The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 543 The temperature across time and space

The unknown totem brought him to Xicui area?

The so-called Xicui area is actually the ancient name of the Sinnoh area, which is what the Sinnoh area looked like in ancient times.

Because the climate and environment at that time were very different from the Sinnoh region at this time, just like the Alola region and the Galar region, many elves have some differences from modern elves.

For example, the horned deer that Xia Yan saw at this moment, and the warrior eagle that he had seen in the different space of Regichkas before.

It's just that Xia Yan couldn't figure it out.

Although the unknown totem is very capable, it is not possible to bring him from modern times to the ancient Xicui area, right?

This already involves the field of time.

Xia Yan knows that the unknown totem has some tricks in space, but he really doesn't know the ability in time.


Even if he travels to the Xicui area, according to the location of Shuran Town in Tianguan Mountain, he shouldn't appear in the snow-covered area west of Tianguan Mountain in Xicui area.

It is more likely that what should appear is the scorching area to the east of Tianguan Mountain.

Can't figure it out.

Xia Yan frowned.

Looking at the frightened horned deer and tricky horned deer in the distance.


Xia Yan glanced at Pokkisi and Latios beside him, and suddenly said to Hu Di in a deep voice: "Hu Di, think hard!"


Hu Di looked serious, and didn't ask Xia Yan why he made it attack, but just supported one of the spoons with his super power.

The superpowers on his body surged and surged, and a group of dark spiritual energy clusters gathered in front of him.

In the direction of the frightened horned deer and the tricky horned deer, it quickly smashed over.

However, the next second.

The moment Hu Di's "spiritual thoughts" touched the deer with horns, it was like throwing a stone into a pool to cause ripples, and the surrounding space rippled faintly.

However, the expression of the deer that has been "watching" here has not changed in any way.


Xia Yan frowned slowly.

In this way, some things can be explained.

For example, why does the Unknown Totem have the ability to travel through time.

Another example.

Xia Yan looked at Pokkisi and Latios again.

Why did the two little guys go to lick the snow, but they couldn't feel anything.

More like.

As a pathfinder and protector, the Scarlet-horned Deer should have the ability to perceive danger. Since Xia Yan and the others are so wary, why would the Scary-horned deer be allowed to come here for food?

These unreasonable points before were subconsciously ignored by Xia Yan.

But coupled with the movement caused by Hu Di's attack at this moment, it all made sense at once.


This is not the real Xicui area at all.

It's an illusion created by the unknown totem!


Soon Xia Yan had some doubts again.

Why can Hu Di feel danger?

Feel the presence of the deer.

This is very strange.

It stands to reason that since the Sly-Horned Deer can't sense them, they shouldn't be able to sense the Sly-Horned Deer either.

This point has been confirmed by Hu Di's attack just now.

Could it be that.

Xia Yan turned to look at Hu Di, "Can you still sense the horned deer?"

Hu Di was also full of doubts, a little unclear about the situation.

But after hearing Xia Yan's question, he nodded after carefully sensing it.

Can still feel it.

That is.

Xia Yan looked around, "This is not a pure illusion, nor is it a pure space-time travel to wash the emerald area, but a vague time-space travel and a vague environment. Perhaps it is more appropriate to use time-space folding?"

Existence similar to the space-time gap?

space-time rift.

The area where the unknown totems live is in some ancient ruins and cracks in time and space.

Simple to understand.

It is the special ability of the unknown totems that created a fantasy.

However, due to some special reasons, the illusion they created blurred the concepts of space and time, causing the past and present time and space to overlap.

That's why Hu Di could feel the presence of the horned deer, and Xia Yan and the others could clearly feel the temperature of the air.

It's just that such space folding is incomplete and unstable, so they can only achieve a part of the interaction.

Perhaps it is because the number of unknown totems that created this illusion is not enough, or it is the special ability possessed by a certain unknown totem.

Because Xia Yan remembered that among the unknown totems, in addition to the twenty-six unknown totems represented by the twenty-six letters, there were also two special unknown totems, which represented "exclamation mark" and "question mark" respectively, and they had even more special abilities.

Ordinary unknown totems don't have the ability to travel through time and space, but that doesn't mean these two special unknown totems don't.


