The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 621 Attack! (two in one)

Riding the Sonic Dragon, Xia Yan left the random town again after only informing Jucai and Linghua.

If it was before, he would have to rush from the Sinnoh area to the Hoenn area, and he might have to fly.

But not now.

It is too troublesome to fly, and there may not be a ticket yet, and you may have to wait.

As Lattios' strength rises to the elite level, when he leaves the Sinnoh area, he can break through the clouds and change to Lattios in the sky.

With Latios's current straight-line flying speed, the general hall master level elves can't match it.

"Blue Airplane" is not called for nothing.

The Fengyuan area is located on the southwest side of the Sinnoh area, so Xia Yan needs to cross the Tianguan Mountains first, then pass through the sky above Zhuqing City, and leave the Sinnoh continent from the direction of Xinqi Lake.

Don't worry about direction.

The tool jointly built by Dawu and his company and Silver Company is now more and more perfect in function.

The function of the navigator is still very complete.

Glancing at the Tianguan Mountains under the clouds, Xia Yan, who was standing on the back of the sound wave dragon, was thinking about something.

For example, his next plans and plans, or this trip to Fengyuan, what kind of help do the "People of Meteor" want him to do.

There are a lot of things to think about and stuff.

Some may be able to draw conclusions right away, while others just think about it and sort out their thoughts.


When passing over the high mountain where Zhuqing City is located, something unexpected happened.

Originally flying in the sky, and flying above the clouds, as long as it doesn't enter the airspace of some flying elves with strong territorial awareness, basically it will not encounter any trouble.

As a result, the sound wave dragon flying with Xia Yan suddenly stopped halfway through the flight.

If Xia Yan hadn't fixed himself with superpowers, this sudden stop might have thrown him directly from the sky.

After standing still, Xia Yan didn't immediately blame Sonic Dragon.

It must have its own reasons for doing so.

I saw it flapping its wings, hovering in the sky, its head constantly turning, and opening its mouth from time to time, making a sound that Xia Yan couldn't hear.

From time to time, he turned his head to the side, and his two huge ears seemed to be collecting something.

"What's wrong, Sonic Dragon?"

Xia Yan was a little puzzled by Sonic Dragon's reaction, and couldn't help but ask.


What answered him was Sonic Dragon's low growl and an urgent evasive movement.

Xia Yan held on to its back tightly, and saw a purple figure flying up from under the clouds at an extremely fast speed.

If Sonic Dragon hadn't dodged just now, it might have been attacked by this purple figure.


Hastily dodging the attack, and after stabilizing his figure, Sonic Dragon roared at the approaching figure.

At this time.

Xia Yancai saw what that figure was.

The whole body is dark purple, two pairs of wings, one big and one small, are flapping up and down, yellow eyes and red pupils, provocative in the eyes, and the mouth is grinning, revealing a slightly mocking smile.

"Forked bat?"

Seeing this elf, Xia Yan frowned slightly.

Forked Bat is an evolutionary type of Big-mouthed Bat, and it can only evolve after a certain level of intimacy between Big-mouthed Bat and the trainer is reached, so wild Forked Bat is relatively rare.

Moreover, the wild forked bat has a gentler personality and rarely appears during daytime sleep. As long as you don't actively provoke it, it will not attack others suddenly.

It is daytime.

Just now the forked bat was obviously coming towards them, which meant that this forked bat was not wild, but belonged to a certain trainer.

If we say that elves like cross-word bats were relatively rare in the past, only occasionally some trainers accidentally bumped into them and evolved to a certain degree of intimacy with their big-mouthed bats.

Then, with the publication of Xia Yan and Sakuragi's "intimacy" paper, and the confirmation that some elves need intimacy to evolve, elves such as cross-word bats gradually increased.

It's just that Xia Yan probably couldn't think of it either.

Sakuragi and the papers he published will one day become tools used by others to deal with him.


The Sonic Dragon stopped suddenly just now, and continued to emit and collect sound waves, sensing the existence of the forked bat.

