The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 620 A Month of Precipitation

It was the fifth day after Xia Yan came back.

"Okay, let me first send you some of the materials I have compiled and some of my conjectures. After you help Dr. Yamanashi, we will talk about it in detail."

After getting Sirona's response, Xia Yan put away his phone.


When Xia Yan came back, Sirona wanted to talk to him about the evolution of Menus.

But during this time, Dr. Yamanashi's "egg group" theory has indeed reached the final juncture.

Dr. Yamanashi would not stop Sirona.

But Sirona is also embarrassed to leave at this stage.

There is not much time left, and if you persist, an "egg group" theory that can bring huge benefits to the entire elf world as well as the "intimacy" theory will be released.

to be honest.

For this kind of research result that can benefit the entire elf world, even Sirona will be proud of the hard work and effort put into it.

Sirona is not only a trainer, but also a scholar of ancient studies and a half-elf researcher, and she can't let go of such things.

Then the things agreed with Xia Yan can only be delayed for a while.

It has been a while since Xia Yan came back.

I am not busy writing papers every day, but I am making some new energy cubes and researching the production of energy cubes.


Most of the time is still spent on training elves.

Although there are not many things to do, every day is quite fulfilling, and no time is wasted.

There is no doubt that the strength of elves has improved.

The speed of the big needle bee has been used skillfully, and it has become its regular method.

The most important thing is its leader's aura. With the help of Xia Yan and "Glowing Stone", it has been blended with the overlord's aura. Its strength is not improving fast, but it is very stable. It lacks an opportunity to enter the quasi-king level.

Hu Di has already learned the "juggling space", but is still lacking in some skills.

Pokkisi's "Power of the Moon" can already be used in actual combat, and other moves such as "Air Slash" are also becoming more and more sophisticated, and it is a step closer to fully mastering this threshold.

The strength of the rest like Sword Sword Monster, Fire Monkey, Lattios, and Ibrahimovic has also improved a lot.

In general.

There is no particularly big improvement, but small improvements continue.

This is the case with training elves, and it is a good thing to improve.

Like most of the trainers who have entered the Quasi-Tianwang level or even the Heavenly King level, if they do not lay a good foundation at the beginning and make a long-term plan, their strength will stagnate at a certain stage, and it is normal for them to see no change in ten days and a half months, or even several months.

As long as there is improvement, it means that things are going in a good direction.

Every day is unusually smooth.

However, this is just the beginning.

After that, the life of Xia Yan and the elves was still very stable.

The back and forth lasted for about 10 minutes.

one month!

It has been a full month since Xia Yan came back.

This is him and his elf, never had.

Such a long span of time precipitation, even if it is only a little improvement every day, the benefits it brings are huge.

Big Needle Bee, Hu Di, Pokkisi, and Sword Sword Monster have not improved significantly in paper strength, it can only be said that they are making steady progress.

They are also getting closer and closer to the quasi-king, and the big needle bee is just a step away.

Among the three little ones, Lattios successfully entered the elite level and completed the overtake of the Fiery Monkey.

Although the Fire Monkey also entered the elite level a few days ago.

But after all, it was still a bit slower than Latios.

After all, there is a gap in the innate accumulation of the two elves.

Fortunately, the fire monkey worked hard enough to hone his fighting skills with the bear every day.

There seemed to be a tendency to compete with Big Needle Bee and Hu Di for who is the hardest elf in Xia Yan's team.

Even Ibrahimovic has entered the senior level.

The progress of the little guy does not have a big impact on Xia Yan's overall strength, but with their momentum, taking advantage of the big needle bees to catch up with them while they are accumulating knowledge and polishing their moves, it is impossible at the master level, and it is hard to say at the quasi-king level.

Taking advantage of the time, Xia Yan also arranged training for Little Liuwei and Ugly Ugly Fish.

Although the two elves did not join the team.

But when Xia Yan has the energy to spare, the process of their joining the team will be much smoother than when Latios and the others joined the team.

of course.

In a month's time, a lot of things actually happened.

For example.

Xia Yan finally attended the highest meeting of the Hunter's Guild, and successfully attended with the other two.

