The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 544 The Wronged Latios (5000 words)

go through the door.

Xia Yan and his elf came to a brand new place again.

This place is different from the previous Xicui area, where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and it looks like a paradise.

Take a deep breath.

It is full of strong green grass smell.

in sight.

It is a vast grassland. At the end of the grassland, you can vaguely see a dense jungle. In the other direction, you can see a large area of ​​rocks. At the end of the rocky area, you can vaguely see a snow mountain surrounded by clouds and mist.

Behind him, there is a huge lake, the surface of the lake is very calm, reflecting the clouds in the sky.

As the breeze blows, the green grass shakes its fresh and tender leaves, and ripples appear on the surface of the lake.

The whole gives people a very quiet and peaceful feeling.

Many elves are active here.

"Is it an illusion again?"

Xia Yan thought to himself.

The unknown totems seem to enjoy creating illusions, creating different illusions one by one.

And because of this environment, Xia Yan and the elves felt much better.

The heart that was heavy because of Zoroya in the Xicui area was also calmed down.

Little Flame Monkey jumped to the ground and stretched his body.

It almost froze up just now.


A figure flashed across the sky and landed beside the lake behind Xia Yan.

Following the sound, it was a big king swallow.

Its jet-black plumage and signature scissor-shaped tail are its testimonials.

Immediately afterwards.


A big king swallow and a proud swallow flew from a distance, standing by the lake and drinking water.

Except for the big king swallow that arrived at the very beginning and kept staring in Xia Yan's direction, the rest of the big king swallow and proud swallow just drank water silently.

On the other side of the lake, several snow-white dancing swans and some baby ducks are swimming leisurely on the lake.

The leading dancing swan also kept staring at Xia Yan and the others.

This made Xia Yan raise his eyebrows unconsciously.

On the other side of the shore.

A Happy Kappa beat a tambourine, swayed its body, and sang songs in an inexplicable tone that others could not appreciate. In the water opposite to it, the Lotus Hat Boy and the Lotus Leaf Boy seemed very excited. They swayed along with the Happy Kappa, causing the lake to ripple heavily.

But Xia Yan noticed that the eyes of this Lotte Kappa also swept across his body intentionally or unintentionally.

After a little hesitation, Xia Yan walked towards the lake.


A few proud swallows seemed to be frightened, they flapped their wings and flew up, taking the initiative to avoid Xia Yan who was approaching.

At the same time, several big king swallows also flew up, staring at him vigilantly.

Seeing that he didn't make any outrageous moves, he didn't attack directly.

"Can you see and feel me?"


Isn't this an illusion?


Before Xia Yan could make any more tentative actions, the proud swallows and king swallows who were drinking water by the lake flapped their wings and flew up, quickly distanced themselves from the lake, and flew towards the direction they came from.

At the same time, the dancing swans and baby ducks who were leisurely on the lake also flapped their wings and flew towards the opposite bank.

The singing of Lotte Kappa stopped abruptly, and Lianmao Boy and Lianye Boy also climbed ashore one after another and got into the grass by the lake.


Immediately afterwards.

The water suddenly broke, and a huge blue figure jumped out of the lake, and a huge shadow enveloped Xia Yan.

What rushed out of the water was a Gyarados!

The splash of water hit his face, making Xia Yan feel a little cool.


Under the irradiance of the light and the reflection of the water droplets, the blue scales of the Gyarados shine brightly.

The airflow driven by the roar kept flicking Xia Yan's hair.

"Cha Ke Yi!"




The four elves reacted immediately.

Hu Di moved in an instant and appeared in front of Xia Yan. Two spoons were suspended in front of him, and rich superpower energy gathered on them.

Pokkisi and Latios were not slow, and with the sweeping air current, they hovered in front of Xia Yan.

The Little Flame Monkey was a little slower, but he came to him in time, with flames in his hands, ready to fight at any time.

But Xia Yan seemed quite calm.

He has made sure of one thing.

The previous Xicui area might have been an illusion, but now it shouldn't be.

Tight and born the idea is

"Gyarados is also a dragon."

The great pioneer told us that as long as you are not embarrassed, it is someone else.

the same way.

As long as you think it is, it is someone else who is wrong.

Since this tyrannosaurus is real, some thoughts of Xia Yan became active.

After all, the construction of his gymnasium is imminent, and it is estimated that there is not much time before the opening of the gymnasium.

Among the dragon elves, there are only Sonic Dragon, Monster Jaw Dragon, and Blazing Tortoise, and the cubs of Sonic Dragon may also be counted, but this span of strength is too large, and the number is too small.

It is impossible to send elves with corresponding strengths to give accurate assessments when facing different challengers.

This tyrannosaurus that suddenly appeared looks very good, but its actual strength is not very strong.

Only the elite class.

This happened to meet Xia Yan's request.

"However, since it is an elite class, it is still necessary to match a suitable opponent."

Xia Yan threw the elf ball.


Double scabbards appeared in front of him.

After a period of training, the double scabbards have gradually gotten used to the body at this time. Although there is no obvious improvement in strength, the improvement in combat effectiveness is still obvious.