They are both elves who can use ultrasonic waves to perceive, and the frequency of sound waves may be different from each other, but they must be more or less sensitive.


The cross-word bat yelled at Sonic Dragon a few times, and seemed very disdainful of Sonic Dragon's dodge.

At this moment, Xia Yan, who was sitting on the back of the sound wave dragon, could clearly feel the tense body of the sound wave dragon.

Coupled with the speed shown by the fork bat before.

Quasi-king class!

This is definitely a quasi-king-level forked bat!

Xia Yan's face darkened.

This further confirms that this forked bat is a trainer's elf.

As for why you take the initiative to attack yourself

Xia Yan leaned down and patted Sonic Dragon on the back.

sign to go down.

Now in the sky, he is still on the back of Sonic Dragon, if there is a battle, it will be very bad for him.

Sonic Dragon glared viciously at the Chazibat, then turned his head and fled directly under the clouds.

Running is impossible.

Sonic Dragon's speed was not as fast as this forked bat, and it was carrying Xia Yan. Escaping would only make them living targets.

Besides, Xia Yan also wanted to see which trainer was going to attack him.

Sonic Dragon was very fast. After rushing out of the clouds, it flew straight to the high mountain where Zhuqing City was located. The dense and inaccessible jungle was also the closest land that Sonic Dragon could reach.


Sonic Dragon moved first, and when it rushed out of the clouds, the cross-word bat was only slightly slower, also rushed out of the clouds, and approached them at a faster speed.

With the speed of the fork bat, I am afraid that the fork bat will reach Xia Yan before the sound wave dragon reaches the ground.

As a last resort, Xia Yan wiped his palm on his waist.

Hu Di hovered beside him.

And when Hu Di appeared, he also understood what he should do, the spoon bent, and two "spiritual shocks" approached the forked bat.

Although Hu Di is also at the master level, and the cross bat is at the quasi-king level, but after all, superpowers can restrain the poison elves, so the cross bat had to dodge and avoid these two attacks.

Created an opportunity for Sonic Dragon.

It's just that the speed of the cross-word bat is indeed faster than that of the sound wave dragon, even if it avoids Hu Di's attack, it quickly catches up.


Xia Yan opened his lips and teeth lightly, and spit out two.

Hu Di understood, threw out one of the spoons, and centered on it, a "gravity" force field was instantly formed.

The speed of the forked bat finally slowed down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sonic Dragon flapped its wings and flew towards the top of the mountain.

However, seeing the forked bat being blocked, Xia Yan did not relax at all, but became more vigilant.

Since someone was going to deal with him, there must be more than one forked bat. Perhaps that person was already waiting for him on the ground at this time.

A person who has quasi-king-level forked bats, at least two or three quasi-king-level elves.

And this forked bat, after Xia Yan's observation, can confirm that it is not the kind of formed elf that is subdued in the wild, it is definitely cultivated by trainers from a weak period.

Xia Yan didn't believe that such a forked bat could be bred without another quasi-king-level elf.

Think here.

Frost appeared on Xia Yan's stern face, and his narrowed eyes shimmered.


don't run!

He wanted to see who was going to deal with him.

If you fly in the sky, you can be stopped by people. If you can run in the first day of the junior high school, but you can't run in the fifteenth day, you will still be found after all.

If this matter is not resolved today, he will not be able to sleep at ease.

But when it was close to the ground, Xia Yan slapped the ground.


Such a distance, even if the superpower "anchor" point is not left in advance, it is enough to carry out precise "teleportation" indiscriminately.


When his feet landed on the ground, Xia Yan's heart sank a little.

The dense jungle that is not known how far outside the city of Zhuqing, the deep and cold winding path.

Xia Yan didn't move any more, just waited silently.

Fingers lightly fiddled with the elf ball at his waist.

Hu Di had superpowers in his eyes.

Not long.


With Hu Di's soft cry, an attack with superpowers shot towards a certain dense forest.


There was a very familiar flapping of wings.

