The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 373 Nightmare God and Dream God

After finishing the phone call with Sakuragi, Xia Yan continued to check his phone.

After staying in a different space for a month, he came across the battle between the Hunter Guild and the Xuefeng Temple after he came out, so he didn't have time to read the information.

As soon as he slept until noon, Sakuragi called and successfully reminded Xia Yan that there was such a thing.

If you don't look at it, you don't know, but when you look at it, you can find all kinds of information, and there are really a lot.

For example, Du sent some news about his recent progress, and after seeing that Xia Yan hadn't replied to the message for a long time, he expressed concern, and there were dozens of missed calls from him.

Another example is Dawu, the evolutionary stones that Xia Yan entrusted him to sell last time also found buyers and sold them successfully, and the money has already been transferred to his account.

And Sirona.

When Xia Yan came to Sinnoh before, Sirona couldn't get away because she wanted to help Dr. Yamanashi with a research. She hoped that Xia Yan could wait until their experiment was completed, and also hoped that Xia Yan could meet with Dr. Yamanashi.

In this regard, Xia Yan did not refuse at that time.

Judging from the news she sent, the experiment between Dr. Yamanashi and Sirona has come to an end, and it should be completed in the next few days. I asked Xia Yan when he would be free to meet.

There are also Kona and Binena who asked some questions in the group, but they didn't get a reply from Xia Yan, so they sent some private messages to Xia Yan to ask about the situation.

Etc., etc.

A lot of unchecked information.

There was no way, Xia Yan could only ask for a lunch from the Spirit Center, and while giving a reply, he solved the problem of the Wu Zang Temple.

As for elves.

He has delivered all of them to Miss Joy.

He wasn't the only one affected this time, the elves were already exhausted, even with his daily massages and checkups, as well as the help of energy cubes and various healing potions, there was no guarantee that they would be fine.

The necessary inspections that should be done, physical repairs to avoid unmentionable diseases, and many other things are all needed.

The time-consuming was not short, and it happened to give Xia Yan some time to sit quietly and think about the next preparations and plans.

Oh, it's not too quiet, and there is the existence of Duolong Baruto.

With the size of Duolong Baruto, the average room really can't accommodate it.

That is to say, there are not many people in Xuefeng City in winter, and there are many vacant rooms in the Elf Center. Fortunately, Xia Yan stayed in the largest suite, otherwise Duolong Baruto might have to sleep on the street last night.


Watching Xia Yan eat, Duolong Baruto appeared from his invisible state.

"I haven't forgotten you."

Xia Yan said something, took out a box full of advanced energy cubes from his backpack, and placed it in front of it.

These are all made by himself.

In the different space of Regichkas, he collected a lot of berries related to the ghost elves, and the dragon elves could use relatively few, but he found some.

Xia Yan now has a relatively high success rate in making advanced energy cubes. For Duolong Baruto's appetite, it is of course the most cost-effective to do it himself.


Advanced energy cubes and super energy cubes?

sorry, we do not have that.

No way, conditions do not allow.

Do you know how expensive the energy cubes suitable for dragon elves are?

However, the price of anything related to dragon spirits will rise invisibly, not to mention the premium, anyway, the spirit props related to dragon spirits on the market are at least 30% more expensive.

Besides, there is currently no energy cube combining dragon and ghost in the market, which is suitable for Duolong Baruto, and I am afraid that there is only one in the entire elf world.

However, Duolong Baruto didn't choose either. Compared with the double scabbard special energy cube for ghost and steel systems, the advanced energy cube made by Xia Yan was more suitable for its appetite.

Flicking his tail, Duolong Baruto squinted his eyes, happily suspended at a little height from the ground, and began to eat.

While eating, it suddenly thought of it.

I haven't told Xia Yan what I saw last night.

Thinking of his proactive attitude of "going up the road" just now, Duolong Baruto also forgave the previous "half bargaining" incident.

Swallow the power cube in your mouth.


Hearing Doron Barutuo's call, Xia Yan looked at it with some doubts.


Duolong Baruto told Xia Yan what it saw last night, the black air that enveloped Xia Yan in his sleep, and the pink moonlight that fell afterwards to disperse the black mist, allowing him to sleep peacefully.

After listening, Xia Yan was obviously stunned.

"Black mist? Pink moonlight?"

He said that the dream last night felt a little weird, with good times and bad times, constantly changing, which made him feel the extreme "contrast" of the elf world.

After waking up, the dream was still as vivid as before, and it has not dissipated until now.

"Didn't you see it?"


After Duolong Baruto finished speaking, he continued to eat, his mouth was full and he couldn't speak, so he could only nod his head.

Xia Yan showed doubts.

Even Duolong Baruto didn't see it, so it was obviously not a simple existence.

You must know that Duolong Barutuo is originally a ghost-type elf, and may have strength beyond the heavenly king level, but it doesn't even feel it.

Xia Yan's mind suddenly flashed the figures of two elves.

"Could it be those two?"

When it comes to dreams, especially nightmares, it is easy to think of an elf.

It's so handsome it takes your breath away.

Nightmare God, Darkrai!

A phantom beast that almost instinctively causes nightmares in humans or elves.

Despite being called a "Nightmare God", this elven nature isn't bad.

In fact, "inducing nightmares" is nothing more than an act of defense, not deliberate malicious behavior.

This kind of elf was well known and remembered by people in Xia Yan's previous life. There are not many people who like it. There is no other reason, only one, that is.


Being handsome is a lifetime thing.

And that helped Xia Yan relieve the nightmare, or help all the beasts affected by Darkley's nightmare and relieve the influence.

Dream God, Cresselia!

Strange to say, Darkrai and Cresselia can be regarded as corresponding elves.

Darkrai only have males and Cresselia only females.

But the two kinds of elves are phantom beasts and mythical beasts.

Xia Yan was lost in thought.

The appearance of this situation, let's say how unexpected it is, is actually not too unexpected.

Darkrai does show up every once in a while, and Cresselia follows suit.

And the place where Darkrai and Cresselia lived.

Xia Yan turned his head and looked out the window.

Pass through Xuefeng Mountain, cross Wisdom Lake, leave the land and enter the sea. After sailing west for a while, you should be able to reach the two small islands.

Crescent Island and Full Moon Island.

Crescent Island is where Darkrai lived, and Full Moon Island was where Cresselia lived.

In other words, the distance between the two elves is actually not far from Xuefeng City.

With their abilities, it doesn't take much time to rush from the two islands to Xuefeng City.

"It's a pity that I didn't get to see Darkley." Xia Yan shook his head with a little regret.

He didn't say anything else.

That is.

As soon as Darkley appears, there must be no good things.

Its posture of colliding with big events is not even comparable to Absolu, the beast of disaster who can predict the coming disaster, and it is almost comparable to a elementary school student of death.

Wherever you go, you die.

Darkley's appearance in Xuefeng City does not mean it is a good thing.

It may be three changes today (not necessarily at all), and it should be gone today if there is no change at eleven o'clock. I tidy up the outline, a little bit slow.

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