"Sword Dance."


Seeing that his roar did not scare Xia Yan away, the tyrannosaurus' already irritable temper became more and more out of control.

Layers of ice crystals appeared in the angry mouth, and the flick of the tail caused even greater waves in the lake, and he lunged forward and bit Xia Yan viciously.

Frozen Teeth!

Clang! !

However, before it fell completely, a long blue sword lay across its mouth, and the ice crystal collided with the shadow of the sword, making a crisp sound.

The double scabbards that have already mastered the "Sword Dance" move blocked the attack of the Gyarados.

next second.

A little emerald green appeared on the imaginary blue sword shadow, and with the swing of the long sword, the huge body of the Gyarados was thrown back abruptly.

The double scabbard let out a breath silently.

When the eyes were closed and then opened, the eyes on the two swords opened at the same time.

Before the Gyarados fell into the water, another attack followed.


And then the third sword!

Boom! !

The Gyarados slammed heavily on the surface of the lake, splashing even bigger waves, and hitting Hudi's superpower barrier.


The double scabbard flicked the long sword, and there was an air of one man guarding the gate.

Don't doubt, this must be another way of its behavior.

The combo move of the Holy Sword Slash has been used quite skillfully. There is not much interval between the attacks of the three consecutive swords. The connection is quite perfect, and the advantages of the two swords are maximized.

And the power of the "Holy Sword" move was raised to the maximum in a short period of time.

In the words of the double scabbard itself.

In this state, it only needs one sword against all enemies!


There were little stars in Latios' eyes.

So handsome~~

Little Flame Monkey rubbed his palms.

It felt that it seemed to lack a handy weapon.

The surface of the lake churned, and the Gyarados, which had lost its ability to fight, slowly floated up and floated on the surface of the water.

Incapacitated to fight.

Since the last time the double scabbard became popular on the Internet, it is keen to use a sword to solve the opponent.

Double scabbards with a flamboyant personality: This is handsome and fits his status!

Double scabbards with cautious personality: Knock down the enemy as soon as possible, so that it can't hurt me.

Xia Yan casually threw the empty elf ball.

There is no doubt that this tyrannosaurus will be subdued.

The other gym owners belonged to dozens or hundreds of elves, and now he really belongs to the one with no cards.

Since this is not an illusion, is there a chance to replenish my dragon spirit reserve?

No, dragon spirit reserves.


"Well done." Xia Yan patted the hilts of the double scabbards encouragingly.

The double scabbard showed a shy look.

After the fight, that flamboyant character fell silent.

"If it's not an illusion, you can really take a stroll." Xia Yan muttered.


The little flame monkey at his feet pointed to the distance. In the direction of the rock piles, there seemed to be a certain valley, and the flames burst into the sky, turning half of the sky red.

Little Flame Monkey clicked its teeth subconsciously, feeling a little itchy for no reason.

Before, there was no fire.

Xia Yan pondered for a while.

"Anyway, I don't know where to go, so let's go in this direction."

The fire seemed to hide some secrets.

Instead of flying directly, he chose to walk.

Not only to see if I can meet other dragon elves again, but also to exercise Little Flame Monkey and Latios.

Two little guys, one needs to test the results of hard training, and the other needs to test the fighting ability just after being born.

Xia Yan will choose to let some elves with more suitable strengths encountered on the road.

Flame Monkey behaved very well.

It already has a certain fighting foundation, after some training and training by Xia Yan, it has corrected many bad habits before.

The proficiency in mastering moves has also improved significantly, and it is quite handy to fight.

With its excellent strength, it can hardly feel any pressure when facing an opponent of the same excellent level.


Little Flame Monkey also fully demonstrated its talent in fire energy.

With extremely strong flame control and extremely high flame temperature, if you face a grass-type elf whose attributes are restrained on the grassland, you often only need two punches to knock the opponent down.

In Xia Yan's words, Little Flame Monkey is a born fighter.

Some choices and judgments in battle even made his eyes shine.

With excellent flexibility, Little Flame Monkey quickly adapted to such field battles, and quickly adapted to some of Xia Yan's combat command habits.

The tacit understanding has been significantly improved.

Its growth made Xia Yan quite happy.

Compared to Little Flame Monkey, Latios had to stumble a lot.

This is also something that can't be helped, after all, it has just been born, and it is also the first time to fight, so it is inevitable that there will be a stage of incompatibility.

Latios, who had been well protected by Xia Yan, burst into tears when he was attacked for the first time and felt the pain in his body.

But once this time comes, Xia Yan is the most strict.

Instead of giving comfort, he forcefully asked Latios to finish the fight.

Even if it was finished with tears.

Regarding this, although the other elves sympathized, they did not intend to disobey Xia Yan's order.

They know that the harshness at this time is for the good of Latios.

It can't live under Xia Yan's protection all the time, and it can't never take part in the battle.

She shed more tears and sweat now in order to shed less blood in the future.

After all, it is fighting under Xia Yan's care now, so there is no need to worry about its safety. In the future, it will be hard to say.

