The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 249 The Dog That Doesn't Bark

Walking was a middle-aged man, dressed in black, looking a little embarrassed, but with a confident expression, showing a little contempt and rebelliousness.

His gaze passed Xia Yan and Absolu, and fell on Kiraqi who was emitting a purple halo behind them.

The eyes are burning.

"I thought it was useless and could not be repaired." The middle-aged man said.

Like strolling in the courtyard, he walked towards them.

Absol's hostility towards this man was obvious, and he fell on the ground and let out a low "whoosh" sound.

This is a sign that it is about to attack.

But the middle-aged man turned a blind eye to its demonstrations.

Just looking at Xia Yan, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Let me give you a suggestion, leave now, maybe you can save your life."

Xia Yan would not believe a single word of his words.

It is not the first time he has faced such a situation, using the excuse of giving him a way out, and waiting for him to relax his vigilance before making a surprise attack.

Xia Yan just looked at him silently.

The middle-aged man saw that Xia Yan didn't move, and chuckled, "Oh~ I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Clay. You may or may not have heard of it, but it doesn't matter, I am a Hunters, not just hunting elves, you know what I mean?"

The tone and tone of the speech are full of undisguised contempt, even contempt.


'So, the one that Long Yi was looking for was also the one who entered the Meteor and stole the dragon boy? '

"I forgot to say, my patience is limited, and I don't have much time and opportunities for you."

The middle-aged man opened his windbreaker casually, revealing the poke ball on his waist, and took off one casually.

Along with the flickering red light, a huge purple monster appeared in the cave.


The roar shook some small rocks in the cave.

King Nido!

Xia Yan squinted his eyes. He had an in-depth understanding of the Nido King. From the strength, appearance, length of horns and tail of the Nido King in front of him, he could roughly judge the strength of the Nido King. .

Qualification level!

Also known as gym class, or the master class.

An existence above the elite level!

If a man has three or more Gym Master-level elves, he has the qualification to challenge the Gym Master in a region of the alliance, so this type of elf is also called qualification level.

Of course, the strength of the gymnasium masters appointed by the alliance must be much stronger, and even the gymnasium masters in some towns can rival the Four Heavenly Kings.

To have qualifications is only to have qualifications.

But that was compared to others. For Xia Yan, this Nido King alone put him under tremendous pressure.

All his elves combined, no matter how well they performed, they might not be the match for this Nido King.


Big needle bee and the others are not opponents, but it does not mean that there are no elves here who can be his opponents.

For example, Absolu, who was crawling beside him at this time, was waiting for an opportunity.

With a sullen face, Xia Yan slowly squatted down, approached Absolu, and slowly stretched out his hand hesitantly.

In the end, it will rest on Absolu's body, stroke it gently, and feel its soft hair and its constantly beating chest.


When Xia Yan touched him, Absol turned his head and glared at him almost reflexively.

But after all, he didn't show much resistance to Xia Yan's touch.

Even, in his heart, Absol faintly throbbed, and some strange feelings rose from the bottom of his heart.


Faced with this situation, it feels good to stand behind this person and face it with me.

Absol's angry exhalation gradually calmed down, his eyes were still sharp, but he no longer exposed his fierce appearance to Clay's sight.

True strength is not what is shown on the surface.

Because often the more vicious you look, the more you tell the other party "how powerful I am", in fact, the more fear and fear in your heart.

Seeing that Xia Yan not only did not leave, but comforted Absolu instead, the expression on Clay's face gradually softened.

Xia Yan stood up again, looking straight into his eyes.

"Give you three seconds, leave now."

Xia Yan's tone was calm, but his words were full of doubts.

Clay stared, then smiled angrily.

"Hahahaha—boy, are you telling me a joke? Who do you think you are? Do you have the confidence to talk to me? With the three strongest elite-level needle bees, or with this superficially No problem, but the seriously injured Absolu?"

"Then why do you? With you, the only Nido King who is still in good condition? Or with your elves who have not recovered halfway?" Xia Yan turned back not to be outdone.

Hearing this, Clay's expression finally sank.

"how do you know?"

Hearing him ask this question, Xia Yan knew that his guess was right.

"Do you know what kind of dog is the most dangerous?"

Before he could answer, Xia Yan said by himself:

"A dog that doesn't bark."

A smile appeared on his face, and then he said again: "Do you know why I want to appease Absolu? Because the more obvious you are, the more guilty you are. For a barking dog like you, don't stop Show me your bottom line without reservation."


Xia Yan doesn't believe that a person can still keep his strength intact after going around the "Meteor Village" and stealing something. After a battle with Absolu.

Moreover, Kiraqi's vision only appeared here for a short time, and he appeared here, which shows that he has not left too far at all, and is still lingering nearby, so he has not left Meteor Falls, and he has not completely recovered the spirit of the elves. state.

The most important point is that Kiraqi's crystal is still here.

This shows that he fought with Absol at that time, but he didn't get a bargain. He only caused the destruction of Kiraqi's crystal and injured Absol, but he was unable to snatch the crystal.

Thinking in another way, Xia Yan brought himself into him. As a hunter, if he could beat Absolu, it would be impossible to put such a valuable prey here.

So, summing up the above points, the conclusion is that

He is pretending!


Clay's expression was slightly ferocious, but he quickly controlled it.

Indeed, as Xia Yan guessed, he came to Meteor Falls for Kiraqi.

It's just that Kiraqi hasn't been found yet, but for some reason, he advanced into the "Meteor Village", and at the same time stole a batch of expensive dragon elf cubs.

Of course, it was unavoidable to have a fight with a few Meteor People.

The result was serious injuries.

After leaving "Meteor Village", he was lucky, and he found Kiraqi's location.

But Absol appeared and fought with Absol again.

The result can be imagined.

Not only destroyed Kiraqi's sleeping crystal, but also failed to defeat Absol.

The reason why he came back now is because he knew that it was not so easy for Absol as a wild elf to recover from his injuries, and although he had not fully recovered, he was undoubtedly much better than Absol.

What he said before, whether it was pretending to be strong or testing Absol, the purpose was the same.

But judging from Xia Yan's current attitude, a fight might be inevitable.

Listen to their uncompromising exchanges.

Absol was hesitating whether to turn around or not.

It understands the truth, and it also understands that Xia Yan is telling the other party.

But I don't know why, it just felt that Xia Yan said that the face was a dog just now, and seemed to have included it unconsciously.

In the end, Absol chose not to move.

At this time, whoever answers the conversation doesn't mean who is talking about it?

According to everyone's reaction, the qualification level will be changed to the owner level, which actually means the same thing, but it may be more acceptable to everyone.

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