Xia Yan was lost in thought.

"If it is really because the number of unknown totems is not enough and the ability is not strong, so the time-space folding is not stable enough, does it mean that collecting a large number of unknown totems, or even those two special unknown totems, can really open the way to the Xicui area?"

The existence of this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Then the question before us is.

How to leave this illusion?



Doron Baruto's voice sounded behind Xia Yan.

Yes, there is also Duolong Baruto.

With the strength of Duolong Baruto, he may have discovered the strangeness here long ago.

I saw Duolong Baruto slowly revealing his figure.

Tilting his head, there was a little doubt in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Duolong Baruto?" Xia Yan asked.

"Baruya~~" Duolong Baruto shook his head slowly, looking at the steep cliff in the distance.

The feeling just now was particularly obvious to him.

the other side.

After Pokkisi and Latios also realized that this is an illusion, they felt very novel.

Going back and forth.

For a while, it flies to the sky, for a while, it falls to the ground, and for a while, it lifts up the snow on the ground.

They obviously felt the weight, but when they stretched out their tongues to lick it, they found that it was really unreal, as if they were licking the air.

Although it was cold, there was no feeling of touch.

"Cha~ Keyi~~"


The two elves had a great time playing.

But the little flame monkey, because the temperature of the surrounding air was too real, it kept lying on Xia Yan's shoulder, refusing to leave.

"Cha Ke Yi!"



The two elves put down the snow at the same time, raised their heads, and looked at a bush in a different direction from the dense forest where the Slyhorn Deer was.

Xia Yan, who was thinking about how to leave, also noticed the strangeness of the two elves.

"What's wrong?"


Latios waved at Xia Yan.

Pokkisi also asked Xia Yan to come and take a look.

With some doubts, Xia Yan approached the bushes.

After getting close, he also noticed something strange.

Frowning, he slowly pushed aside the dense bushes, only to see a lot of blood stains on them.

And in this bush, lay a little fox.

To be precise, it is covered with white hair all over its body, but it also has light red hairs in gradual changes on the eyes, neck, tail, top of the head and other places. On the closed eyes, two bright red eyebrows flicker, indicating that it is still alive at the moment.

But judging from Xia Yan's experience, if such an injury cannot be treated in time.

I am afraid that death is not far away.

But what surprised Xia Yan the most was not the state of the elf, but its appearance.


And it's still Zoroya in the emerald form!

A Pokémon with a combination of Normal and Specter attributes.

It does look cute.

As far as Xia Yan knows, Zoroya with the Emerald Emerald appearance and their evolved Zoroark have more violent personalities than the ordinary Zoroar and Zoroark.

Their bodies will naturally exude resentful energy, which will not only make people see horrible pictures, but also cause them harm.

It is not surprising that Pokkisi, who is a happy elf, and Latios, who loves a friendly atmosphere, can find this seriously injured Zoroya.

But the current situation is that Xia Yan should not be able to touch this Zoroya.

Simply tried it out.

His palm passed through Zoroya's body easily.

Obviously, the time and space folded by the unknown totems are the most real dead objects and some plants, and living creatures like elves are basically impossible to have contact and interaction.


All he could do was watch Zoroya leave silently.

"Oss~~" Lattios drooped his head, feeling a little lost.

Pokkisi's expression is similar to it.

Although they are disgusted by the aura that Zoroya undoubtedly exudes, they are not elves who only look at the appearance.

They can clearly feel that this Sorolla's heart is actually not bad, and it can even be said to be very kind.

And the most real thought in Sorolla's heart right now is

It wants to go home.

It wants to see its loved ones again.

It's a little scary.

The vast snowfield, the icy environment, the body that gradually lost consciousness, and the consciousness that gradually became chaotic.

All kinds of things made this young Soroya feel scared.

This emotion was captured by Pokkisi and Latios, so their emotions became very depressed.

Xia Yan looked at Soraya in the bushes with a complicated expression.

He thought of when he first came to the elf world.

Although it was the memory of his predecessor, he remembered it very clearly.

It was a hazy rainy day, and the rain in late autumn was extremely cold. At that time, he was lying in the piercing pool, feeling the slow flow of life, and his consciousness was like being imprisoned in a cold and dark cage, helpless, sad, full of despair, but with the last trace of humble prayer.

