The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 241 Am I So Strong?

After separating from Long Yi, Xia Yan led the elves to continue exercising in the Meteor Waterfall.

After fighting the desert dragonfly, the needle bee could clearly feel that his familiarity with the changes in his body and strength had improved significantly.

The number and frequency of participating in battles has gradually increased.

Partly because the body became more active, and partly because the wild elves in Meteor Falls became stronger as they went deeper.

In addition to the cooperation of Pokkigu and Casey, there will still be elves who want to try to raid Xia Yan, the trainer.

So the big needle bee had to increase his shots.

In tight matches, the day passes quickly.

He didn't see the thief that Long Yi mentioned, and he couldn't find the source of the voices that were transmitted to the elves from time to time.

But he was in no hurry.

Everything follows fate, and the degree of attachment to these two secondary things is not high.


Xia Yan took turns massaging the elves' bodies after fighting for a day, stretching their tense and tired muscles, while summarizing to them the deficiencies and shortcomings he found after the day's fighting.

Some things can be changed immediately after being pointed out, such as some details of dealing with battles, and tactical flaws when facing different elves.

And some things cannot be corrected in a day or two.

For example, the big needle bee is still lacking in proficiency in using sword dance moves, and the timing of using sword dance is also due to lack of proficiency and has to sacrifice something, or make concessions in battle, similar to using it in the desert dragonfly The gap during the harsh sound strengthens itself against the weakening brought by the harsh sound.

Another example is the trajectory and accuracy of Pokkigu's attack on the magic leaf, and the perception of the sharp tooth effect when it is triggered.

Another example is that Casey has reached a critical point for the scope of the spiritual field, and the attack damage caused by its fluctuating superpower cannot be accurately judged.


These are not things that can be changed overnight, it takes a long time of exercise and trial.

But the good result is that after fighting this day, they have been strengthened and made up for in many places where they were originally deficient.

This is also a benefit that cannot be obtained in a short time by training alone.

Trainers cultivate elves in a way that combines cultivation, training, and battles, which is somewhat similar to the mode of learning, practicing, and taking exams when studying.

"Cha Ke Yi."

After massaging Pokkigu, the little guy rolled his eyes, pulled Xia Yan's clothes, and acted coquettishly.

Although it didn't say what it wanted, Xia Yan used his ass to figure out that it was for the "Dragon's Saliva" sent by Long Yi during the day.

As for Pokkigu's begging, Xia Yan just smiled.

No matter how Pokkigu played and rolled around, Xia Yan remained unmoved.

In the end, I really couldn't resist it, so I could only say, "I don't give it to you, it's for your own good."

One of the main ingredients of "Dragon's Saliva" is likely to be the saliva of dragon spirits. If Pokkigu knows about it, no matter how delicious and powerful it is, it will be impossible to touch it.

"Cha Ke Yi."

With his mouth puffed out and his waist down, Pokkigu walked to the corner alone and sulked.

Seemingly a little angry, the little foot kicked hard on the rock wall.


As a result, it doesn't matter if you don't kick, and when you step down, starting from the sole of Pokkigu's foot, a huge crack suddenly appeared on the rock wall.

Moreover, the cracks are still spreading upwards.

And more densely packed fine lines and cracks also appeared, and dots of rock fragments slipped from the cracks.

Pokkigu's expression froze.

He stared blankly at the crack, and then at his tiny soles.

"Cha Ke Yi"

I'm so strong?

Then Pokkigu felt himself flying up, his body retreated quickly, and finally fell into a familiar embrace.

It was Casey's superpowers that pulled it back.

Xia Yan was speechless, and gently supported his forehead.

With an exaggerated expression on his face, Pokkigu grabbed Xia Yan's clothes tightly.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

Did you see it? I'm so good!

Xia Yan: "."

Holding Pokkigu in his arms, he quickly backed away with the big needle bee under the protection of Casey's super power.

Ka Ka Ka!

The cracks on the rock wall became more and more obvious, and the cracks became bigger and bigger, and the scattered small cracks continued to increase until they covered the entire rock wall, and the huge crack in the middle had reached the top of the rock wall.

Xia Yan casually picked up a piece of rock that had fallen and splashed away, spread it on his palm and rubbed it gently.

The seemingly solid rock turned into a granular powder with a pinch of the palm.

"The rock walls are so crispy because the mineral and nutrient-rich rock that was originally stored inside has been dug out, or eaten."

He looked closely at the crumbling rock wall.

"From this point of view, there may be a rock-type elf with a large appetite behind the rock wall, or a group of them."

This kind of phenomenon is not too uncommon in Meteor Falls, after all, there are a lot of rock-type elves living here.

It is precisely because of this that the tunnels and caves under the meteor waterfall will become more complicated.

boom! !

An entire huge rock wall collapsed, accompanied by splashing rock fragments and kicking up dust.

Under the protection of Casey's super power, and these rock fragments are inherently fragile, they did not cause much pressure on Casey.

After the rock wall collapsed, the situation on the other side was finally exposed to Xia Yan's sight.

Different from the cave they were in, the light was dim and the visibility was not high, so they could only rely on the luminous moss to provide the light at the end of the stars. The other side of the rock wall was as bright as day, because there

A large number of solar rocks are gathered.

At a glance, it can be roughly judged that there are at least thirty or more.


As the rock wall fell, the group of Sun Rocks also saw Xia Yan and the three elves standing on the other side.

"Accidentally poked a nest in Sun Rock." Xia Yan murmured.

Facing the elves with super powers, it is difficult for Casey's teleportation to work. Even if the teleportation is disturbed or interrupted, no one knows where it will be teleported.

In a place with so many rocks in Meteor Falls, it might end up in a dense rock somewhere.

That was almost tantamount to courting death.

Moreover, although the number of Sun Rocks is large, the distribution of resources is too even due to the excessive concentration of the number, and there are no particularly outstanding strengths, and they are not without the power to fight.

To Xia Yan and the three elves who destroyed their living environment, the Sun Rocks would naturally not show any good looks, and the red pupils in their squinted eyes lit up one after another.

"Casey!" Xia Yan shouted.

In an instant, the spiritual field that originally shrank around Casey's body spread, covering the big needle bee, Pokkigu, and Xia Yan, but it didn't cover the group of sun rocks in the spiritual field, which would also bring them Remove the increase in the power of super power moves.

At the same time, Big Needle Bee and Pokkigu also moved.

Dozens of crystal magic leaves appeared beside Pokkigu and shot towards the Sun Rocks.

Because the opponent is too dense, Pokkigu doesn't have to worry about being unable to hit.

However, the mind power of the Sun Rocks was also released, and the mind power composed of dozens of Sun Rocks was of a very large magnitude. Pokkigu's magic leaf was blocked by the mind power before it approached.


However, with a low growl, Casey controlled her own superpower to turn into an arrow, trying to open the way for Pokkigu's magic leaf.

The superpowers on it are agitating and making waves, one level after another.

But after all, it is just a person, weak and weak.

At this time.

The big needle bee flutters its wings, and the long needle comes first. The long needle it holds is glowing with black light. The evil move "Shooting" is flexibly used. A gap was torn open in his thoughts.

It allowed Casey's superpowers and Pokkigu's magic leaves to pass through.

And in a corner that Xia Yan and the others couldn't see, a snow-white figure appeared, with red eyes staring at Xia Yan and the group of Sun Rocks for a few seconds, then quickly disappeared.

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