After tidying up his things, Xia Yan summoned Yongjila.

Nod to it.

Yongjila understood, wrapped the three of them with superpowers, and left the room using teleportation, arriving at the first-class cabin.

Xia Yan is not eligible for an upgrade to the stateroom cabin, which requires someone with a certain social status to buy it, and the first-class cabin is already the limit of what he can buy.

However, the facilities in the first class cabin are much better than those in the second class cabin.

Not only has two independent and spacious rooms, and each room is equipped with an independent bathroom, but also a living room and a large dining room.

"I live in this room, and you will live in that room from now on. If you have any special circumstances, you can call me. If you have nothing to do, don't bother me." Xia Yan said to the two.

Yongjila uses super powers to put Keji on the bed in another room.

"If you have nothing to do, don't run around, let alone go out." This sentence was said to Mei Yu.

Children are lively by nature and like to run around. It is no wonder that Kaiji has been telling her not to run around.

But this time Kaiji was seriously injured, Meiyu obviously became more sensible all of a sudden.

"When you feel better tomorrow, I'll ask you some detailed questions." Xia Yan said to Kaiji who was lying on the bed.

Cage blinked in agreement.

Xia Yan's series of actions made him feel very professional, and he once wondered if he had ever worked as a bodyguard.

In fact, these are all things and choices that Xia Yan made after he took on his dangerous identity.

Before walking into the door, Xia Yan paused, and said to Mei Yu: "By the way, for safety, Mei Yu, you can keep watch today, can you?"

Hearing this, both Kaiji and Meiyu were taken aback.

But the little girl seemed to have really grown a lot, she nodded vigorously, with a serious face, "Yeah!"

There was nothing she could do about seeing Grandpa Kaiji seriously injured. Although she didn't say anything, the little guy felt extremely guilty.

Xia Yan's words allowed her to contribute, which felt good, and immediately the pressure in her heart was reduced a lot.

He quickly showed a sweet smile, indicating that he was fine.

"Very good." Xia Yan also smiled, nodded and walked into the room.

"Yongji?" After entering, Yongjila was a little puzzled.

It's not that I feel sorry for Meiyu, but I think it's a bit unreliable to leave it to a little girl for the vigil?

"Of course it's impossible to really hand it over to her. Yongjila, you have to work hard in the first half of the night and monitor here with superpowers. In the second half of the night, you can hand it over to the solo scabbard."

The single scabbard sticks out its head from Xia Yan's shadow.

It can sneak attack with the shadow, so it can naturally hide in the shadow.

If it is carried on the back, it is a bit too ostentatious.

Xia Yan is still very relieved of being cautious about the single scabbard.

I just hope it doesn't wake up Xia Yan when it senses a person approaching. It will probably be an uncomfortable night.

Hearing his words, Du Jianshea nodded silently.

For the sake of safety or something, it is the best, even if it is allowed to keep watch overnight, it is fine.

Throwing the poke ball releases all the pokemon.

Changing to a first-class cabin, even if it is just a room, the space is much larger, and the space for the elves to move has also become larger.

It's night.

Xia Yan didn't let the elves train anymore, but let them play in the room while he sat in front of the computer.

The elves after Meteor Falls have grown a lot and learned a lot. He needs to give them a new training plan.

It is best to be able to finish it before tonight, and start training tomorrow.

Big Needle Bee, an elite class, has learned high-speed movement moves from Kiraqina, and the shadow sneak attack moves Xia Yan arranged for it before have not been able to learn. Moves will be its main training direction next.

Yongjila, a senior level, after evolving from Casey to Yongjila, he has learned too many moves at once, and also learned to predict the future similar to Absolu, and obtained the two props of life orb and curved spoon , so its next task is definitely the heaviest.

But seeing that other elves are either resting or playing, only Yongjila and Big Needle Bee are still training themselves. The heavy training tasks may not be difficult for it.

Pokkigu, a senior level, learned the two moves of sleeping and supernatural power from Kiraqi, especially supernatural power, combined with its characteristics and the item of sharp teeth, will play a very important role, which will also be It will mainly focus on the direction and goal of the next attack.

