoring Pokkigu's stalking eyes.

The main goal remains the same.

Exercise elf.

It's just that in addition to training the elves, there are two more secondary goals.

One is to find the source of the mysterious voice, and the other is to see if we can find the "thief" Long Yi mentioned.

A lot of "Dragon Boys" have been stolen. These dragon elves are very valuable.

However, Xia Yan was not dazzled by the temptation of "Long Zai". Long Yi repeatedly reminded him that he was very strong, obviously it was not just casual talk.

The prerequisite for obtaining all good things is to ensure your own safety.

Xia Yan will never cross this bottom line.

No matter how good things are, they must have life flowers.

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