The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 250 Pushing and Bite

"The mouth is very strong." Clay lowered his voice, "I want to see if I can stop me with just a seriously injured Absolu and a few small shrimps."

While speaking, he threw two more poke balls.

With the flashing red light.

An Alidos and a Dragon King Scorpion.

Judging from King Nido's strength, they should all be hall master-level elves.

But it was obvious that Alidos and Dragon King Scorpion were not in very good condition, and they still had obvious injuries.

But three Gym Master-level elves, plus a trainer who knows them well, and reasonable tactics.

Even if Absolu is stronger, with one against three, he may not necessarily be able to win.

Unless it has broken through the master level and reached the quasi-king level level.

It can be seen that Absol has not yet reached that level from the solemn and vigilant appearance just now.

‘How did Absolu win before? ’ Xia Yan was a little curious.

In fact, it was because Xia Yan didn't know that when Clay and Absolu met for the first time, they had just escaped from the "Meteor Land" to avoid the pursuit of the Meteor People, and the elves on their bodies were more or less injured. , so the fight is only on par with Absolu.

After staying in Meteor Falls for so long, he used the few remaining resources on his body to recover Nido King, so Nido King, who is Clay's trump card, recovered well.

"With one enemy and three, even if Absolu is stronger, it is still very difficult. The big needle bee is still in Kiraqi's wishing state, and they should be able to get some benefits, so it is best not to disturb them if you can not disturb them." they. '

Xia Yan quickly thought about the way to deal with it.

‘The only advantage now is that the opponent does not know that Absolu’s state has recovered. Therefore, the first round of collision is the most important. He must be caught off guard, and it is best to cause attrition. '

He bent down, squatted on Absolu's body, and pretended to whisper in its ear, but in fact, with Yongjila's superpower, he didn't need to do so.

Xia Yan and Absolu only met for the first time, and they are not very clear about Absolu's strength and status. Absolu also has his own fighting rhythm and methods, and he blindly wants to command Absolu Going to fight may not only fail to help, but also affect its performance.

So he just told Absolu the tactical arrangements and goals, and how to operate and fight depends on him.

Just like his previous collaboration with Chrysanthemum's ghost stone.

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Absol nodded from time to time.

Hearing the end, she turned her head to look at him with surprise and disbelief.


"Opportunity!" Clay shouted in his heart, taking advantage of the moment Absolu turned his head, he violently raised his voice.


Xia Yan slapped Absolu, and quickly stepped back, throwing three elf balls at the same time.

Megalodon, Kettle, and Ditto.

When the big needle bees can't move for the time being, they can only let them protect themselves for the time being, so as not to be directly stolen by the other party.

"Dittomon turned into a megalodon." Xia Yan said.

Then I saw the Ditto twisted and changed on the ground, and another megalodon appeared in the field.

After all, they have been getting along for a while. Although the relationship between Ditto and Megalodon is average, it is no problem to become Megalodon.


Seeing the exact same self, the megalodon gave a low growl and trembled slightly.

'It's over, it's over, this horrible human has found a substitute for me, that limp guy can become me, and now I don't even have the final function! '

The megalodon shark looked desperate.

Already thinking about how I would be treated.

Braised? Or steamed?

Or is it the shark fin that the man keeps talking about?

Then I saw Xia Yan looking at himself with a smile.

The Megalodon wobbled in his heart, and smiled very reluctantly.

"Wait, listen to my order, be good."

There is help!

The megalodon nodded repeatedly. If it had hands, it would definitely slap its chest loudly.

On the other side, when Xia Yan was arranging Ditto and Megalodon, the three elves of Absolu and Clay also collided with sparks.

I see.

King Nido leaned forward, and a silver-blue energy beam spit out from its open mouth, a frozen beam!

Moreover, it can be seen that at the same time King Nido spit out the freezing beam, a part of its body emitted a faint light.

"Life Orb?" Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

As one of the first gods of war, the forced Nido King can be said to be a relatively popular routine in the elves world. As a result, the price of elves with forced characteristics is generally high, and the life orb is even more expensive.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.

At the same time, Alidos and Dragon King Scorpion also attacked one after another, and they were still injured, so they could only play a restraining role.

Dragon King Scorpion used the fighting move Piwa that restrains the evil elves, while Alidos used the insect-type move Missile Needle that also restrained the evil elves from a distance.

Attack from three sides!

In Clay's eyes, no matter how reluctant Absolu was, he would have to bear the damage of at least one or even two elves before he could attack his elves.

"Here we come." Xia Yan who was behind said silently in his heart.

just see.

Absol's body flickered suddenly in a folded shape, and he used the lightning flash move. Not only did he avoid the attack with his suddenly increased speed, but he also quickly approached Alidos.


Clay stared slightly, a little in disbelief.

Absol, have you recovered?


Then his gaze involuntarily fell on Xia Yan who was not far away with a calm face.

It's him?

However, before he could figure out how Xia Yan did it, he heard Xia Yan say slowly:




With a flash of lightning, Absol directly threw Alidos down.

A halo of yellow light flashed from the sharp corners of the head, and the viscous and rich energy was transmitted to the soles of the feet, pouring all on Alidos.

Rock moves, sharp rock attack!

Alidos, who was pressed on the ground, didn't even have time to struggle, the sharp stone attack directly broke out from under it, and the thick and hard huge thing directly pierced it!

Solve one!

This is the first target that Xia Yan confessed to Absolu, and it is also the target that may threaten it second only to the forced Nido King.

Because Alidos of the insect type restrains it as an evil elf.

Although the Dragon King Scorpion is also a worm, after it evolved from the Pincertail scorpion, its worm attribute was gone, and the threat was not as great as that of Alidos.

This tactic is also one of the tactics Xia Yan arranged for Absolu.


Push it down forcibly!

Seeing Alidos fall, Nido King and Dragon King Scorpion frantically attacked it.

However, Absolu reversed his moves and made a surprise attack, avoiding their attacks again.

Returning to Xia Yan's side, he gave him an appreciative look.

This tactic is very brutal and effective, and it likes it a little bit.

"Kuhu, the defense is evenly divided."

Kehu, which had been prepared a long time ago, absorbed a white light from Absolu's body, and then quickly reflected it back to it.

Although the strength of Huhu and Absolu are very different, Huhu, who is good at defense, can still add some defensive power to it.

In this way, Absol became hardened.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Yan ordered the megalodon and the Variety who transformed into a megalodon:

"Bah! Bite it!"

The two elves didn't hesitate, and bit Absolu's body from left and right respectively.

Evil moves, bite!

It's just that because of active restraint, none of them caused much damage to Absol.

But Absolu, who was attacked by evil moves, emitted white light from his body.

The Heart of Justice feature has been triggered!

This tactic is called: "Bite".

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