The single scabbard, the senior level, has reached the point where it is about to enter the elite level, but it lacks absolute confidence in itself and lacks awareness of its own strength. What it needs in the next period of time is to develop a tacit understanding with Xia Yan as soon as possible , quickly integrated into the team.

A dragon-type elf egg, the type of elf is unknown, and the hatching date is temporarily unknown.

But no matter what kind of elf is in the elf egg, the dragon attribute will never escape. Xia Yan has also taken time to search for information recently to see if he can find some special materials to nourish it.

When an elf is still an elf egg, it can be cultivated, which is also part of the knowledge that a breeder should understand and learn.

For example, when Yongjila was still in the elf egg, its mother used superpowers to keep nurturing it.

Therefore, Xia Yan needs to find some suitable dragon-type energy materials and provide some help to them, so that the little guy will become better after he is born.

After finally sorting out these materials, Xia Yan stretched long.

Look at Yongjira.

"How is the little girl?"


Hearing Yong Jila's words, Xia Yan smiled helplessly, "Are you asleep? It's normal."

With that said, he opened the door and went out.

Looking at Miyu who was sitting on the sofa with her head drooping and falling asleep, but still supporting her small head, Xia Yan's eyes softened a lot.

"Little guy, if you don't want to walk like me, you have to start now and become strong."

After all, Xia Yan went over to pick her up and walked to Kaiji's room.

When he entered, Kaiji was not asleep, seeing Xia Yan carrying Meiyu in, his face showed relief.

Grinning, Xia Yan watched as Xia Yan carefully put Meiyu on the bed, and then covered her with a quilt.

Keji didn't speak, but his expression seemed to say so.

Look, am I right?

Xia Yan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Effective sleep helps the body recover."

"When people are old, they don't need to sleep so much."

"It's just right, I'm in good shape now, let's talk?" Cage said again.

Xia Yan shrugged and sat on the sofa in the room.

"Our destination this the Xuefeng Temple." Kaiji revealed the purpose of their trip.

"Xuefeng Temple?" Xia Yan frowned.

If I remember correctly, the Xuefeng Temple is located in Xuefeng City in the Sinnoh region, and this temple serves the legendary beast, Regichkas, and has a pivotal position in the Sinnoh region.


"I remember Meiyu said that she was going to find her mother, could it be?"

"Yes" Keji's expression was slightly awkward.

Xia Yan suddenly realized that if Mei Yu had this status, it seemed normal that she would be targeted.

The source of the top-quality Stone of Light has also become traceable.

Xia Yan remembers that Pokkigu's evolutionary Pokkisi seems to be an elf registered in the Sinnoh area, right?

"Then who is your identity?" Xia Yan asked.

Kaiji pondered for a moment before saying: "I used to be the waiter of Xuefeng Temple."

Then he smiled bitterly and said, "Of course it was just once."

"Then what about the people targeting you this time?" Xia Yan asked again.

Keji shook his head, "I don't know."

Is it true that he doesn't know, or is he worried that he will not dare to take this task because he knows the other party's name?

Xia Yan pursed his lips, but did not speak.

As if seeing his thoughts, Cage's eyes fell on the messy pile of objects beside him.

"I really don't know." Then he said: "In that box, there is the Stone of Light and a training manual about elves like Pokby. Take it."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll just leave with my things?" Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckled.

"You won't." Casey looked directly at Xia Yan, speaking with confidence.

No matter what he said, it was always good to get something first.

Open the box, a pure and translucent milky white stone, like a sun inlaid in the middle, exudes a faint golden halo.

This is the purity that top-quality evolutionary stones should have!

Xia Yan looked at this Stone of Light, his eyes were dyed by its color.

Under the Stone of Light, there is also a book.

It is a training manual for elves such as Pokby, Pokkigu and Pokkisi.

Xia Yan flipped through it casually, and found some descriptions and understandings in it, which were very insightful.


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