In the direction of Hu Di's attack, there was an extremely fast yellow sound, driven by the wings as thin as cicada's wings, it evaded the attack by flipping and flashing.

But it also lost the best opportunity for a sneak attack.

"Big Needle Bee."

Xia Yan spat lightly, and said the elf's name.

Unexpectedly, the second attack was actually a big needle bee, and the strength of this big needle bee didn't look weak at all.

This was somewhat beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

Wipe the palm across the waist.

In the red light, Xia Yan's Big Needle Bee and Pokkisi appeared.

"Sizzling beer!"

With the appearance of the big needle bee, its sight was quickly attracted by the big needle bee hovering in the forest.

They are the same kind of elves, and when they meet as enemies, they must be the most hostile.

The big needle bee on the opposite side also saw Xia Yan's big needle bee, its scarlet compound eyes gleamed, and the two long needles rubbed against each other slowly, making an ear-piercing sound.

The two big needle bees just looked at each other, and the momentum on each of them became out of control.

The quasi-king-level giant needle bee!

It is really rare to be able to cultivate a big needle bee to this level.


But when Hu Diyu gave a low shout, Pokkisi understood, flapped his wings lightly, and two arc-shaped milky white sharp blades flew behind Xia Yan.

tuk tuk -

"Air Slash" sank into the tree trunk, making two muffled sounds.

I saw an elf covered in blue and purple, relying on his nimble and agile figure, to avoid the two "air cuts" of Pokkisi.

A bright red pouch under the chin kept bulging, and the yellow eyes with drooping eyelids glanced at Pokkisi with a little laziness.

Poison Skeleton Frog!

The third one!


These three elves are all quasi-king-level elves!

Although due to Hu Di's super power perception, the sneak attacks of the big needle bee and the poisonous skeleton frog failed, but Xia Yan felt tremendous pressure.


the other side.

The forked bat that came a little later hovered over the other side of Xia Yan's position, and the three elves formed a horn-shaking gesture, surrounding Xia Yan and the others.

He didn't attack again, as if he was waiting for someone.

I see.

Under the shade of a tree with low light and extremely low visibility, a figure walked out slowly.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at the person coming.

With a tall and slender figure, she was dressed in a black-purple tights, which vividly outlined her uneven and graceful figure.

But the whole person looks very capable.


Xia Yan's brows were furrowed even more.

When the visitor completely walked out of the shade, Xia Yan still couldn't see her appearance clearly.

Because she wore a pale mask on her face.

Only through the two holes on the mask, one can vaguely see a pair of shadowy eyes under it.

She was holding a piece of yellowed paper that seemed to have something printed on it.

She glanced at Xia Yan, and then compared the picture on the paper in her hand.

"Xia Yan?"

Although the cold voice said a question, its tone was very firm.

Xia Yan didn't answer, but just silently looked at the mysterious man who appeared in front of him.

In the forest, it seems that there are only a few chirping insects and birds, and the occasional breeze will stir up green waves and make a "rustling" sound.

With such a dress and behavior, Xia Yan almost subconsciously matched the visitor with the bounty hunter.

Bounty Hunter.

When Xia Yan traveled to sea for the first time, he also did it for a while.

It's just that what he did was to hunt down pirates for the alliance.

And now, it seems that someone has offered a bounty for his head?

Or is it someone pretending to be a bounty hunter?

There are people who do this kind of work, but they are relatively few.

Because the stakes are too high.

Of course, the risks are high and the rewards are high.

But a trainer with quasi-king-level elves, is it a bit inferior to be a bounty hunter?

Various thoughts flashed through his mind.

In the end, Xia Yan eliminated them one by one.

This situation.

Not the time to think about these things.

What follows is a real life-and-death fight.

One is not good.

The kind that moves your head.

As if confirming Xia Yan's identity, the man didn't wait any longer and waved his hand lightly.

Forked bats, large needle bees, and poisonous skeleton frogs attacked Xia Yan from three directions.