This is also the Hu Di that Xia Yan cultivated since he was a child, and he feels the deepest.

Although it upholds the same philosophy as Xia Yan, its super power hovers no more than one meter away from Latios at all times, ready to rescue at any time.


Latios is indeed a very talented elf. After a short period of adaptation, it still successfully defeated its slightly stronger opponent.

It also allowed Xia Yan to initially see the outstanding potential of Lattios.

Maybe this was not a good start for it, and it also made it aware of the hard work and sweat behind Xia Yan's other elves, which looked beautiful on the surface.

But this will definitely have a profound impact on Latios' future character and habits.

Walked for a while.

While sitting under a big tree to rest.

Xia Yan personally treated the injuries of Little Flame Monkey and Lattios.

Even before Little Flame Monkey didn't follow Xia Yan, it was not uncommon for him to be injured. In addition, there are medicines and massages available now, so he will soon be alive and well again.


Sitting under the tree, Xia Yan waved to Latios with a helpless smile.

Lattios looked aggrieved, bit his mouth, drooped his eyes, and looked unwilling to approach.

"Hey, give me a massage, and the pain will soon be gone." Xia Yan's voice at this moment is very gentle, with a special magnetic voice.

Latios hesitated.

Is it mad at Xia Yan?


But Xia Yan, who is the closest to Lattios and even treated as a parent, no matter how much he resists physically, he can't feel real anger or even disgust in his heart.

Finally, under the encouraging eyes of Pokkisi and Hu Di, Latios came to Xia Yan and lay down on the ground.

Looking at the wound on Latios's wing, Xia Yan also felt distressed.

But there is no way, there are some things that he can't avoid and don't do if he feels distressed.

That's not doting, it's a scourge.

Stretch out your palm and lightly rest on Latios' wings.

Feeling the temperature from the palms on the wings, Lattios' body trembled slightly, and tears of grievance rolled in his eyes.

Strange to say.

It obviously felt very painful, but when Xia Yan touched his palm, it suddenly seemed to be painless.



Crystal clear tears fell from the corners of Latios' eyes.

Anyone who was angry with their parents when they were young knows that sometimes crying or not crying is just a matter of thought. Give it a little time to calm down, and it may pass.

But if someone ran out at this time and whispered a few words of comfort, the grievance in his heart would burst like a flood.

"Does it hurt?" Xia Yan's soft voice came again.

Latios wanted to nod subconsciously, but he sniffed and chose to shake his head.

Turn your neck.

Seeing Xia Yan's face seriously treating his injuries, and the unconcealable distress in his eyes, Lattios suddenly felt no grievance in his heart.

Perhaps, this may be due to the injury on its body, the pain in Xia Yan's heart.

"If you don't like fighting, we don't have to fight in the future." Xia Yan said suddenly.

He is not the kind of person who stands on the commanding heights of "it's all for your own good" and orders the elves.

Therefore, when he usually chooses elves, he will regard whether the elves' personality and ideas match his own as a very important criterion for judging.

Just like the little flame monkey and the fireball mouse back then, the lively and aggressive little flame monkey and the timid and reserved fireball mouse who grew up under shelter, he chose the little flame monkey.

As for the double scabbard with the same introverted personality, it was because Xia Yan seemed to see himself in the mirror of his personality.

It also turns out that he fits well with the double scabbard.

So if Lattios didn't like fighting, Xia Yan wouldn't force it.

He had never been one to use elves as tools.

Elves are living creatures. They have their own ideas and personalities. They cannot be forced to do something they don't like because of their own requirements. This is one of the basic qualities of a trainer.

Even if an elf like Latios doesn't fight or grow, it will be a waste.

But that is its own choice, and the trainer must respect it.

It is precisely because of this respect that Xia Yan's elves love him very much.

Respect works both ways.


Latios turned his head, put it on Xia Yan's shoulder, and gently rubbed his cheek.

He stuck out his tongue and licked it lightly.

Latios forgave Xia Yan.

It was only angry with Xia Yan's expressionless face when he commanded it to fight, not that Xia Yan must let him finish the fight.

The thought in my heart was that the gentle Xia Yan who loved it was gone.

No matter what, Lattios spent some time with Xia Yan and his elf, and he was already mentally prepared for the battle, but just being mentally prepared means being able to withstand sudden pain.

But it knows now that the gentle Xia Yan is not gone, but just hidden.

Also relieved.

He stuck out his tongue and gently licked Xia Yan's cheek.


'I want to try again, I think I can! '

Xia Yan smiled, gently stroked Latios' neck, and said softly, "Okay, let's try together."

Pokkisi: So warm (rubbing eyes).

Hu Di: (glances at it) Do you understand crisis management?

Pokkiss: Huh?

Hu Di: Then you should have heard a saying. The longest way to go is Xia Yan's routine. You know how to retreat to advance?

Pokkisi: ==(●●|||)


PS: Originally, I didn’t want to write about the changes in Latios’s heart, but after thinking about it carefully, this is also the process that elves must go through to transform and grow, so I left more ink.

The latter is a joke.

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