The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 279 Top Quality Stone of Light

Kaiji's complexion became paler and his eyes gradually became lax, but he struggled to recover.

It fell tightly on Xia Yan.

Gritting his teeth, he suddenly begged: "Sir, you are a good person, can I trouble you to help me protect Meiyu to go to Shenao?"

nice guy?

Xia Yan chuckled, why do so many people think he is a good person?

"Did you misunderstand me?"

"I will definitely not let you work in vain!" Kaiji said hastily.

If it weren't for this last sentence, Xia Yan might turn around and leave.

He already thought that he was a person who put his interests first, and if it was a simple and uncomplicated matter, he would do a favor, but it was obvious that the matter was not simple, and it might even involve the Marine team.

That's different.

Xia Yan doesn't think he has the ability to fight against the ocean team.

"An evolutionary stone!" Kaiji said solemnly.

Just when Xia Yan was about to turn around and leave, Kaiji immediately added: "Top quality Stone of Light!"

Top quality?

Stone of Light?

Xia Yan paused, turned his head and looked at him in surprise.

Does he not know how much the top-quality evolutionary stone is worth?

Anyway, Xia Yan knew that if the evolutionary stone had reached the top quality, he might not be able to afford it with all his current possessions added up.

It's not that the value of the top-quality Stone of Light is terrible, it's just that because it is too rare, it will be snatched up, and the price will far exceed the value.

the most important is.

Why the Stone of Light?

Xia Yan's Pokkigu wants to evolve into Pokkisi, the necessary item is the Stone of Light!

It's no secret that he has Torkby, and Meiyu pestered him many times to find him to play with.


Kaiji knew that Pokkigu needed the Stone of Light to evolve into Pokkisi?

However, it seems that Pokkisi has not yet been listed in the alliance's elf atlas.

Seeing Xia Yan fell silent, Kaiji slowly showed an ugly smile.

"You may not know that there is an evolution type above Pokkigu. The props needed are the Stone of Light. The top-quality Stone of Light will definitely maximize the potential of Pokkigu.

even! Improve the potential of Pokkisi after evolution.

Believe me, once the evolution stone exceeds the advanced quality, its role is no longer just to assist specific elves to evolve. "

After saying so much in one breath, Kaiji was a little out of breath, his complexion became even paler, and beads of sweat kept slipping from his forehead.

"Grandpa!" Miyu hurried over, holding Kaiji's hand tightly, full of distress.

If Keji is dead, then she is really the only one in this world.

"How do you know?" Xia Yan asked calmly.

Kaiji patted Miyu's head tremblingly, indicating that she was fine, "Ahem, ahem, because this top-quality evolutionary stone originally belonged to Meiyu's father."

Miha said that her father also had a Torkby.

Come to think of it, it has evolved into Pokkigu, right?

Even top-quality stones of light are ready.

You can get top-quality evolution stones.

This is not something that just any trainer can get.

It seems that Miu's father was also a very good trainer in the past.

"Although the top-quality Stone of Light is very attractive." Xia Yan said, and then said after a pause: "But which is more important, things or life, I still can tell the difference."

If you lose something, you can find it again, but if you lose your life, you will lose everything.

"No, the level of danger is not that high." Kaiji's complexion has begun to turn golden, which is a sign that he is really dying.

"The most troublesome thing is that I have already got rid of in the Hoenn area. They never thought that we would return to the ship. Even if there are manpower arrangements, it is only a symbolic arrangement.

As long as it is not known by them, it is absolutely safe! "

That's why he didn't go to the infirmary.

As long as the other party does not confirm that they have returned to the ship again, most of the manpower must still be in Fengyuan.

"Is the most dangerous place the safest place?" Xia Yan nodded thoughtfully.

I have to admit that the old man is still very experienced.

This can be seen from the last time he hired bodyguards at the "Black Shark Bar".

Xia Yan was thinking.

A top-quality stone of light is out of proportion to the danger this time.

The value of the top-quality Stone of Light is unquestionable. If he can get it, he doesn't have to worry about Pokkigu's future evolution.

And the top quality is already the highest level of evolutionary stones, and it will definitely benefit Pokkigu a lot.

However, the extent of the danger is currently unknown.

It may be the same as what old Kaiji said, there is not much danger, and there may be situations beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

'If only Absol was here.'

With Absol's guarantee and Absol's ability to predict the future, coupled with Yongjila's teleportation, safety should be guaranteed.

After pondering for a long time, Xia Yan finally said when Kaiji could barely hold on, "I'll take it."

"But don't rush to be happy, first say yes, if you encounter a situation that I can't handle, don't blame me."

This is his greatest concession.

He couldn't handle it and insisted on staying, that's not honesty, that's stupid.

So the ugly things should be said first.

Once he feels that the situation is not right, he should go or go.

"Okay!" Kaiji did not have any doubts about Xia Yan's conditions, and agreed without hesitation.

Even smiled.


"Ahem——Pokeby, the person who can be chosen by an elf, is doomed. You are a good person."

After speaking, Keji rolled his eyes.

Xia Yan was silent.

Is there any way to remove the title of "good guy"? Waiting online, very urgent.

But I have to admit that what Cage said does make sense.

An elf like Bokby is an elf who follows happiness.

May I ask which person with a sinister heart will live happily?

But this still can't shake Xia Yan's heart. He can give others some help if he can, but he will never be a bad person.


Seeing Kaiji close her eyes, Miha's tears flowed uncontrollably again.

"He just passed out. If you shake it any longer, you may really die."

Hearing this, Miyu gave a small hand.

Lihua looked at Xia Yan with rain.

Some pressed their temples with a headache.

"It's messed up"

Three hours later.

"Yes, I want to upgrade to first class, please give me a seat near the stern."

At the service window on the St. Annus, Xia Yan was holding his room card and identification.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

When the staff heard that it was going to be upgraded, they acted very neatly.

After Xia Yan paid the difference, his room card officially changed from a plastic card to a metal card.

Go back to Miha's room.

"Clean up and take you to another place." Xia Yan said.


Xiaomeiyu obediently began to organize things.

Cage had stabilized the situation and regained consciousness again.

Slowly opened his hazy eyes and looked at Xia Yan.

"Since I have accepted the task, everything from now on will be under my arrangement. Don't ask if it's okay." Xia Yan leaned against the wall, hugged his chest, and said in a calm tone.

Kaiji blinked her eyes, and said in a deep voice, "No, I want to say. You can help Miha, she won't."

Looking at the messy package, Xia Yan was still unmoved, and just said:

"Can you protect her for the rest of her life? If not, let her grow up quickly, don't be like today, you can't do it anymore, she can't do anything, let alone take care of herself."


Miha accidentally tripped herself and sat down on the ground.

Keji pursed his lips, his eyes full of reluctance.

But he knew that what Xia Yan said was right. If she couldn't take care of her for the rest of her life, let her grow up quickly. It would be better than waiting for her to die in the future, and she would have to stumble and learn by herself and suffer more.

Looking deeply at the expressionless Xia Yan, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Kaiji thinks that his judgment is not wrong, Xia Yan is indeed a good person, although he may not think so himself.

You see, even though Meiyu fell down, she didn't cry, she patted her butt firmly and stood up again.

Although the tidying things are still very messy, she is really trying to learn to tidy up.

This is progress.

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