Three quasi-king-level elves!

On Xia Yan's side, whether it was Big Needle Bee, Hu Di, or Pokkisi, they were all at the master level.

In the case of three against three, the disadvantage is extremely obvious.

Xia Yan put his palm on his waist, but didn't move.

Although he was a bit overbearing, he still wanted to try to see how big the difference was between his three and the three on the opposite side.

After settling for a month, I wanted to find a few suitable opponents for the big needle bees and practice their hands.

Isn't this an opportunity?

And with the shield and sword monster hiding in the shadows for protection, Xia Yan felt that he could try it out.

No matter what.

Doron Baruto would not just watch him get killed like this.

What's more, the quasi-king-level elf he carried on his body revealed that if he failed to kill the opponent, his identity as a hunter might no longer be safe.

This is what Xia Yan is most afraid of.


Xia Yan had superpowers in his eye sockets, and he telepathically connected to the elves.

The moment the opponent's moving elf moved, all three of his own elves also moved.


Hu Di's "spiritual field" expanded immediately.

Facing the three poison elves, its super power is definitely the biggest threat.


Thunder arcs jumped on the wings of the big needle bee.

It rushed straight to the attacking needle bee.

The first time the two big needle bees saw it, they determined who the opponent was.


When the man saw the speed of Xia Yan's big needle bee, a little astonishment flashed in his eyes.

So fast?

Even if her big needle bee is quasi-king level, but in terms of speed alone, Xia Yan's big needle bee is still faster than her big needle bee.

For the same kind of elf, the master class is faster than the quasi-king class?

It wasn't just her, even the big needle bee opposite didn't expect it.

"Is it because of the current?"

at the same time.

Pokkisi threw out "Air Slash" again, and wanted to help the big needle bee to see if he could use the instant burst ability of the big needle bee to solve an enemy first.

bang bang——

The result can be imagined.

The forked bat on the opposite side came later, and also had two "air cuts", which directly resolved Pokkisi's attack.


The poisonous skeleton frog's footsteps were silent, and it approached Xia Yan quietly with the help of "surprising blow" speed and silent movements.

The bright red poisonous thorn at the end of the fist glowed with a cold purple awn.

Just touching Xia Yan a little bit is enough to kill him, a fragile human being.

But don't forget.

Now it's in Hudi's "spiritual field"!


The positions of Hu Di and Xia Yan were reversed in an instant. Facing the attack of the poisonous skeleton frog, Hu Di set up a spoon, and a "reflective wall" as transparent as glass stood in front of him.

boom! !

Poison Skeleton Frog's attack hits the "reflective wall".

Hu Di summoned up all his superpowers to resist, but he still couldn't completely counteract the impact, and retreated again and again.

Although it seemed to be very awkward to deal with, this first collision seemed to be successfully blocked.


the fact is

"Underground!" Xia Yan snorted.


The ground trembled violently.

A ferocious Abo monster broke through the ground from Xia Yan's feet.

Directly attacked Xia Yan, who had no elves around him at this moment.

Whether it's the big needle bee, the forked bat or the poisonous skeleton frog, it seems that they have launched a fierce attack, but they are actually creating opportunities for this Arbo monster who is underground.


Facing the vicious giant mouth that broke through the ground.

Hidden in Xia Yan's shadow, the sword monster with a strong shield that was always ready appeared immediately.

The hard shield resisted the bloody mouth of the Arbor monster.

At the same time, Xia Yan was supported to rise rapidly, avoiding the attack range of the Aber monster.

The fourth quasi-king-level elf!

At this time, Xia Yan knew that he couldn't hold on anymore.

Even if it might expose the identity of the hunter.

But if you don't even have your life, it's useless to say more.

The hand clasped around his waist pressed the button on the Poké Ball when the ground trembled.


As soon as the gorilla appeared, he gently fanned the fan, giving Arbor a "delay".

The sword monster with the strong shield carried the "King's Shield" and took Xia Yan back quickly.


PS: Nearly 5000 words~~

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