The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 281 Arriving at Sinnoh

The San Annus sailed smoothly, and after leaving Hoenn, it headed straight for the Sinnoh area.

Xia Yan's life is also very stable.

Indeed, as Cage said, as long as they don't show up and attract attention, there is no danger.

Xia Yan deliberately chose the location of the first-class cabin at the stern, which is close to the elf training area on the cruise ship. With the help of Yongjila's teleportation ability, he can travel between the training ground and the room at any time.

Once you put your heart and soul into elf training, time goes really fast.

In a blink of an eye.

Ten days passed.

The growth rate of the elves has gradually slowed down. It is no longer just a few days before the strength changes drastically.

This is an inevitable process.

As the strength of the elves increases, this speed will become slower and slower.

Even in the future, at the master level, the quasi-king level, and even the king level, the strength of the elves will not change much in a year or several years.

Just like many older trainers, their elves started to stagnate after their strength reached a level, and when they reached the king level, every little progress required a lot of time and effort. resources to accumulate.

But this also has a lot to do with whether the elves have laid a solid foundation when they were still weak.

The better the elf's foundation is, the less likely it will be to encounter such stagnant situations in the future.

Many old-fashioned trainers did not have a good foundation, which directly led to the lowering of the upper limit of elves in the future, resulting in stagnant progress in strength.

Because of this, many people will cultivate elves of the second echelon and third echelon in order to break this situation.

Therefore, Xia Yan is not anxious about the current slow progress of the elves, but chooses to work steadily, and slowly discover all the potential that the elves should master and tap.

He now has the top-quality Stone of Light, but he is not in a hurry to use it for Pokkigu.

It has just evolved, and there is still a lot of potential to be tapped.

After maximizing everything that can be improved at this stage, and then using the Stone of Light to evolve, there will definitely be a surge in strength after evolution.

Therefore, many people like to use elf props like the unchanging stone.

Except for Pokkigu, the rest of the elves were not in a hurry.

Master the existing moves, use them proficiently, integrate them thoroughly, thoroughly understand the props you own, and use the energy changes and uses in the body to the extreme. The progress that should appear will naturally appear.

Of course, although the progress in strength has slowed down, compared with ten days ago, there are still obvious changes.

It's just that compared to the previous speed of progress, it seems a bit slower.

Big Needle Bee learned a lot of skills about using sword dance moves from the single scabbard, and her mastery of sword dance has improved significantly, and the rest of the moves can also be slowly used in battle.

Yongjila has also improved his proficiency in the newly learned moves. The use of the two props of life orb and curved spoon can be regarded as an introduction. His diligence and hard work have once again been rewarded as they should be.

Not to mention Pokkigu, the sleeping moves are tailor-made for it, and the combination of supernatural power, sharp teeth and Tianen characteristics is also slowly experienced, learned and mastered.

Although the solo scabbard still looks cautious as before, because Xia Yan himself is also a cautious person, Xia Yan's various tactical combinations also make the solo scabbard very much, and it can even be said to coincide with its fighting philosophy, so The speed of running-in is very fast, and the degree of tacit understanding is also increasing.

These are all progress, and they are all moving in a good direction.

And today, Xia Yan's short-term training plan also came to an end on this day.


The St. Annus successfully reached Primordial City in the Sinnoh region, the largest port city in the Sinnoh region.

Xia Yan held Mei Yu's hand, like a brother and sister visiting the Sinnoh area from other places. Behind him, Kaiji stood respectfully with his arms tied, with his head bowed like a respectful servant.

The appearance of the two of them also changed a lot.

Xia Yan let the Ditto change onto Miyu's face, and with some simple modifications, he became another person.

As for Kaiji, he is even simpler. A serious injury caused him to have a lot of changes in his body. He became thinner and stooped. Tong's servants are not much different.

Xia Yan's meaning.

If you cover it up too well, it will attract people's attention, but if you walk out openly, you won't be suspicious.

Based on his observations.

When they got off the boat, there were at least seven or eight pairs of eyes that went back and forth dozens of times on their bodies, or on Mei Yu's body.

However, when they finally left the port, they lost both eyes.

This shows that Xia Yan's plan is relatively successful.

Of course, it also shows that the other party does not have much doubt about the port's attitude towards the St. Annus, which is the main reason why they did not encounter any danger on the St. Annus.


"Entering Sinnoh, the level of danger will be greatly increased, and the real test will start from this time." Xia Yan said lightly with a smile on his face.

"Yeah." Meiyu took Xia Yan's hand, she had absolute trust and affirmation for his words.

The single scabbard came out of the shadow, and after the blue satin gently pulled his trousers, it disappeared into the shadow again.


This is the single scabbard reminding him that no one pays attention to them for the time being.


Xia Yan brought them to the

Elf Center.

Now, there should be no safer place than the elf center, a special institution of the alliance.

"I rented a big room in the Elf Center. For three months, you will live in it and don't go anywhere. Food will be delivered to your door every day. If you need anything, just call the front desk of the Elf Center."

"Us? What about you?" Cage asked puzzled.

"Me? I'm safe. It's more troublesome to take you with me. I need to find out who the enemy is and how strong it is. Otherwise, we are in the open and the enemy is in the dark. It is very dangerous to act casually."

Xia Yan continued: "It's safe now. But if I were the enemy, I would definitely wait for you near the Xuefeng Temple. Approaching rashly is not a good choice."

I couldn't find Meiyu and Kaiji, but I knew they would definitely go to the Xuefeng Temple, so the trick of waiting for rabbits was very effective.

"Understood." Keji nodded.

Since he chose to trust Xia Yan, he should just follow his plan, and there is nothing wrong with his analysis.

"Brother." Meiyu pulled Xia Yan's clothes timidly.

Xia Yan squatted down and patted his head with a smile, "Don't worry, wait for me to come back obediently, take good care of grandpa, you will be a little adult from now on."


Miha's little head was like pounding garlic.

After saying goodbye to them and leaving the elf center, Xia Yan took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"I'm in Sinnoh."

He just said a word and hung up.

This was followed by another call.

Soon, a slightly cold voice came from the other end of the phone, "Xia Yan?"

"It's me, Sirona."

Now that you've arrived at someone else's territory, of course you have to say hello first.

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