He was given the code name "N", or "Hunter N".

Become one of the ordinary twenty seats.

It was also Xia Yan who saw Tom Luqi again after such a long time.

Fortunately, he was relatively restrained. When he saw Tom Luqi sitting at the central round table, he didn't show anything.

The meeting ended quickly.

After that, which areas these seats are responsible for depends on the highest seat they each follow.

Xia Yan, he successfully took over the Hunter's Guild in Jiayuan City.

And taking advantage of his position, he began to curb the unawakened fairy-type elves to prepare for the future.

In addition, I had a phone call with Kikuko.

She didn't arrange any more tasks for Xia Yan, but just asked him to wait.

Did not say anything specifically.

Anyway, the result is that Xia Yan is not much different from before he was seated.

Even without him, the Hunter's Guild in Jiayuan City can continue to operate as usual.

Xia Yan simply took it as a hands-off shopkeeper, just using it as a tool to restrain the elves.

Neither did they point fingers too much, nor tried to recruit any core members.

Even if he is recruited, he may not believe it, it is better not to recruit.

As Juzi said, wait quietly.

The tranquility of the Hunter Guild is only temporary.

I believe that it won't be long before troubles will follow.

It's better to develop well now, and see if there is a chance to get some benefits from it when the civil strife in the Hunter's Guild can't be stopped.

With his current strength, even if he wants to reap benefits, the big head is someone else's.

On the contrary, Joanna was placed in the Jiayuan City Hunters Guild by Xia Yan, and she had enough of being the leader.

It can be regarded as taking over part of the rights for Xia Yan.

In addition, the "German Small Cup" jointly organized by Devon Company and Random Gym has officially entered the stage of promotion.

According to Chrysanthemum said.

It worked surprisingly well.

There is still some time before the start of the cup match, but the traffic in Random Town is obviously much larger.

With the influx of people and the economic development of Random Town, the deficit figure of the gymnasium is getting smaller and smaller.

Maybe there is no need to wait for the official start of the "German Cup" before the gym can start to make a profit.

During the period, Jucai also arranged some people to let Xia Yan interview the head of the gymnasium.

But he was not very satisfied with the results.

Either they are too old, they are inexperienced, they are either incompetent, or they are too ambitious, and they just say that they want to develop the random gym into the largest gym in the Sinnoh area.

This bragging is even stronger than Xia Yan.

So in the end, no one was recruited.

Instead, Xia Yan became addicted to recruiting as a "boss".

Originally he thought.

The next time will still be as stable as before.

Although it has been settled for a month, what is more needed for him, and for his elves, is actual combat.

But after all, the "German Cup" will be held soon.

He was going to wait until the end of the cup before going out.

One is to find a master breeder who can customize top-level energy cubes, and replace the energy cubes for the elves.

The second is to collect unawakened fairy-type elves to prepare for this.

The third is to take a look at some good elves that appeared in the original works, and see if I can get some benefits.

Fourth, of course, is also the most important thing, looking for an opportunity to help the big needle bees enter the quasi-king level.


A phone call interrupted his original plan.

Although Xia Yan was not disgusted by such an interruption.

After all, he is now going out to train the elves and test their accumulated results during this period of time.

But be it.

What the caller told and asked for help made him a little terrified.

"Mr. Yan Xia, I'm afraid you have to come here, we need help."

This call is from Long Yi, "People of Meteor".

Xia Yan instantly recalled the three-month prophecy Darkley gave him.

Count the time.

It seems that it is not far away.

But this matter, Xia Yan really can't shirk it.

Everyone gave a Latios elf egg, and it was a little bit of a denial to avoid it.

And Xia Yan really wanted to go to "Meteor Village" again.

Find the source of the Latios Elven Egg.


Xia Yan still went.

Want to come as long as you don't participate in the battle of "non-flying" them.

Coming back should be in time for the "German Cup".

What Xia Yan didn't know was.

Now in Random Town where fish and dragons are mixed together, there are a few pairs of eyes that have been watching his movements.

After learning that he disappeared for a day without seeing anyone, some people began to look for him like a shark smelling fishy smell.


Nearly 1.3w, asking for a monthly pass!

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