The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 374 Sirona's Choice Difficulty

"I have arrived."

Xia Yan put down the phone, put away the ancient giant fly, and jumped directly from midair.

There is really nothing to say about the speeding up of the ancient giant flies.

As long as the flight time is long enough and there are no obstacles encountered during the flight, the speed will be very fast.

Although the ancient giant flies should be extinct in theory, if they appear in the public eye, they will definitely attract a lot of attention.

But since you can't be seen, it's fine as long as you don't see it.

On the way, Xia Yan let the ancient giant fly directly above the clouds, not only to avoid unnecessary gazes, but also to make himself more comfortable during the flight, without having to endure such heavy wind and rain.


Xia Yan stepped on the dead leaves with both feet and landed smoothly.

The super power doesn't need to fully support him, as long as it can slow down the falling speed, that's enough.

Xia Yan has to admit that with the increase in the strength of superpowers, as well as superpowers and control abilities, he is more and more fond of the benefits of the convenience of this ability, and understands why so many superpowers look down on ordinary people.

It is really because after possessing this special ability, there will be no small advantages in all aspects.

The place Xia Yan arrived at now is a small town in the Shen'ao area, but it is a town with a good reputation, Zhensha Town.

The reason why it is famous is because there is a research institute that is very famous throughout Sinnoh, and there is also an important figure in the entire elf research world, Dr. Yamanashi and his Dr. Yamanashi research institute.

After noticing the appearance of Clay and Cresselia, Xia Yan decided not to stay too much in Xuefeng City.

There must be something going on there or in that area, and he doesn't want to get involved in such complicated things now, he just hopes to transform the resources and props obtained in Regichkas' different space into his own strength as soon as possible.

He had experienced too many things some time ago, and the strength level of the people and elves he had contacted was too high. To a large extent, he was able to survive with the help of external forces, or elves that did not belong to him.

For example, Snorkel, Doron Baruto, and Regis.

Changes brought about by such external forces are unstable, and what one can ultimately rely on is one's own strength.

Even if it is Duolong Baruto, once the time is up, Xia Yan is not qualified to become its trainer, I am afraid it will go looking for the Dragon Crystal.

So now he desperately needs time to settle down.

And I came to Zhensha Town because of the invitation of Sirona and Dr. Yamanashi.

If there is no accident for Sirona, no one can compete with her for the championship in the Sinnoh region in the future. Unlike Du, Kona will always serve as the biggest obstacle on his way to becoming a champion. Sirona is absolutely unmatched in the entire Sinnoh region.

This is quite similar to Dawu in Fengyuan area.

But for a future champion, the connections and relationships that can be preserved must continue.

After all, Sirona is not like Dawu. After being a champion for several years, she has to go home to take over billions of assets and give up the position of champion to others.

This will only be good for Xia Yan, and rarely bad.

Not only Sirona, but also Dr. Yamanashi.

As a well-known doctor of elfology in the elf research community, Xia Yan will soon become a member of the research community. If he wants to continue to rise to gain more benefits, it is obviously necessary to get along with such a doctor.

The one who has the closest relationship with him now is Sakuragi, and he will soon become a doctor. If he can get along well with Dr. Yamanashi, then in case Xia Yan really wants to be promoted to "Dr. Xia Yan" or "Dr. Dodo" in the future, the recommendation and support of other doctors are still very important.

"Xia Yan."

Suddenly, Xia Yan, who was approaching Zhensha Town, heard a familiar cold voice.

look up.

That pretty woman standing at the intersection, wearing a long black dress and long blond hair, is not the future Sinnoh champion Sirona.

Seeing Sirona waiting for him, Xia Yan sped up a little.


"Sirona." Xia Yan greeted politely.

Sirona nodded indistinctly, "I didn't expect you to be quite fast, and it didn't take long to get here from Xuefeng City."

"Fortunately, I am preparing to leave."

"The doctor is waiting for you."

With that said, Sirona led Xia Yan to Dr. Yamanashi's Institute.

en route.

"You're sorry, you chose to hide your identity." Sirona apologized.

Xia Yan chose to use the title of "Dodo", naturally not because he wanted to announce his identity, but Sirona still introduced him to Dr. Yamanashi. Although she asked about Xia Yan's attitude, she was more or less apologetic.

Hearing this, Xia Yan smiled and waved his hands.

"It's okay, people will know sooner or later anyway."

He will soon have a "Bachelor" degree.

This kind of formal thing naturally cannot use the slightly "ridiculous" nickname of "Dodo".

Besides, Sirona is indeed out of kindness.

Getting in touch with Dr. Yamanashi would benefit Xia Yan the most without asking.

No need to hold on to this.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, Sirona was slightly relieved.

The two walked slowly on the stone road in Zhensha Town, not knowing how to communicate for a while, and fell into silence.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Xia Yan thought for a while, maybe he should be the first to break this silence, it was uncomfortable.

But before he opened his mouth and had no time to speak, he heard Sirona say:

"By the way. I heard that you and Researcher Sakuragi have achieved certain results in the research on 'intimacy'? Especially in terms of Eevee's evolutionary type."

Xia Yan froze for a moment, then nodded immediately.

"Yes, Ibrahimovic Sun and Ibrahimovic Moon are the types that can appear after the Ibrahimovic and the trainer's intimacy reaches the standard value of 220 points during the day and night respectively. The attributes of the two elves are evil and super power."

"Evil and superpower?" Sirona blinked.

Some hesitation.

Because, whether it is evil or superpower, there are elves with these two attributes in her current team, namely Huayan Monster and Kirulian.

If possible, she doesn't really want to choose these two directions, and it is estimated that her Ibrahimovic may not like it either.

Is it necessary to choose the first three evolutionary types?

If you want to choose those three, in fact, Sirona doesn't have to wait until now, she can already let her Eevee complete the evolution.

Unexpectedly, after turning around, it finally returned to the original point.

What to choose is the most tangled.

Seeing the change in Sirona's expression, Xia Yan thought about it for a while, and probably guessed what she was thinking.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about it, because in our research and prediction, the Sun Ibrahimovic and the Moon Ibrahimovic are not all." Xia Yan said in relief.


Sirona's eyes lit up.

"There will be other evolutions?"

"Ibrahimovic now has five evolutionary types. Who can guarantee that there will be no new evolutionary types in the future? Right?"

Sirona nodded thoughtfully.


There are already five kinds, and there may be more.


The five evolutionary types have already made her very entangled and she doesn't know which choice to make. If there is a new evolutionary type, how should she choose?

"Just think about what attribute spirit you are most worried about when you are fighting against others, and then make a choice."

"Are you most worried about meeting?" Sirona thought for a while.

Shaking his head, he said, "It seems not."

Xia Yan: "."

I almost forgot who this was in front of me.

Take a deep breath.

"To put it another way, what attribute do you think is the most tricky and difficult to deal with?"

"In this way, dragon elves, dragon elves are more troublesome elves." Sirona said hesitantly.

"That's fine, don't worry about it, just choose someone who can restrain the dragon elves."

Among Eevee's evolved types, there are two types that can restrain dragon spirits.

Ice-type Ice Eevee and fairy-type Fairy Eevee.

But now the fairy system hasn't appeared yet, and the fairy system can't restrain the flying system, right?

"Understood, thank you, Xia Yan."

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