If it wasn't for Xia Yan's arrival that reinvigorated this body, it would probably be the same as the Soraya in front of him.

There was a moment of trance.

This Soroya and Xia Yan's memory overlapped.

Sighed silently.

He took out a box of energy cubes from his arms.

After thinking for a while, he took out two more potions to treat his injuries and placed them in front of little Soroya.

Whether it can be touched or not.

At least doing so will make Xia Yan feel a little better.


On the other side, Hu Di shouted at Xia Yan.

I see.

The surrounding scene, like a mirror, began to be fragmented, like the marks gradually wiped by an eraser, dissipating little by little.

Xia Yan stood up and patted the bodies of Latios and Pokkisi.

"Let's go."

Entering the range covered by Hu Di's superpower package, the illusion completely dissipated.

But what Xia Yan didn't know was.

The moment the illusion dissipated, a real world just like what he saw.

That familiar shrub.

The weak Soroya, who was dying in the bushes, frowned slightly, and his eyelids trembled slightly, opening a gap.

in front of its eyes.

Suddenly, a metal box appeared, as well as granular food exuding a strong fragrance, and two crystal-clear emerald green potions.

Surprise appeared in Sorolla's bewildered eyes.

The hope of life, let it use up the last bit of strength, and smashed stubbornly into the metal box.

The abundant energy brought a slight change to its dry body.

The food is delicious, and the potion works well, but what makes it the most memorable is the slight temperature on the box and the residual smell.

this moment.

Two crystals slipped from the corners of Sorolla's eyes.

"Little Flame Monkey, I'm fine, don't comfort me."

Xia Yan, who calmed down his complicated heart, said to the little flame monkey on his shoulder.


Little Flame Monkey was dumbfounded.

Xia Yan didn't say much, and gently wiped his cheeks with his palm, and wiped away the two water stains.

Water has temperature.

Is it the saliva of the little flame monkey?

In this regard, Xia Yan did not have any rejection, but felt that his mood improved a lot for no reason.

This may be the bond between humans and elves.

When looking around again.

It has become pitch black.

Even the fire light emanating from the little flame monkey seemed to be swallowed up and disappeared the moment it came into contact with the darkness.

If it wasn't for Xia Yan's feet, he could still clearly feel that he was standing on the ground, and he might have wondered if he had fallen into some endless abyss.

A bright beam of light suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's like a door slowly opening in the dark.

Xia Yan hesitated a little, then raised his foot and walked towards the door.

At the same time he entered the door, several Unknown Totems appeared where he had just stood.

The body of the unknown totem is covered with a light halo, and the communication between each other does not need to be through words.

But one can see deep surprise and astonishment in their eyes.

An unknown totem of the letter "D" that Xia Yan saw for the first time before, is in a very sluggish state at the moment, with drooping eyes, looking very tired.

After some unknown discussions among the unknown totems, the letter "P" supported the letter "D", followed the rest of the unknown totems, formed a black line, and floated in the direction of the door Xia Yan walked in.

Accompanied by the ripples, the unknown totems entered the closed door one by one.

The Unknown Totem, who just thought it was fun, wanted to create an illusion to scare Xia Yan.

After all, being disturbed to sleep is not something to be happy about.

But it seemed that even they didn't understand why things were developing in a direction that they didn't understand.

Ever since.

The unknown totems decided to find out whether there was something wrong with them or Xia Yan.

And even the Unknown Totems didn't notice.

Where Xia Yan was standing just now, on the pitch-black ground, two drops of crystals were quietly left in it.

Wait until everything is silent.

A special unknown totem with drooping eyes, half-closed and half-opened, appeared beside the two drops of crystal.

If Xia Yan is here, he can definitely recognize that what this unknown totem represents is not a letter, but a "question mark"!

"Question mark" tilted his head, a rare curiosity appeared in his lazy eyes.

But it seemed that he had sensed something again. After standing up and taking a deep look in a certain direction, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness.


The previous chapter buried a little bit of foreshadowing. You guys didn't expect such a development, did you? Hey - don't doubt my rigor~~

Zoroya and Zoroark in Xicui region, come here!

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